Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Demi Moore Can't Decide Which Way To Starve Yourself Is Healthier

Apparently Demi Moore does not like people criticizing her starvation programs unless she tells them it is ok to criticize. Let me take you back a few weeks ago. Demi told all her Twitter followers that she was doing the Master Cleanse. You know, the thing with the cayenne pepper, maple syrup and salt water. She said she was going to do it for weeks and that it was not about losing weight. Nope, "this is about health!!!"

I don't see how starving yourself for days or weeks on end is about health. Well, after a few days of Tweeting about it, suddenly she stopped talking about it. Then someone asked her how it was going and she said that she only managed to do 4, but now she was on Day 13 of The Clean Program which she said that the Master Cleanse was not healthy.

Umm. Wait. You told your two million followers it was healthy and now you are saying it isn't? So, when one of her followers said why not just eat properly and exercise, Demi went off on her.

"@chazzyb31 I think you need to research what it is I am doing there is no starving involved! It is all about nourishing the body!"

Then she had the nerve to say that this person did not know what they were talking about. Huh? Eating right and exercise? How is that not common sense?

Yeah, just like The Master Cleanse was all about healthy.


  1. Ugh - THANK YOU. I read that tweet and wondered how ANYONE could say that cleanse is about health. You'd think she'd at least correct herself for the sake of all her "followers". She's ridiculously self-righteous.

  2. That was probably just the cayenne pepper-flavored syrup talking.

  3. Because maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and salt water is just chock full of nutrients? Wonder why Vitamin Cottage isn't bottling this stuff. They could make millions.

  4. The master cleanse is pathetic. Not only is it not healthy but it is a terrible way to lose weight. Why don't people realize that they'll gain all the weight they lost and more once they go off it?

  5. That's why I don't follow that stupid slag or her douchebag husband on Twitter. They are a family of morons.

  6. I just looked up The Clean program. For 21 days it cost 35o and shipping. It may be cynical of me but I think they are paying her so her fans might buy it and try it.

  7. People and quacks get it into their heads that their bodies are full of toxins. So no, they aren't doing it to lose weight. They are doing it to get the "toxins" out of their bodies. Which of course is bullshit becauase with good diet and excersise your body naturally flushes toxins out.

    And yes of course it is about losing weight. They just hide behind the toxin excuse.

  8. I never understood this "cleansing" business. Isn't that what our kidneys do? If you need to clean your body out, eat some bran muffins and take a shit.

  9. the clean program--endorsed by goopster, enough said.

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I don't care for Demi and her idiot husband.

  11. She's am idiot. I do not understand why people follow her. There are so many interesting, intelligent people around on Twitter and she is not one of them. I'd love if people did a mass exodus away from her and her dumb ass husband.

  12. I have a female friend who does a seven-day Master Cleanse every other month at her husband's insistance. The male half of this couple is a moron who is obsessed with living to 120 (I'm not joking). He's a freak about toxins and chemicals and lots of other crazy shit. He also refuses to wear sunscreen, because in his words, "the chemicals that block the uva/uvb rays are what really gives you cancer." He's batshit crazy. I love the female half of this couple and cannot believe that she goes along with his growing insanity. My husband (a pharmacist) almost needs medication himself after spending an evening with them. I fear one night, my husband's rational, logical, scientific-minded brain will explode.

  13. She should just smile and blow Mel Gibson

  14. LMAO @ chochop and RJ.

    These cleanses are the biggest scam going.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. LMFAO

    "eat some bran muffins and take a shit"

    Thanks for the great laugh, chopchop!!!!!

  17. @RJ--love your comment.

    I am tired of celebrities telling the rest of the world how to live. We aren't told to fit into a size 0 or you won't get a job (I don't know if that's true or not, I'm just guessing that is what celebrities, especially females, in general are told). Those who need to lose weight don't need to follow a whacky scheme. I've never understood "cleansing" anyway.

    I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers--it works for me. Sensible eating and exercise.

  18. she sounds like a 1st class pendeja

  19. She is mistaken in thinking that a "cleanse" is healthy, but she's not that different from other women in LA. If there weren't so much pressure to be thinner than natural in her profession, such crazy diet tactics wouldn't be so commonplace.
    I'm not defending her. I'm just saying she's bought into the hype.

