Friday, July 02, 2010

Jaycee Dugard Gets $20M From California

On Thursday, the State Assembly in California approved a payment of $20M to Jaycee Dugard which is technically for counseling and education for Jaycee and her two daughters, but is in reality money they are paying because the government royally screwed up for almost 20 years when they failed to discover she was being held by someone who was on parole and the subject of numerous home visits and registration on the sex offenders database.

The State generally has immunity against any kind of lawsuits for this, but they really did an awful job and I'm glad they didn't try and fight the payment or drag this out in court for years and years. If anyone ever deserved compensation it is Jaycee and her kids. Hopefully this will allow them to live their lives in quiet and away from the spotlight.


  1. 20 Mill tax free wow! This whole story has been one twisted Charles Dickens tale.

    Thank god she can live a quiet life in comfort with her daughters. I hope she gets good financial advice. The poor girl had no education and money like that brings the snakes out pretty fast.

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  3. While I'm happy for her and think she damn well deserves it, where is Cali getting the money to pay her if they're broke?

    It certainly isn't from the lame ass fines they slap on "celebrity" f-ups. (*sends a shank eye Lindsay's way)

  4. Good for her and her family. I can not even imagine the horrors she suffered living captive of that lunatic, birthing two children by him and being brainwashed in to his wannabe cult.

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  6. Since there are three involved, it works out to $6.6 million each, and it will have to last for the rest of their lives. Jaycee's mom and sister will probably stay around to supervise the three, though her sister may not be there full time. With the psychological damage, Jaycee and her daughters may never be capable of being self-supporting.

    $20 million will allow them to be comfortable and to pay for private education and medical bills now and in the future, but it is not really a huge amount. There are probably legal fees that will be deducted up front.

    At least they have the possibility of being protected and financially secure for the rest of their lives.

  7. It will never be enough. But it's better than nothing. Unfortunately, the real justice won't come for Jaycee until the scumbag and his abetters meets Satan for acid tea.

  8. I am praying that they find peace. They deserve it.

  9. I hope that she receives that settlement.

  10. Jaycee and her daughters should really get free mental health care from the state too for the rest of their lives as part of the settlement. Not a state worker of course....

    20 million seems like a lot until you think of what they went through and then it seems like nothing. Hopefully they will know some peace in their lives.

  11. I'm happy she received a settlement so quickly but I agree it certainly isn't enough for the states screw ups surrounding this case.

    I hope that she and her children can heal and move forward regardless of what happened to them in the past.

  12. Well, she got crime victim's compensation. Every state has a version of it. She most definitely deserved it!

  13. nothing can make up for what she went through but i'm very happy about this.

    and i hope it's a daily reminder to probation officers everywhere. they fucked this up so bad. they had to be mere feet away from her at times and never looked in there. they saw the wiring going into that tent and didn't see what was INSIDE the tent. she could have been saved so much sooner.

  14. Nothing could make up for what happened to that girl.

    This explains the bio Dad crawling out of the woodwork, no wonder she was sickened beyond belief by his Gloria Allred presser. What a douche!

  15. All that money is the next worse thing that could have happened to her. People who grow up without money and all of a sudden come into a lot don't know how to handle either the money or the inevitable new friends, new cousins and the never ending requests for help. I hope she's the exception.

  16. Good for her. I hope she can go on to have a somewhat happy life
