Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lindsay Getting Out Of Jail This Weekend - Wants Family Time Before Rehab

I don't think Lindsay Lohan has learned anything in her time in jail. I think the only way she would have is if she had to serve the full 90 days and had to serve it with the general population. I am not saying I want anything to happen to her because I don't. However, all Los Angeles County has done by giving Lindsay her own space is showing that she is special and is being treated differently than the others. They are reinforcing her behavior. They can yammer all they want about how she is being treated the same, but she is the only one who gets to have visitors during the week. So, she does not have to share the visiting area with anyone else. She has her own cell and privacy and that is also different from just about everyone else.

So, it is not surprising that she has requested that when she is released from jail this weekend she does not want to follow the Court's order which says she has to report to rehab within 24 hours of getting out of jail. Nope. She wants to spend time with her family first. You know, because she has only seen them every other day while she has been in jail. Please. She doesn't care about her family. She is hoping for one big drug and booze blowout before she has to go to rehab for 90 days. Plus, you know that she will pick a rehab facility where her family can stay with her all the time.

Everyone keeps saying how this will change her for the better. Maybe. I still have not seen anything that shows me she has or will.


  1. yah ok - your family is why you're f*cked up in the first place lindsay away far away from crazy dina and you MIGHT have a chance to see 25


  3. Addicts have a really good chance at changing when they chose to or when they have lost everything. Since people/businesses want celeb publicity for their profits, they may continue to throw money at Lindsay.

    Furthermore, it's not easy guessing who's going to get clean and stay that way anyway.

  4. I thought legit rehab places don't take people with drugs in their system? But I could be wrong. I don't know about all that.

    So if she does want the time to binge, the rehab place wouldn't take her and hence, she would not be fulfilling the court's order.

    Let her binge, if that's the case!

  5. Because Paris Hilton changed so much after she got released, right?

  6. I thought the judge gets to pick her rehab place? Anyway, Lindsay's family is part of the problem, not the solution.

  7. nunaurbiz, I think it's fairly common for people to check into rehab completely wasted (having one last epic binge before). So if the court lets her have extra time before going to rehab, that's just more time for her to drug/drink, etc. when she could/should be legitimately in rehab.

    I think this request shows just how out of touch with reality she is and how her huge sense of entitlement (and denial of any drug addiction) has warped her thinking.

  8. For me that much time in jail would just be a vacation. I would be sleeping in my cell the entire time. A vacation I tell ya!

  9. I just can't with her anymore. She *might* change, if they send her to a REAL rehab facility, and she has to stay the entire 90 days. She (IMHO) also needs to stop with the Adderall. Is she really ADD/ADHD?? Adderall is just like doing Meth, if you're not ADD/ADHD.. Take if from someone with experience!

  10. I felt bad for her the other day when Ent brought up the possibility that paps were going into rehab just to get the story, but not so much today. I hope she gets hit by a car on her way out of jail (nothing fatal) and ends up in traction until September. That ought to fix her wagon.

  11. Oh but of course her drug abuse problem is not her fault, it's just because she has such horrible parents.

    Let's all continue to feel sorry for her and make excuses so that as enablers we can contribute to her false sense of entitlement and her demise.

  12. Replace "Family Time" with "Party Time" and I might buy it. Although at this point, I'm not sure which is worse for her health: her family or the drugs.

  13. in BC, they won't admit you to a rehab facility without first completing detox and getting it out of your bloodstream.

    they really should look into that in CA.

  14. Hey jax, did they (the Federal Gov.) ever end up closing that safe enjection site in Vancouver?

  15. SueEllen - you crack me up! "hope she gets hit by a car on her way out of jail (nothing fatal and ends up in traction until September."

    Okay, I just caught my breath!

    Seriously, she needs to be sent to a serious rehab, like Hazelden or Betty Ford. As everyone has said before, it will only work IF and WHEN she's ready to make the necessary changes, including putting some distance between her and her family.

  16. @surfer

    I was snorting to myself while I wrote that; I'm glad I'm not the only one who found it amusing.
    It would also fix her right up, for real though.

    Real hospital workers, and by this I mean non-star fucker hospitals, don't play when it comes to people pretending to be in pain and needing pain meds as a result of it. I'm a little scared of them to be honest.

  17. For me, I have no real interest in seeing Lohan get better or get worse. She's on her own path, she's calling the shot, and she gets more satisfying ego strokes by staggering around on drug and booze binges than she ever did by working. I hear people say that they wish she would clean up and fix her career, but aren't there already sufficient numbers of marginally talented actresses? Just as we've all learned on the internet "Don't feed the trolls," we should stop feeding her ego by caring. You want to get high, Lindsay? Get high then. OD. Whatever!

  18. Have to agree with Barton.

    I was watching some reality show on Bravo (the name escapes me) about a photographer couple who do trendy shoots and they had one scheduled with Lindsay for Complex magazine. LiLo arrived to the shoot late, some crazy amount of time late -- like 10 hours. If I were photogs I would either have packed up, left and let her walk into an empty studio, or would have had Princess LiLo walk in as they were shooting her replacement. Lindsay seemed out of it the whole time, the photog couple royally kissed her ass, the woman implied that she and LiLo had a sexual chemistry, and the bizarre male of the couple (who seemed alarmingly like that Bruno character that Sasha Baron Cohen plays) begged-- BEGGED -- Lindsay for a goodbye hug. Totally fucking surreal.

  19. I agree with Barton!

    I didn't think you could check into rehab if you were fresh off a binge either. I had a coworker who sent her son to rehab for coke and meth, and they wouldn't take him until he had detoxed. It probably depends on the facility. Some may have their own detox area.

  20. "Family Time" = a liter of Grey Goose and an 8 ball

  21. I think she should spend more time in jail. But I do think she cares about her family, only because she doesn't know better. I do not think they care about her (maybe Ali does), except for what she can give them ($$$$$$). And that will dry up quickly someday, we can only hope. I don't think she has hit bottom as they say. We'll see this story play out at least one more time. I wish her well.

  22. She's not going to change because she doesn't have a problem. Not in her eyes anyway. Until she decides she has a problem she won't change. This stay in treatment will do nothing except teach her a lot of annoying psycho babble.

  23. I completely agree with Barton.

  24. At this point they should just nix the rehab and keep her in jail. A lesser known person would've received more than 90 days. As someone else stated, she doesn't believe she has a problem so what good will rehab do? Jail might just keep her off the roads when she's tanked up on booze and coke, and keep her from eventually killing someone for at least another few months.