  20. We were wondering who might buy one of those "Eat Less" t-shirts from Urban Outfitters. I think we found a candidate!

    I think you need a little bit of shit in your body to make it stronger. It's all about balance.

  21. I totally agree with all of you
    but i have met really incredibly youthful looking and feeling people (i'm talking act and look 20-25 yrs younger than what they are) and many of them have told me that once a yr they go to retreats or do it themselves but they spend weeks doing a cleansing process that rids themselves of back up toxins.
    Now I dont know if it works or not but I have always found that people who use alternative more holistic methods of cleansing themselves whatever that may be, always look radiant.

  22. that being said, whenever my friends want to have me join them in their master cleanse I say HELL NO!
    But i have heard that if you just do that for breakfast everymorning, it does help flush you out.
    Something about the cayenne pepper and the maple syrup etc is good for you, just obviously if its not The only thing you eat!

  23. every time i see her, i remember back when she was on 'general hospital.' she had a huge ass.

    apparently she remembers it too.

  24. She is functionally retarded. She was at one time 'pretty' ahem. Now she's just an old windbag. Her husband is being sucked down by her too. Not that he was ever above her, but he did have a couple of interesting things.

  25. I apologize that this is so long! I just thought it might be helpful or of interest to hear from someone who has actually done this cleanse.

    A typical Master Cleanse program lasts for 10 days. This is NOT very long, some people have been known to carry it through for a full 30 days. The maple syrup provides your calories, so you're not technically starving yourself. Lemon juice and cayenne pepper help rinse out your insides and keep your metabolism up. You can have as much plain water as you want. After the 10 days you drink juices and broths for a few more days and ease back into solid foods, and in the meanwhile have hopefully made preparations (like cleaning out the fridge and cupboard and stocking up on very healthy foods) to go forward with better choices. You can exercise while on the Cleanse, but you don't have to and will probably feel a bit better if you don't.

    A lot of people do use the Master Cleanse as a weight-loss method I'm sure, but that is absolutely not the only reason anyone would subject themselves to it. Fasting and cleansing is a great way (in my humble little opinion, but I am not alone) to shift into new diet habits. The American addiction to salt, sugar, fat, and caffeine can be an especially hard one to break. The Food Pyramid is grossly simplistic and the food made available to us is often devoid of nutritional content anyway, so even if you think you're eating a healthy diet--and especially if you're ingesting animal products on a regular basis--you're going to be full of a lot of things you didn't intend to consume and lacking a lot that you did. If every mouthful is one of dirty food, your body will not adequately process it all out on its own.

    Moreover, fasting has been practiced by many millions of people on a *temporary* basis for thousands of years. It isn't dangerous if you do it *temporarily* and *carefully* and allow yourself to go off it if you begin to experience anything unusual. RJ, I think those friends of yours are definitely excessive in their cleansing, but I can understand where the male half is coming from. Studies with mice have shown that a reduction in caloric intake by 30% from established normal daily values can extend lifespan. There is a lifestyle based around this data called CRAN: Caloric Restriction with Adequate Nutrition. These people are often as educated about food as nutritionists and not just hacks and quacks.

    I can only speak from my own experience completing the Master Cleanse (the whole ten days) a couple of years ago: it retrains you and/or provides a huge boost in willpower and self-discipline. It brings body and mind back into harmony and balance with each other. It helps rinse away toxic *habits* as well as whatever crud is hanging around in your intestines. Do not underestimate the mental and spiritual benefits of fasting and cleansing while hyper-focusing on the physical aspect. The sense of accomplishment--definitely not confused with any sort of desperate hunger euphoria--was much more than I expected, and the weight loss happened to be minimal (about five pounds). And don't think I'm any other lazyass, either, looking for a quick fix; I follow a vegan/vegetarian diet and exercise several times a week. And thank you, Jasmine, for your comment! They do just plain look healthier and more ALIVE, don't they?

    I can understand why Demi only made it to Day 4--that's about the second day of headaches and mild fatigue and flavor boredom with the liquid concoction. But if you can push through that and make it to the next day, and then the next, it's over very quickly and without incident. I didn't read her posts so I don't know what really made her decide to do it, but it sounds like she may not have been properly informed or prepared.

