Tuesday, July 06, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This news man from a very popular network is not the nice guy everyone thinks he is. Although he’s got a massive following of people who love him for the fiery morals he preaches, he is actually a big-time jerk in real life. His ego is so huge, his staff despises him, but more importantly, so does his family. He’s working so hard to make himself even more rich and powerful, he’s never around for his children and when he is, he is cruel, cold and verbally abusive. And we won’t even go into how he treats his mistress…..

Not Jon Stewart.


  1. Glenn Beck

    I was once a listener until his ego filled my room.

  2. I really hope this isn't Colbert...

  3. O'Reilly, although it's not very secret he's an a$$.

  4. dr. phil? if you take a broad meaning of sermons . . .

  5. I love how it says not Jon Stewart, as if anyone, anyone in the world, would have guessed that it was him from that description! "Fiery morals" - umm, no, thanks!

    It's some douche like O'Reilly for sure.

  6. glen beck. the 'fiery morals he preaches' seals it for me.

  7. Beck.
    Colbert's "fiery morals" are part of his act.

  8. If this is Beck its a shame. I used to listen to his radio broadcast..not for the politics but for the humor and for the way he spoke of his family. He always spoke highly of his wife and children and most especially of his special needs child. He seemed to me at the time, (this was before his TV gig) to be a real gentleman that had overcome alcoholism and who knows what else to really do something with his life. Shame if its him. Shame.

  9. obviously someone from Faux News, Glenn Beck seems like the obvious choice but Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly certainly fit the bill as well.

  10. I was thinking Bill Maher? When I heard Jon Stewart, I thought Bill Mahr next. Next would be beck

  11. Glenn beck is CRAZY and he was the first one i thought of....oh and if i have to see him cry one more time.....

  12. Gotta be Glenn Beck. No one would describe Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity as nice guys.

    I'm sorry that he's so mean to his kids.

    His mistress's issues must have issues if she's with an abuser who's married.

  13. Conan? I don't know if he fits at all, but he is a redhead (fiery) and is as close to a newsman as Jon Stewart is.

    Does anyone think Beck is a nice guy?

  14. This is Glenn Beck. I've heard as much as well. Gross.

  15. Glenn Beck gets my vote. He's known for being the soft, sensitive nice guy. He definitely preaches fiery morals on his show. Just visit his web site once to see how ego-driven he is. And he totally smells of hypocrit.

  16. I hope it's not Colbert or Maher...I love those guys (and Jon S too!).

  17. Maher doesn't have kids.

  18. Totally Glen Beck he just announced an online University.

    If that isn't self serving ego driven I don't know what is.


  19. I would not have considered Jon Stewart a news man in the sense of NEWS man (like Cronkite, Jennings, etc). "Popular show" pretty much rules out everyone at MSNBC since they are always at the bottom of the ratings.

  20. Glenn Beck fits the bill (fiery morals/preaches gave it away).

  21. I meant "popular network" Fingers move faster than the brain some days ;)

  22. I agree with the Glenn Beck guess. No one thinks O'Reilly or Hannity are "nice guys".

  23. All of them - and I have never been fooled.

  24. Well, does anyone know how BuzzFoto's categorizes "network"?

    Because, if its strictly a "network" then that narrows it down to ABC, NBC, CBS...

    But if you're considering HBO, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, etc as networks then it's wide open.

    However, that said, in order to have a truly mass following, it has to be one of the Fox News guys.

    Simply because the only personalities big enough to have a legit following can be boiled down to:

    Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, and maybe Brian Williams on NBC.

  25. Huck's kids are all grown. Glenn has youngish kids. The not being Stewart (who mimics Beck every chance he gets) seals it for me.

    [seriously, you have to watch Jon Stewart's 15 minute impression of Beck. It's great.]

    @Hello -- Stewart isn't network and he's a "not"

  26. Who ever said Glen Beck is a nice guy? I haven't thought so since the first (and pretty much only) time I saw him. Still, I guess he does have a massive following. . . of idiots.

  27. When I saw "Not Jon Stewart" I immediately thought of Colbert also (please no!!!)

    The only thing is that Colbert doesn't really preach morals, fiery or otherwise, so I will comfort myself with the above guesses and assume it is not Colbert.

    I feel better now. : )

  28. Jon Stewart is a mensch.

  29. Wow Vikingwench...you just called Becks millions of viewers idiots...a bit harsh and egotistical, if you ask me. I don't watch him a lot, but used to, but if I did, I certainly don't think I should be called an idiot. Is that what this board is for? To call anyone who disagrees with your politics an idiot?

