Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jessica Simpson Found A Wrinkle

You know, at some point if you would like to be treated seriously, then perhaps you should not announce to the world via your Twitter the following observation. "It is official -- I'm 30 and found a wrinkle. Damnit!"

Oh, ans she swore. I'm telling her dad the pastor. Oh, wait. What am I saying. He probably likes it when she talks dirty. I kid, I kid. Not really.

My guess is that she was trying to remind people she turned 30 and to get some happy birthday wishes. Either that or she was truly devastated that she found a wrinkle which means she has not looked into a mirror before, because she probably had one or two. Or, it could be that her Botox wore off and they came back.

I can't believe I am sitting here talking about Jessica Simpson and her wrinkles. I'm sure she still looks great. It isn't like the wrinkle goes straight down the middle of her body from head to toe. Bigger things in life to worry about.


  1. it looks like she also found a couple of chins

  2. Worse than the wrinkles for me was finding the greys. The effing greys.

  3. I am 28. I have had crow's feet for at least a year. I couldn't care less, seriously. It adds character to my face.
    Luckily, RQ, I can't see my greys since I'm blonde... Once I get the liver spots maybe I'll freak out.

  4. She is a wrinkle so what's her point?

  5. and this pic doesn't help

  6. i have had to dye my hair every 5 weeks since i was 20 to cover grey hair..thanks Dad.

    Enty, she's a women for god's sake who turned 30..cut her some slack.
    We've all been there or will be..

  7. @RocketQueen

    Me too!!! And they all seem to pop up right at my temples :( If I didn't dye, I'd look like the bride of Frankenstein :P

  8. Seems like only yesterday she was letting her boyfriends in the backdoor so she could save her v-card for marriage.

    But that could've been a blind item I read somewhere.

  9. I'm sorry but what the hell....this sounds like all the tweets and face book updates my friends post. can't she just be normal with a sense of humor once in awhile. I mean DAMN, sounds like she was trying to be funny. You should read some of the post my friends put up.

  10. The wrinkle is the cleft between her first and second chin.

    *spanks self*

    Forgot that I *do* like Jessica. And when is she going to pursue her singing career again? The chick has lungs. Both inside and outside.

    Incidentally, her shoe and purse line isn't half bad.

  11. I have been trying really hard to like Jessica. I hear she is very nice unlike her sister. It is a work in progress and I have come a long way.

  12. I started by liking Jessica and now I'm running in the opposite direction.

  13. she's a vapid twat. she can't sing and she's FAT. there, i said it.

  14. I think that she was trying to be sort of funny but failed.

    @Mango Bwahahaha!

  15. No, she's not fat. She's not Hollywood thin, but she's not fat. And if she is by some outrageous standard, heaven help us all.

  16. i am so sick of hearing jessica simpson is fat. seriously come up with something more original to dislike her for. the fat thing is old...

    i have seen her in person recently at the airport and she was not fat AT ALL. yes, she has curves, but i just don't think she photographs well or wears flattering clothes. it is hard to be petite and curvy - lots of things just aren't made for your body...too tight in the butt, too big in the waist, way too long, etc..

  17. well, while she found her wrinkle, i found her double chin.

    and no, she's not fat - that's just a bad picture of her and i don't like her much and I HATE HER UGLY ASS SHOE LINE.

    i go to the store to buy nice inexpensive shoes and all i find nowadays are either jessica simpson or paris hilton shoes. ffff that.

    **steps down from soapbox

  18. JESUS DOGBALLS, THIS WOMAN IS NOT FAT. What in THE HELL is wrong with this culture? She's got ginormous ta-tas, a square jaw, she's about four feet tall, and she cannot dress herself. Granted. But she is NOT fucking FAT.

    This is why so many women I know walk around hating themselves. *smacks forehead.*

    If anything, she'll age better than women like Alba and Biel, since this Jess has some extra poundage and those ladies are beyond scrawny. Skinny women look like shit when they're old. Remember when Cathy Zeta-Jones was all voluptuous and Liz Taylor-y? Well, she dropped about twenty pounds, and now she's a wizened scarecrow. She looks like SHIT. I can't believe it.

    But Meryl, Susan, and Sigourney are each aging gloriously -- and none of those women are bone-thin, either. NOT saying that Jessica is in their league in any aspect regarding intellect or talent. But still.

  19. i think she looks about 12 years old in that pic.
    and again, here's this thing, 30 year old KIDS bitching about a wrinkle??
    drives me nucking futs.
    i like her. she's a little ditzy, but she's harmless. her sister is a waste of space, but i can't help but like jess.

  20. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Her only crime is that she does not wear clothes to flatter her shape. She has the money, and can purchase haute couture or tailored garments. Such a shame.

    I've seen her in person. :) Ahem, and not for my services. Sorry!

  21. I have to go with those that say cut her some slack for that remark. The first wrinkle - the first grey hair you find - they are kinda biggies. When my hairdresser told me she found a grey I was like "Dye it - NOW!" and I follow up every 6 weeks to make sure there are NO more to be seen. So I'm vain - sue me.

    There always needs to be this need to someone slag on a celebrity for daring to something that any other "normal" person would say. I don't get it.

  22. Yeah - If I were her I'd worry less about the wrinkles than the chins. She's not obese, but she's certainly not close to slender. I guess these days we could maybe say "average build", but as 30+% of the population is obese, average isn't necessarily good.
