Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jennifer Aniston Story Has Greatest Source Ever - Television News

Last week there was the whole Jennifer Aniston dating Christopher Gartin thing and how Jen and Chris met through Chris' wife Joanne who has been friends with Jen and Courteney for about ten years.

So, anyway, both Chris and Joanne are Australian and Woman's Day in Australia tracked Joanne down and asked her what she thought of Jen being with Chris and also being a pseudo step mother to their children. Joanne said, “I’m really not at all interested in it."

OK, so they did not get much help from her, so where does Woman's Day turn to next? Joanne's step mother. To most people that might seem like a logical place to turn. I mean she is kind of family, even though she does not live with Joanne. She must know something and this is a person who is family so whatever she knows must be the truth. Sounds good to me. Unfortunately that whole idea kind of gets thrown out the window when your step mother source learned what she knows from watching television.

However, Woman’s Day can exclusively reveal that behind the scenes it’s a different story after talking to Joanne’s stepmother, Robbie Ahlfeld, on the Gold Coast.

“It’s been difficult for Joanne,” admits Robbie, who learned of the story watching morning TV last week. “I saw [Today show reporter] Richard Reid talking about Jen being seen with a mystery man and I thought, ‘Is that Chris?’ And then I thought, ‘Surely not!’

“It just seems so bizarre to me because Jo and Jen are such good friends. I find it very strange that Jen would do that [to Jo].”

So, basically she has not talked to Joanne or Chris and knows nothing more than us. We all could have been a source for the story. At least they made it clear she learned about it on television. Here in the US and in the UK they would have probably skipped that little nugget.


  1. Show of hands, people - who gives a rat's bee-hind about Jennifer Anniston? Her films are BORING. (I watched that last one because Gerard Butler was in it. Absolutely NO chemistry whatsoever.) Frankly, she could sleep with the damn president and I wouldn't care.

    (Although Mrs. Obama would knock the shit out of her, and THAT would be interesting.)

  2. It would make me very happy to see a giant, unforeseen PR disaster for Jennifer Aniston.

  3. I just wish people would stop writing about her. I don't give a crap either way, but fuck, it's the same story everytime...

  4. i dont understand the jennifer aniston hate. i never have. i think she's personable. yes, some of her movies were terrible, but she's been in a few indies which i thought were pretty good. am i missing something here?

    honestly, i find angelina jolie so much more worthy of dislike.

  5. won't see my hand raised, that's fer sherrr!

  6. @adventurous kate: Really? Why the hate: has she been calling John Mayer and threatening to bite his dick off and rub Jessica Simpson's napalm pussy on him then setting him alight?

  7. I have residual love for Jen from friends, and always you won't see my hand up either!

  8. thank you mngddess i watched it last night....Gerard had more chemistry with Jamie Foxx in Lawabiding citizen than those 2 had. I 'm soooo beyond tired of all the aniston stories..she's adopting, she pregnant, shes back with brad, she's with some new guy. I agree...move on people - she was newsworthy 6 years ago and hasn't been since

  9. I fail to see the hate as well, I can't say I care about her either way, but she's not deserving of the vitriol aimed at her.

  10. @Shmooey: I don't hate her at all, though she annoys me (even on Friends, and I adore Friends). I hate this victim act that she and her reps have been throwing down our throats for the past five years.

    I want the Minivan Majority (to borrow a Lainey-ism) to find out that Jen isn't a hopeful future mom, but a manipulative pothead who has no intention of having kids, ever. (Nothing wrong with that whatsoever -- but it's SO far from her PR persona.)

  11. I don't think people hate Jen, but she isn't really newsworthy. Most of her movies have the same storyline with a different co-star and whenever there is an article done on her there is always a mention of Brad/Angelina. Seriously it has been over five years, yet it is still talked/printed in the media like it happened yesterday. She could put the KIBOSH on the whole thing if she wanted to but who would be interested in talking/printing anything about her if you they couldn't mention Angelina/Brad. She needs that story cause otherwise she is about as relevant and her movies as bankable as Tila Tequila's.

  12. Everything Adventurous Kate said (I was going to copy & paste but then you came back with MORE and I agreed with THAT, TOO, so this just saves time...)


  13. Shmooey - Wouldn't it be great if she did that to Mayer?!?!? She would be hero of us all!!

  14. I'm also with Adventurous Kate - I don't hate Jen, I just don't GIVE a shit about her, and think she has a shitload of unwarranted publicity, and is just as media-manipulative with her image as Jolie.

    That being said, this post was pretty hilarious. $10 says Jen will drop him right quick to maintain her image if this gets much bigger.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I have never, ever, known anything bad about Jennifer Aniston. If this story of her getting together with a married man is true, then it will be the first one.

    Other than that, all I have ever heard about her is her love of animals and how kind she is to them, and what a loyal friend she is (even to her pre-fame friends) and her solidarity.

    When Robert Downey Jr was sent to jail, and was in the grip of the darkest depression, his agent (it might have been his manager) was so worried about his state of mind, as he felt so lonely and thought his career was over, that he sent word around Hollywood asking for people to visit him so he would not feel so abandoned.
    Apparently, Jennifer was the only one who went, even though she didn't even know him.

