Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Kelsey Grammer Speaks

Kelsey Grammer took to his blog to discuss all the rumors and accusations that have been thrown out in the past week about his divorce to his wife Camille. Apparently Kelsey wants everything to stay private and just between the two of them, but he is willing to talk when some rumor is about him that he does not like.

About the whole not calling on Father's Day. (Please use your best Frasier Crane voice when reading it. It is much more entertaining.)

Some comments have surfaced about Father's Day. I don't know who is generating them but the truth is that I did call my kids that evening. Frankly, I was surprised that they did not call me in the morning but I was thousands of miles away and working that day so I didn't give it a second thought. I had texted Camille that morning to wish her Dad a Happy Father's Day. I hoped that might serve as a reminder. I love my kids and I miss them terribly. Camille and I had actually discussed bringing the kids out for that weekend but the family was scheduled to come out the following week for the month of July. I thought: why have them fly to NY twice in the same week? Anyway, after the matinee, I and two of my old buddies drove up-state to spend a little time in the mountains. We stopped for dinner and when we got to the house (which has no cell service, by the way), I called them to see how they were doing as I do almost every night at around the same time, 11PM my time--8PM their time, just before they go to bed. Apparently, Mason had been upset earlier that day because she was missing me. I spoke to her for some time and reassured her that I loved her and that I would be seeing her soon. I have spoken to her and her brother Jude every day since and had called them every day before; perhaps it was foolish of me to expect a call on Father's Day, but frankly I did.

I can understand that. Isn't Father's Day the day you are supposed to get the call? It does also sound like he was working, and in any event there was communication that day.

I had never read the rumor about him being seen "smooching" with a blond in a bar. Apparently though the blond was his oldest daughter and as for smooching, well

I do take issue with the characterization that we were smooching but surely if that were the case then even I admit it might be newsworthy in some fashion.

He also says that he will see other women and that Camille will see other guys. Sounds like they already have plans to do so.


  1. she lost me when she said he didn't even call his kids on father's day. sounds more like she didn't let them call HIM.
    he has shitty taste in women. how many is this now?

  2. why do idiots like him and charlie sheen keep marrying these broads???

  3. That's a lot of 'splainin for a guy that wants to keep things private. Poor kids. I have a feeling this is going to play itself out publicly. (Good for us, bad for the kiddies)

  4. Well, mygeorgie, he's a public figure. When people toss around rumors and allegations in a divorce situation, the choices aren't very good. Keeping quiet will merely hurt you on the P.R. front. Paying off the ex for her silence is often too costly and honestly, those confidentiality agreements aren't worth the paper on which they are written; the ex can always use proxies to spread rumors and cause damage with hardly a trace back to them. And speaking out may make you look back, but it's better than silence. Silence in these situations can kill, especially if the other side isn't interested in keeping his or her mouth shut.

    Who knows what's going on with their marriage or the death of it. Both are probably to blame in some ways. That said, I tend to root for team Grammar on this one.

  5. I'm gonna call an ace an ace here.

    She aged and lost her looks and he lost interest.

    He likes them young, hot & dumb.

  6. I really didn't understand what he was talking about.

  7. Yes, he is supposed to receive a call on Fathers' Day, not make one. Why the fact he didn't call home was such a scandal, I'll never figure out. I'm sure she knew his schedule and didn't let the kids call.

  8. Fact, he and almost all middle aged men likes the younger, blond, less ambitious types. There will be another one after he divorces this one.

    Now that that's been said I really liked the statement that he made. It was impressive enough for me to be team Kramer/Grammer.

    At least for now anyway.

  9. I have a theory as to what happened here. KG has recently had some work done - look at the pix, he looks a little "tightened". Well, he's a recovering addict. Perhaps he relapsed because of the painkillers used to recover from surgery.

  10. I heard it being read by Sideshow Bob in my head. It was pretty awesome.

  11. I haven't noticed much of them being in the rumor mills. I'm sure he'll be writing a tell all book in a couple of years.

  12. @Bella--I'm sure you'll hear a lot when the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills comes out...this broad is on it.