    My two (or four, maybe six) cents.

  26. chopchop, you just made me spit water on my keyboard. :)

  27. Thanks trinnean for giving a different perspective! I'm a healthy, active adult currently on day 3 of the master cleanse. I am not doing it as a way to lose weight, but simply to help 'restart' my body. I've always needed coffee to get through my day and this week I've had a lot of energy. It may be psychological, but it's a great exercise in self-discipline and motivation. While I don't think it's for everybody, I don't understand why people bash it so much.

  28. I don't see where a short cleanse would be harmful. I think fasting and cleanses are good for the mind and body, though I don't have the willpower to do them smack in the middle of perimenopause.

    Anyway - I hope people aren't mindless bots and think about the stuff celebrities promote before doing it (yeah, I know...).

    Off topic - if that is a recent pic of Demi, she looks fabulous. This is a case of botox/plastic surgery done right, not that I'm advocating it or anything.

  29. I agree...I have done the master cleanse myself, and suffer from allergies. After the master cleanse, I can go months without taking my allergy medication. As soon as I veer away from a proper diet the allergy symptoms return. I do not starve myself, eat fruit, veggies and lean meats, and I am not a proponent of doing unhealthy things with my body. A cleanse can allow your colon and other organs to rest, as they have to filter more and more unnatural foods in todays society. i never feel better than I do after the Master Cleanse... Ghandi did fasts or 'cleanses' constantly, and lived until the age of 78 when he was killed. How many relatives do you have that lived to be 78??

  30. My great-grandmother lived to be 105. Seriously. She ate red meat nearly every day, put butter on everything, and always had dessert. She never "worked out" and I guarantee you she never fasted, except for Ash Wednesday & Good Friday like all good Catholics before Vatican II did.

    She died in 1999 after having a stroke ... but her heart was so strong & healthy even then it never quit.

  31. Sorry to keep adding ... but to answer Dolly's question, I have literally dozens of relatives live past their 80s. The only two that died young were my maternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather. They both died of lung cancer before they turned 60 but I'm afraid even regular colonics & the Master Cleanse wouldn't have helped that.

    My great-grandmother (referenced above)'s three children are all still alive and in excellent health. Their ages range from 80-85. My paternal grandfather ... well his father and his grandfather both lived to be over 100. I believe they each died around 102. I have this awesome photo of my brother as a baby being held by my dad, with his father next to him, his grandfather behind him, and his great-grandfather next to that. Five generations in one photo is pretty fucking fantastic. I think it even made the papers in our small town in 1972.

    The point of my rambling is this: I don't think anyone can guarantee having a long, healthy life. Hell a person can go on their daily 26-mile run and get hit by a car. I don't believe cleansing will help anything in the long run ... except sell merchandise about it.

  32. @Tricia: Alright! Next Wednesday I hope to hear you've just finished and are feeling fabulous!

    MadLyb, Dolly: Thanks for chiming in, too. :)

    @chopchop: Yes, you're absolutely right. Even the healthiest lifestyle is no guarantee you won't be mauled or murdered. My great-grandmother lived to her late 90s and never did a Master Cleanse, either. But I still like my odds better this way. :)

  33. @sunnyside1213 Love Vitamin Cottage! Wish they had them outside of CO. Best health food store ever.

    I'm not reading through all the comments (too tired) but it is good to give your digestion a rest. Fasting isn't horrible. It can actually do your body some good. Constantly starving yourself? Not so healthy.

  34. Thank you Angelina.That was the first thought that came to my head.I know , I'm simple.

  35. Of course no one can guarantee having a healthy life, regardless of whether or not they have, cleanse or chain smoke. And I never said that cleanses would make you live longer... I was making a point that people that have done them didn't die young (so it must not be that bad for you) I am very happy that your family has such longevity..that is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, my family doesn't, nor my husbands, nor most people I know. Not to the extent of seeing 105 years of age. It must be a wonderful thing to still have grandparents, aunts, uncles...congratulations.

  36. Demi and Gwyneth should have a media ban about talking of shit cleanses. Im worried that kids follow their stupid example and pass out

    btw, this proves that Demi is TOTALLY yesterday's (or the day before?) blind about the hypocrite who talked about health and had work done!