    As for these stories about her "playing the victim" - if this is about the break up of her marriage, it's her prerogative to feel however she feels.
    I think she showed REMARKABLE restraint. Another woman would have rained doom on the guy, and all I ever known her say is that it was "uncool".

    As for being manipulative about her public image, come on! When the press is able to fabricate whatever they want about your personal life, claiming you've said things you never said and did things you never did - it's only natural to try to exert as much control as possible.
    Everybody in the public eye does it.

    I find no reason to dislike this woman. I find her a sympathetic character, and a very good comedic actress in Friends.

    I don't give a damn about how many covers she's in, or what the ridiculous headlines and speculation about her life are. I neither buy or read those magazines.

    I haven't watched her films either.

    If it bothers people to read about her and watch her films, than stop buying the magazines and the cinema tickets, and when she's no longer profitable, they'll drop her and move on to someone else.

  17. @ Adventurous kate ... THANK YOU the mini van majority(lainey-ism) eats up everything she puts out i cant stand her she is just as manipulative and jolie and brad cant separate them.. plus people always forget to mention her long mention pot and nose candy habit....

  18. I like her. There. I said it. I enjoy her movies. I loved her on Friends. Sue me.

  19. @shmooey, totally agree with you! at first when she didn't say anything about brad and angelina, she was accused of playing the victim, then when she said she wasn't a victim, everyone called her a liar. then when she said it was "uncool" everyone called her a jerk. Jessica Alba is in the pictures and the tabs as much as aniston and what movie has she done lately that is a success? how many pictures of her and her kid do we see constantly, where is the hate for her??? and right now jolie is out there playing the old brad and i have the best family and love and raise our children better than anyone cause she has a movie coming out. She pulls out that same card every single time she has a new film!!!!Aniston can't win for losing.

  20. I like Jennifer, also... I liked her on "Friends" and while I think she's stuck making these "formula" movies now, she's still okay. I'd sure as hell take her over some two-bit Snooki (ugh!) any day.

    And in her defence, if I'd been married to this really hot guy and he left me for another woman, who was younger and had a hotter career... and FIVE YEARS later it was still being thrown in my face on a weekly basis, I'm not so sure I'd have handled it as gracefully as she has. I'd probably be a total recluse trying to get away from it all.

    The gossip-loving media wants to see couples get married.... then the baby covers begin... then they want to start reporting on the splits. It's an endless cycle over and over again. I look at the magazine covers when I'm bored standing in line to buy my groceries, but when I spend my money it's on home-improvment mags. I just can't support the insanity.

  21. She seems like an okay lady and is a capable actress but her love life or lack thereof is about as exciting as milk on white bread.

    I agree with everyone who has said that she could have put the kabosh on the tabloid machinations about her but chooses not to. Face it, she would be back on network TV along with Courtney Cox if it weren't for Brangelina and she knows it.

  22. And to all of you who doubt that Jen is complicit with the tabloids, she took noted fameball manwhore John Mayer to the Oscars. She could have taken her agent or a producer like a lot of unattached starlets do, but she knew that Brad and Angelina were going to be there and she needed someone flashy.

  23. She is starting to look rough around the edges.

  24. I don't care one way or the other but I find it annoying that she is blamed for the being a part of tab's unhealthy focuse on her and Jolie and Pitt. The victim act has nothing to do with Aniston herself..the tabs were the one to focus on "poor/lonely/barren Jen" whereas no doubt she has moved on along time ago. I'd switch places with her in a New York minute,face it she has had some interesting offers including the hot guy from Criminal Minds and a few baseball I don't think she's having too many problems. Only manufactured ones by the gossip blogs and the tabs.

  25. Oh, I forgot about that Oscar nonsense- you're right- she's ridiculous.

  26. ummmm isn't this all about the $$$? I fail to see how her persona as represented in the media (highly controlled) is in any way connected to her real persona besides the fact that her being in the tabloids helps her to make money somehow. yes, her people throw out ridiculous stories making her seem like a victim, but she's living in a pretty sweet mansion and gets to spend her days doing yoga and being pretty. sooooo whatever it is she is "doing" seems to be working for her and she's stuck with it for a while now!

  27. She's also really good friends with Paul Rudd & goes to dinner with him. That doesn't mean they are dating.

    @Schmooey - I never heard that story about JA visiting RDJ!

    I am NOT the mini-van majority, thank you much, BUT I like her. She might manipulate the press (who in Hollywood doesn't?) BUT she showed massive restraint/class in handling her divorce IMO. I doubt seriously she wishes to still be in an ever present love triangle made up by the moron tabloid writers for the last 5 years.

    And if she really doesn't ever plan to have kids, I really wish she would just come out & say that so everyone would just STFU.

  28. I never said I hated her - I said she was boring. She was fun on Friends, but she just doesn't have enough to headline a film. Maybe in a cast, like she did on Friends.

    I do LOOOVE her hair, though.

  29. What I'm waiting for is when she finally gets pregnant and the mags say "HAH! I TOLD YOU SO!!!"

    ...yeah, like 300 times....
