Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Doesn't Want To Be Known As A Homewrecker

For once, the publicity team that manages Jennifer Aniston is trying to spin really really fast. Like a gerbil on a wheel, her people are trying to convince the world that her recent dinner with Chris Gartin was totally platonic and we should all look past the fact he is in the middle of divorcing his wife.

For his part, Gartin has not said a word about the dinner. People keep asking and he keeps his mouth shut. Jennifer's people say the couple were actually introduced when Chris was still with his wife and they have known each other for years.

"Chris and Jennifer have been friends for many years. She has had dinner with him dozens and dozens of times."

I bet she has. But I also bet his wife was with them all those other times. If a couple is separated, there is no reason not to date someone else, but I think she thinks and her people think that she is the reason the couple are getting divorced. All this time she has had the upper hand in the whole Angelina was a homewrecker campaign. I don't think she wants to stop being able to play the victim.

Of course hiding your face so you don't get spotted having dinner with a "friend" is probably not the best way to go.


  1. Eh, I will give her a pass on this one. I've had dinner with divorcing male friends, and it hasn't been a date.

  2. Ok Jennifer, but only because you look so innocent in this pic.

  3. lol@Goodgrief. Exactly. If there's nothing to hide, don't hide.

  4. I guess she's trying to hide the egg on her face.

  5. I loved her on Friends, but now I just wish the media would drop the attention on her. There's really nothing new to say, aside from the weekly false claims that she's pregnant.

  6. and the plot thickens...

  7. Is she pregnant? I saw a magazine cover with her picture and the headline was, "Yes, I'm having a baby", or something to that effect. What's that all about?

  8. Given how much crap she has put up with over the last five-six years, I will also give her a pass.

  9. Looked him up on IMDB. Apparently he's a forty two year old American actor with approximately fifty credits over the past twenty years or so. Frankly I've never heard of him and "his" people, if he even has any, are probably overjoyed at the publicity.

  10. I have to say, though I like Jennifer, if she actually is the homewrecker, I have to admit that I will giggle. Just karma and all of that...

    However, unless it comes out that SHE is the reason this man (who is he anyway?) is divorcing his wife, she gets a pass from me. So she had dinner with a man who is divorcing his wife. So? Maybe she is hiding her face because of comments just like this column...

  11. People, don't be naive. She's hiding her face, so that her baby daddy doesn't see her out with another dude. ;)

  12. What intrigues me... how this faux super healthy squeaky clean golden girl is never snapped smoking when I've personally seen her smoke several times. That shot would undermine her perfect image and the lack of it suggests she has a deal with at least some of pap posse... Might explain how they found out about this dinner and why we have never seen shots of the dozens of other dinners they've reportedly had?!

  13. Never heard of him.

  14. He played "Hugo" last season on
    True Blood..
    I'm giving her a pass because I think this guy has been in the middle of a divorce for a long time.

    Besides, she is just drumming up press for her new movie..

  15. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I don't like her or care anything that has to do with her phony life.

  16. She's as boring as her 15 y/o hairstyle.

  17. Yawn. I keep hoping that everyone will ignore her and she will go away.

  18. i'm with mygeorgie. i'm sick to death of her.

  19. Ummm, she isn't a homewrecker if he is separated let alone in the middle of a divorce. Show me proof of them f****** while he was married & then I'll agree.

  20. I'm with Gretchen. I adored her on Friends but now all the attention is getting tedious.

    I readily admit to watching Friends reruns a few times a week and you know what? They NEVER show the episode that Brad was on. Innnteresting....

  21. If he's divorcing, there ain't no home to wreck.

    Don't think there's anything news-worthy here and I'll give her a pass, too.

  22. Eh, I've had lunch and dinners with men who are married/other than my husband. I work in an industry that's mostly men. I'll give her a pass.