  30. This blind made me think Glenn Beck, however it is riddled with contradictions and WTF moments for me?

    "network" indicates ABC, CBS, NBC or regular old Fox to me, not Fox News Channel. However, Fox News Channel is No. 1 in ratings, so I would think that's where this blind is going.

    Further, Jon Stewart is NOT a newsman. He is a comedian who takes himself way too seriously and hosts a comedy show featuring tidbits of news satire and commentary. Him being a not is completely stupid to me, unless the answer is Colbert, but again he is not a newsman.

  31. Since they mentioned Stewart I wondered if it was someone from the left side of the aisle. Does Keith Olbermann have kids? I hope it's not Colbert either.

  32. Who would be surprised if Beck was a dumbass? I secretly think Jon Stewart is. I would be terrible disappointed if Colbert were because of his "Strangers" gigs and fun sense of humor.

    Huckabee is well loved.

    Me thinks it could be Glen Beck, but again, he's a douche anway.

  33. thank god nobody thinks olbermann. maybe he doesn't have kids. idk i just think he's hot hahaha

    hope its not colbert.

  34. Keith doesn't have kids, and it isn't him anyway.

    Colbert doesn't "preach fiery morals," and it isn't him anyway.

    The "Fox News Network" equates to "very popular network" over any of the others. I can see the less wary viewer thinking Beck was "nice."

    As for calling Beck's viewers idiots, well, Beck calls everyone who doesn't agree with his politics "Nazis." I'd rather be called an idiot than a Nazi. So, yeah, I'll side with Beck's viewers being idiots.

  35. Would anybody be surprised to find out *any* of the politico pundits are not nice people? I'd be waaaaay more shocked to find some of them AREN'T total jackasses.

    And I don't consider Beck, Olberman, Shultz, Hannity, O'Reilly, or any of the rest of that group to be "news men". They don't talk about news, they talk about politics and their opinions of politics. Newsmen are Dan Rather, Brian Williams, Peter Jennings....people like that.

    I don't like Jon Stewart anymore. Still like the show, but Stewart's face makes my hand feel slappy....

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if they ALL just disappeared? Of course, then how would people have forum arguments about who is an idiot and who is a Nazi without those comparisons....

  36. K, it must be wonderful to feel perfect. ;)

    I do consider people who discuss the news to be news people. They aren't newsmen because not all of them have penises.

    One of the nice things about this country is that we have a wide range of debate. And we're all allowed personal opinions -- including whether someone is an idiot, a Nazi, a barcalounger, a Presbyterian, a komodo dragon, what-have-you.

  37. For the record I think O'Reilly and Hannity are nice guys. Colbert, Stewart, any of the msnbc people - not so much.

  38. O'Reilly is a giant ass. Hannity is nice enough.

  39. @Melody the First: sure enough! *giggles*

    Agree with you about our country being wonderful in that we can have a wide range of debates and and expression of personal opinion; I should have made it clear I was thinking about other forums where the debates/attacks become personal and vicious--and where the rhetoric seems egged on by the opinions expressed by the pundits. (What, nobody had their ESP caps on? My bad! Also, in my head, you could tell that last statement of my earlier post had a wistful kind of joking sound to it.)

    Also..... I call dibs on komodo dragon!


  40. Okay, as long as it IS a komodo dragon. Don't try to call me any, old monitor lizard, though!

  41. Glen Beck's called people who don't agree with him being 'Nazis' and made appalling comments about Obama's kids, who are underage and have done nothing but have a President for a father: so yes, anyone who's a fan of his after hearing those is indeed an idiot.

    I can totally see him being abusive. That anger has to go somewhere.

  42. You got it Melody! :D

  43. beck or maher.

    i don't like any of these types, no matter which side they are on.

  44. Oh, I so fucking hope this is Glenn Beck. Someone needs to knock him off his high horse, and HARD!!!

  45. I dunno, Jon Stewart is pretty smug in his holier-than-thou-ness, it might not be "fiery morals" a la the right but certain the equivalent on the left. But the answer to the blind is Beck all the way.

  46. Throwing in a wrench... Lou Dobbs

  47. No one said Matt Laur? I am so surprised.

  48. @cincinnatikate

    Yeah, Matt Liar. I'd go with him.

  49. When I read this I laughed to myself and thought, BRIAN WILLIAMS!!! Alas, he doesn't preach fiery morals but I do think all the joking he does about his massive ego has more than a ring of truth to it.

    If Jon Stewart is considered a news man, is it possible to go out on a limb and say Billy Bush? Entertainment news. He can get a little preachy sometimes on Excess Hollywood.

  50. This is certainly OReilly, no one's ego is bigger....and he comes from a cold and abusive family
