Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brostitution With Tim Roth vs Pug Sings Batman Theme

Are you a guy who never has anyone to hang out with and do guy things? Well, Tim Roth explores the world of Brostitution where a guy can hire someone on the streets to be his friend for the night. For money of course. Hilarious.

I happen to be a big fan of the original Batman theme. Now, it gets even better thanks to this pug who knows a good tune when he hears it.


  1. Both videos are crack-ups. I always love Tim Roth.

  2. The Batman one made me scream with laughter!

  3. Pug wins!

    And I'm not biased, being a pug mom and all. ;)

  4. Love the PUG!!

    My neighbors Pug can say "I love you" :)

  5. Oh, oh, oh! That pug is so adorable!!! I want one! That was a scream, LOL.

    "Brostitute". Freakin' ingenius, LOL.

  6. I thought this was a site about Blind Items and gossip. What is with all the whatever vs. whatever Youtube videos?
    Its like something you would see on a Teenagers page. Very annoying and stupid.

  7. I've lost track of how many times I've seen the Pug Batman video today, and it cracks me up every single time.

  8. I frakkin LOVE Tim Roth!

  9. You don't have to watch them, Becki.

  10. Thanks for a good laugh on a tough day.

  11. Oi, Becki...then don't watch--simple. There are so many other sites to go to that must be worthy of you.

    Loved them both, though I'm pretty sure I heard the pug say "fuck you" at one point...

  12. My nephew-dog is a Puggle, I have a soft spot for Pugs :)..Now to teach my pitty to say something intelligent

  13. I didn't think the Pug would be so funny but I love it!!!

  14. Loved Brostitute! Tim Roth is one of my favorite people on this planet. Thanks Enty!!!

  15. i must say i have been enjoying the videos, they give me something to giggle at!

    both of those where darn funny, but that PUG!!! i want one so bad! but my hubby says no no :'( sad me
