Sunday, July 04, 2010

Blind Items Revealed

March 30, 2010

So, I'm guessing these two people are not friends. This A list television actress was doing some press for her new movie. Her movies don't usually do that well. Anyway, she was walking out of a press conference and at the same time, this former B list movie actress and now lucky to be a C but with A list name recognition bumped into each other. Just some shoulders grazing. They looked at each other, didn't say a word and just kept right on walking. Oh, and they know each other for sure.

Tina Fey & Jennifer Lopez


  1. hmm... oh they know each other for sure?

    well i guess from SNL days...but i'm sure Enty meant more than that.

  2. I was SURE it was Aniston and someone. GREAT one!

  3. Hhmm...What gives?

  4. snl drama i suppose

  5. i knew there was a reason i love tina fey so much!! :)

    wish i knew the reason!

  6. Hmmm, strange. Must be from J-Lo being a diva on SNL and them falling out.

    That or Tina and Ben Afflect got it on?!

  7. Jlo was a fly-girl not an snl crew member.

  8. how is jennifer lopez c list... not buying this at all.

  9. "March 30" ?! -- Do I have dates wrong or did we just skip over the very BEST blind from the whole year? Wasn't March 1 this item:

    Apparently this one is very close to breaking out into the open, so I wanted to get it on here quickly. This A list female tweener from a cable channel recently wandered into a party drunk out of her mind. When she first arrived she ignored everyone else and just sat on the lap of the guy who brought her to the party. She then takes out an eight ball of coke and snorts line after line, not even paying attention to the rest of the people at the party. Some people leave, so there's only about 5 or 6 people left, and she keeps saying how hot she is so she just takes off her shirt, breasts totally exposed. At this point everyone else is kind of like "what in the...." Anyway a little later on, everyone's still drinking, she gets up on this bunk bed that's in the living room with the guy she came with, on the top bed. She just hikes up her skirt and pulls him on top of her. He asks if she wants a condom and she says "nah, f**k it". They then had sex in front of a room of people. After having sex, the guy she came with passed out. Our tweener got down off the bunk without even saying anything, did some more lines and left.

    I haven't heard ANYONE reveal this great blind. Does it not come out today? Double damn it!

  10. Mark, they don't all get revealed.

  11. Tina Fey was great on Howard Stern when she revealed the guest she hated. The no. 1 guest she hated (of course) was Paris Hilton. She said she had man hands and her hair was falling out in clumps all over the studio. And all Paris wanted to do was skits of people she hated. Mostly of Jessica Simpson.

    Didn't mention hating J.Lo professional jealousy between two women maybe?

  12. Mark, Enty only reveals the ones that people won't bother suing over.

    That one might land him in a lot of trouble if he reveals it.

    But of course I wish he did!

  13. I think JLo was the musical guest the last time Tina Fey hosted SNL. There must have been some drama.

  14. mk- tina fey was head writer all those times JLO was on SNL as a guest.

  15. Interesting reveal, why the mutual hate?

  16. no one guessed it either! RJ got the Tina part and

    flwrgurl said...

    7:27 PM

    but not together!

  17. She's C List because her latest film bombed, her record deal was dropped by Sony and basically nobody gives a damn about her anymore. She's known more for her diva demands than any professional accomplishments which gives her zero power, hence, the C-list.

    She can't even promote a movie right. Everything was about dispelling her bad behavior. I really wonder how much she had to pay Alex O'Loughlin to kiss her ass and play the 'she's so down to earth' card in every interview. It's no surprise that Tina Fey would hate her if JHo was a nightmare on SNL or just from being in the NYC industry crowd. Bitchy behavior gets around faster than Gerard Butler.

  18. Team Fey!

    I have always despised Lopez. Everything about her makes my skin crawl.

  19. Anonymous2:34 PM

    So, JLO was "singing" on SNL?

  20. It goes without saying I'm Team Fey. JLo is probably just jealous of Fey's success. Pathetic.

  21. @annideluc: When she was on Graham Norton's show she was nice, funny, warm - just all-around charming.

    If she is such a cold hard bitch as rumoured, then she is also a much better actress than she has been given credit for.

  22. @Shmooey: Unless you count the fact that she's been playing that character longest of all. Practice does make perfect.

    Aside from the 'Jack Nicholson thinks he's a legend in his own mind' commentary a long time ago in Movieline or some similar magazine, she's never pulled diva antics on camera while being interviewed. Most actors are playing a character while being interviewed anyway. No one truly wants to reveal themselves, even in the 'most revealing interview yet' articles.

  23. Are we talking about the same Jennifer Lopez who complained she got passed over for an Academy Award Nomination for El Cantante becuase she is a latina?

    A movie so bad I couldn't sit through more then 10 minutes of.

    And I still think Jennifer is MV.

  24. @annideluc: True. They all present a sanitised version of themselves.

  25. I bet J.Lo hates Fey because she isn't the kind to go along with her bs. She probably gave it to her straight. Go Tina!

  26. Fly Girl meets Mean Girl? Heh. I have no idea but if true it almost has to be something dating back to (or stemming out of) some In Living Color v. SNL rivalry or somesuch. Maybe not even particularly personal.

  27. JLo is a diva of the first order and Tina probably doesn't like dealing with that crap. Have you ever seen Jlo's tour riders on The Smoking Gun?

    She is one jumped-up bitch.

    And she's the type who doesn't acknowledge those beneath her. Which is pretty much everyone in her eyes.

  28. Team Fey- Love her
    I will agree with the pp that said how nice she seemed in the interviews. I just saw one earlier today & she did seem like "Jenny from the block." But I remember reading about all her tour demands years ago so that is def a bs persona.
