Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Dean McDermott Tweets While Catheter Stuck In Him

Let me just say for the record that as much as I love each of you, I think I would not actually be blogging if a catheter was stuck inside me and was not able to be removed. Just would not happen. Somehow though despite all this, Dean McDermott decided he wanted to share what he was going through. Honestly, I just don't think it was this bad.

"OMG !!!!! My catheter is stuck and won't come out. I'm waiting for the Doctor to get here and give it a try. Gotta be honest, I'm scared !!"

Seriously? A catheter is stuck and you decide the best thing to do is let the world know? "Umm, excuse me doctor, this hurts like hell and I'm scared so would you hand me my phone so I can Tweet this." Talk about wanting some attention.

He followed up later saying that it got stuck on something on its way out and he has some damage.

"I had the worst night. Catheter cut me up coming out. Unbelievable pain. I got a fever of 104 and was throwing up. Fun, WOW !!!"

I didn't realize that kind of damage would result in puking. If that happened to me I would probably just have them knock me out with pain pills and tell me when everything was better.


  1. My husband just had surgery. The catheter takes approx 5 secs to come out, althought for a man having it in (I hear) is uncomfortable. My husband DEF would not be tweeting. I've had it too and it was exactly the same-2 secs its out

  2. Bullshit, no way with that much pain you would be coherent enough to type a full sentence without any errors.

  3. I was blogging while I had a ton of tubes running through me during my last major spine surgery, but that was mostly due to a lot of great drugs & some boredom. But I certainly didn't tweet about the fears & difficulties I had as I was experiencing them. Plus I'd like to think I had different motives. Most of my family was hundreds of miles away & looking to that blog to see how I was (my husband was posting updates when I couldn't), plus my surgery was a very unique one & I wanted others who might have to go through the same thing to have an understanding of the experience.

    So that being said, I think the thing is weird. But it is Dean we're talking about here...

  4. Unbelieveable pain? 104 degree fever and throwing up? First of all he only had to tell the hospital he was IN PAIN and boom your magic pain shot/pill will arrive.

    104 fever and lucid enough to type?
    I call a big fat lie to that one.

    Plus the thought of puking and typing boggles my mind.

  5. Goodness Ent, have you been in the hospital? There is a whole lot of "hurry up and wait" going on there. I was texting people 15 minutes after I gave birth because I was just sitting around waiting (my husband and family had already descended on the baby. I have no love for Tori & Dean, et al, but I don't think him tweeting about his hospital stay is near the scandal you are making it out to be.

  6. TMI, Dean. But then again, par for the course with this fame-hungry couple.

  7. These people get paid to showcase their boring lives, why not tweet about it?

    He's a reality star, if he stops talking about it or allowing people to follow him and Tori around, they don't get paid.

    Welcome to America. We shipped most of the decent jobs overseas and now we can only hope to get paid (very well I might add) for talking about puking, or stripping, or having sex.

  8. Why wouldn't Dean tweet with a catheter stuck in him? He tweets with a stick up his ass all the time.

  9. I rprobably got caught on a Herpes Sore.

  10. Maybe he has a personal assistant that tweets his boring a$$ life for him.

  11. Carrie L you are a blog Queen for that! kudos.

  12. a tool of epic proportions

  13. um, not all caths are urinary. not defending him, because his probably was and this is his excellent excuse for not having to ever have sex with stick woman again.
    SHE'S the one that needs a cath!

    oh, carrie, we should compare MRIs some day!! :) hope you're doing well!

  14. "Welcome to America. We shipped most of the decent jobs overseas and now we can only hope to get paid (very well I might add) for talking about puking, or stripping, or having sex."

