Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This B/C list celebrity dad’s coke habit is so out of control, he is now sending his teenage son to do drug runs for him.

Not Michael Douglas.


  1. David Hasslehoff.

    C' The Hoff really gets his own blow.

  2. Hoff has daughters not a son. And his problem is booze, not drugs.

  3. I read this wrong and thought it implied that Kirk Douglas was the coke addict and Michael was doing his shopping for him. LOL!!!

  4. celebrity, he isn't an actor, or not known as such?

  5. Andy Dick has a son, although I'm not sure if he's in his teens or 20s.

  6. I'm not seeing enough clues in the blind to make heads or tails of this. But it's sad. Stimulant and opiate addictions are two of the saddest things a person can do to themselves. Enabling an addict is almost as bad. The son needs to clean out his father's bank account and skip town -- it would be the kindest thing he could do.

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    The celeb is B/C list who has a dad that an addict? The dad I assume is not a celeb?

  8. This one is too confusing to ever get it.

  9. Celebrity Dad? No actor?

    And I don't know how it could be Michael Douglas - isn't his kid 30 and in jail?

    He has two small ones with CZJ but not teens

  10. I immediately thought Michael Lohan, but that seems crazy that he would be b/c list.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. or maybe donald trump

  13. Ryan O'Neil? Or is his son in jail?

  14. Man you people incapable of comprehending the clue are killing me.

    No wonder America is so far behind on education.

    It's a B/C list celebrity who is also a father...who has a son...who is not famous...who he sends to do his drug runs for him.

    Jesus christ. What did you idiots get on your SATs? 0?

  15. This one is way too vague and confusing. Is the dad the celebrity? Or the son?

    At any rate, I like the Andy Dick guess. His son is 22.

    Redmond O'Neil is in jail. They we're using Meth.

  16. Hey fuck off @Hello it's me!

    I'm in a foul mood today. If you're just going to come in here and call all of us Americans stupid, then scram, get, go!!

  17. I got your back, Icecat. "Hello" can go eat a hot bag of dicks. Asshole.

  18. Anonymous11:19 AM

    @ Hello Its Me:

    What did you say? Its all so confusing! What is an SAT test? Do i have to take it before sitting? I just don't understand what you are saying.

    Could you simplify?

  19. But, seriously, not Andy Dick. Did you see his son on Celebrity Rehab? Kid seems like a straight person who only wishes his father get right. Not Andy Dick. I just don't see his kid doing that. That poor kid has suffered enough.

  20. @ Hello it's me... Why are you assuming the initial respondents are Americans?

    Oh, and by the way, your sentence structure is killing me.

  21. @hello its me-the correct phrase is:
    whom he sends on his drug runs

    What did you get on your SAT's??

  22. lol you guys! I don't even care about the blind. This group sticks up for itself!

  23. @Lady J - I'm pretty sure Hoff has a son. And he COULD have a blow never know.

    @hello it's me - Eat a bag of fucking hemorrhoids, bitchbot.

  24. Thanks, Real Icecat, I wasn't sure.

    And jeez, Hello, lighten up, dude.

  25. Hello it's me: I realize this site is largely anonymous, but I am certain you aren't someone I run into at Mensa meetings.

    As someone else helpfully pointed out to you, you have no idea what nationality any given poster is.

    Since you asked, I got a perfect score on my SATs. Two undergrad degrees from Stanford, a grad degree from Harvard. All summa cum laude.

    I'd be more than happy to help you with your very poor composition skills. And while the sentence structure and grammar of some of the posters complaining about your rude and tacky message aren't the best, I do applaud the spirit of their comments.

  26. Thanks, Syd and Everyone!

    And, Reece, I know my grammar isn't the best, but I'll be the first to admit that! :)

  27. Sorry, but I'm incapable of comprehending the clue.

    Cheryl M.A. Behavioral Sciences: Human Behavior and Organizational Psychology

    Phi Kappa Phi academic honor society
    4.0 GPA

  28. It's a celebrity dad, not a celebrity's dad... so this father is B/C list.

    Anyway, as he's described that way, and not as actor/musician/whatever, I have a feeling this father person is famous, and famous as being a dad. If the kids weren't too young, I'd say Jon Gosselin - perfectly fits "celebrity dad" description.

    I don't have any other ideas, but translated a little, does anyone else?

  29. Does Mikey "Mesh-shirt" Lohan have contact with his son?

  30. Yeah, I guess it cannot be Andy Dick. It says teenage son.. His is 22. My bad.

    Micheal Lohan fits, and I'm sure they're used to getting coke for Dina, so it could make sense. :P

  31. Reese, I have to say, that's pretty fucking impressive.

    [nervous that I've spelled something incorrectly] :P

  32. I get the feeling that the NOT of this BI is the best clue. Who is like Michael Douglas? Does it refer to a middle-aged son of a great actor? Who would that be?

  33. Thanks Syd.

    Anyone foolish enough to make blanket statements attacking members of this board does so at their own peril. The attacker will be set straight in no uncertain terms, swiftly and soundly. To put it in the vernacular of the day, expect to be bitch slapped by the best of them.

  34. @ reese:
    i truly hope you're not a member of mensa, because i think i like you!
    having worked at JPL with a number of scientists, and being married to a man with an IQ so high he can't match his socks (you know the type), i've known a lot of brilliant people...
    and i've known people who flaunt their mensa membership as though they themselves invented air.
    and are dumb as a box of rocks.
    maybe you're both, and as such are a rare animal indeed!! bless you on you're "smarts" and perseverance, either way! :)

    Syd said...
    "I got your back, Icecat. "Hello" can go eat a hot bag of dicks. Asshole."
    you kill me, syd! i'm writing that one down!! so much more imaginative than the usual "f**k you!"!!
    group hugs all around (except for "hello and buzzfoto), and i'm buying the drinks!

  35. and i have no guesses.
    celebrity dad. doesn't say actor. teenage son. anywhere from 13-19, i'd guess around the higher range.
    this isn't written well, and i don't think their "nots" are ever clues to who it is.

    btw, i don't know if biggirl1988 is being sarcastic, or speaks english as a second language, but that comment was hysterical!

  36. Every time I see the name Reese I think of that Mitch Hedberg joke. The one about how much it would suck to be eating a Reese's peanut butter cup and running into a Reese and feeling bad for eating their candy.

    Man I miss Mitch. He was a comedy genius. :'(

  37. Oops, her candy.

    Oops, his candy.

    Whatever. You know what I mean.

  38. #1. I love you guys. #2. @Hello, it is easy to be brave behind a screen and miles of cable. You are not only a chicken shit, but and idiot too. Really? With that grammar and spelling, you aim to insult the intelligence of ANYone else? You are not doing your country (whatever it may be, GB?) any favors by insulting ours. Quite the contrary.
    3 degrees in Philosohpy, Cum Laude, and a perfect score on my STFU!

    Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. That, I'll give you for free.

    Love you guys for throwin' down.

    My guess is Mel Gibson.
    Celeb dad (and how), millions of kids, need for blow.
    Good day, y'all.