  13. oh, and lol, Mack, at the same story, different couple. I get what you are saying, but I think that celebrities should play by the same rules as the rest of us. That goes for politicians, too. We are so at a place nowadays where the rich and powerful don't have to play by ANY of the rules. I mean, before it was some of the rules were bent for them but now it is ALL of them. Ok, not to go off on a tangent here, but take for instance the "kindness blinds." I totally get that the celebs aren't talking about it, and they *could* be doing other, nicer things that we don't hear about, but everyone (me included) goes "OMG, they are so nice!" When it was something that I bet 90% of us "real" people would do without a thought or without anyone telling us how freaking fantastic they are. After I see some truly humble humanitarians doing some truly selfless things, I guess I am just a little jaded.

    ok, end rant. I don't even know what I am talking about anymore ;)

  14. Well, Mack, he has a choice, pr blitz or not. You can't claim to want to be private & then jump to the blog podium to explain, ad nauseum, about a phone call you didn't get & how it hurt your feelings.

    He's talking too much, a sure sign of guilt.

    Also, if the guy was being a dick preceding Father's day, I can't say I'd be too eager to have the kiddies call him either. Who know's what's really going on at chez Grammer. I'm not about to jump on Team Grammer simply because I like his show or he's more popular.

  15. She was nothing but a loser when he met her and gave her EVERYTHING. Wow, he liked her, married her and gave her EVERYTHING. Now she returns the favor by not letting his kids call him on Father's Day. Camille is a Tool.

  16. I don't know if it's a clear sign of guilt, mygeorgie. A sign of P.R. activity? Most definitely. Guilt? Only God and private investigators know that for sure.

    I'm not saying Grammar is an angel or is completely innocent in this. Marriages and other relationships break up because two people didn't put the work in to keep it going. And marriage is definitely work. Once you decide it's not worth the time or energy, it is over, no matter how much two people love each other.

    I'm just saying that he's doing what he has to do given what is at stake.

    Again, as I said, chihuahuense, I agree that the behavior in these cases are not lovable by any means. I also think that celebrities shouldn't get credit for doing kind things, especially when it is what should be expected. At the same time, we are quick to condemn celebrities for behaving like everyone else too -- not always tipping generously, occasional rudeness and the like. We can't have it both ways, demanding celebrities to behave "just like us" and then condemning them for doing so. We also can't complain about their charitable activities (or perceived lack thereof) when our own giving (or lack thereof) is anonymous. As long as we behave holier than thou, don't expect celebrities to not do what they can to look good.

  17. chihuahuense - I totally agree! (and I copied and pasted your name this time cuz I think I spelled it wrong in the other post I agreed with you in)

  18. The kids in question are 8 and 5? I think it's up to the mom to help/remind them make the call and send cards. I don't think it matters if the parents are a couple or not. Next year on Mother's Day, I would expect him to help his kids do something for their mom.

  19. lol, thanks john :)

    Mack, you kinda lost me there...we can't complain about their giving/not giving because our giving/not giving is anonymous? No, I'm saying that they get all of the "rules for how a normal acts" lifted because they are special, and then we all say "wow! Look at them giving!" when they do something nice. I have the thought process that the majority of us give a lot more (percentage wise) than they do, and that is actually backed up by facts (people in the middle-lower income brackets give more than those in higher). I am just a little over it right now. As much as I love CDaN, I think I need a break from the bullshit.

  20. not to poop on all the charitable giving, but they DO get to deduct it, ya know.

  21. Good point Nancer! To add to that, Charitable work is good pr & more often than not, the charities will pay BIG bucks for celebs to show up. Like more than the average guy makes in a year, for a few hours & a photo op.

  22. We all get to deduct our charitable giving. Big deal? Complaining about a celebrity getting the break is akin to someone with less money than any of us complaining that we get a tax break for giving money. It's the law of the land and we all get something from giving. Why begrudge anyone for doing so.

    Again, what I'm saying chihuahuense, is that we tend to use a double standard with all these public figures. We complain when they do something wrong. Then we want to ignore them when they do something charitable. Honestly, since we're going to jeer them for one, let's cheer them for the other. Or just ignore everything they do and chalk it up to human behavior (on an, albeit, larger scale).

    Honestly, I can't see why you're getting frustrated. If being on a gossip blog is a little too stressful for you, then you should take a break. After all, it's only a bunch of anonymous folks shooting bull, not a UN Security Council meeting.

  23. Who said anything about being frustrated? I'm just saying I'm over it right now. Not *this* topic. Just all of it. But thanks for your concern.

  24. mack: I don't get paid $100k for showing up at a cancer fundraiser, stand around for photo ops, look like a hero and serve a plate of food, get in a limo & wait for the pr pics (sent in by my agent) to show up in the tabloids & erase my assholery antics from the week before.
