Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Gets 90 Days In Jail **May Just Serve 25 Days**

**Update**- Right now in Los Angeles County, female non-violent inmates are only serving 25% of their sentences. In addition, the State also gives a 25 % credit if you behave so it is possible that Lindsay might serve as few as 20 days, but it will probably be closer to 25. She would have been better going in today and she would probably be close to getting out by July 20th.

Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating her probation. Plus, after she completes the 90 days in jail she has to complete a 90 day in patient rehab program. So, basically Lindsay gets six months for violating her probation and not completing her alcohol education classes in a timely manner.

Lindsay gave a speech to the judge which was full of tears and was the best performance she has given in a long time. Most people thought the most time Lindsay would get would be 30. 90 is a long, long time. She will officially begin her sentence on July 20th. During the time she is waiting to go to jail she will have to keep the SCRAM bracelet on.


  1. What do you wanna bet there will be some new drama before she surrenders?

    I think the judge did her a favor if the girl is smart enough to heed the wake up call

  2. Good, that's some form of justice... Seriously this decision is saving lives, Lyndsay's and any innocent bystanders. I have 10 plus years sobriety and Lyndsay is getting a break, it could have been worse.

  3. I really hope that this saves her life!! She needs it...

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  5. melissa, i'm on that train with you. she's got 2 weeks before she surrenders. i look for something spectacular to happen during that time.

    the judge is also having her evaluated by 2 physicians to see if the prescription drugs she's on are part of the problem.

    ya think?

  6. Anonymous3:44 PM

    She should be in jail for the crimes that she has committed. Whether or not this will put her on the road to sobriety remains to be seen.

  7. It's about time someone in a position of power is forcing Lindsay to face up to her addictions. Here's hoping she can get her crap together and pull a "Robert Downey, Jr." with her career.

  8. Why on earth did she ask that her SCRAM be taken off- DUH- like that would happen. "Yeah Lindsay- go do a ton of blow tonight and get your picture taken"...

    They should have taken her in today- these 2 weeks may just be the death of her.

    My prayers are that Lindsay gets her shit together.

  9. i ended up with 2 dui's at 21. though it took me a year to face up to the reality of my situation, i did and i am a better person for it.
    i paid out of pocket for an 18 month alcohol education class, nearly $1500 for broke college student working part time. i can't even imagine her trying to use the "i'm working" excuse. thanks to the judge for making a great decision.

  10. That was amazing to watch unfold. Lindsay seemed to really think her tears would move the judge, but the judge straight out said she wasn't buying it, given her history of lying and blaming others. I'm really impressed with this judge. It's the best possible outcome - 3 months to think about what she's done, and 3 months to get the help she needs. Now if they could only order her toxic mother to stay away and not tell her every day she's in jail how unfaaaaaaaair it all is.

    Lindsay's lawyer was so embarrassed when Lindsay made her ask if she could take the SCRAM bracelet off for the next two weeks. You could see her gritting her teeth!

  11. So Enty, what does this mean? How much time will she REALLY serve?

  12. My new hero is Judge Ravel and her mighty pimp hand. It's about time someone held this bitch accountable.

  13. the judge should have taken her today,you don't tell a drug addict to come back in two weeks,see ya!

  14. i don't think it helped that she claimed to be working with children, and said that was why she missed classes.

    yeah, right, bitch.

  15. I am glad someone is finally stepping up to help her.

    I believe there will be at least one suicide attempt before she goes in.

    PS, I want to be rich enough someday, so that if I do something that lands me in jail, I can arrange my surrender after a two week vacay.

  16. I have a really strong feeling the sheriff will release her after an hour of being incarcerated or some shiz like that. I think that's how it went down in the Nicole Richie case right? So many of them waste the tax payers money with these bloody trials and then end up walking because of 'jail overcrowding' so I doubt she will even end up doing her time. Shame, she just got her lips and botox done too...

  17. *tee-hee*

    About time someone got tired of giving Lindsay one more chance. Hopefully she will serve the full jail time. In the end, this might save her life. Now, what can be done about her personality and character?

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  19. YOWZA, I hadn't heard the news when I saw this and had to do a double-take. Honestly, I didn't think I was that much of a cynic, but I really just glazed over and assumed she'd gotten off again.

  20. not that i should care, seeing as i have never met LL and likely never will, but i do worry that this girl will try and off herself in the next two weeks. why would you give an addict two weeks off?

  21. i watched, too, fascinated by the first decent acting i'd seen out of her in years.
    judge DID order her to report today, but counsel asked for two weeks.
    i wonder if one of her pals in the states will get her on that private plane now. that's going to be my bet, busted at the airport.
    i also wonder how much time she'll really serve, because that's eventually up to the warden. paris hilton managed to get out of a good chunk of her time, but i can't remember how long she was sentenced.
    i hope they still give her drug tests while she's in...

  22. Judge Ravel must have trained with Judge Sauer (the guy who put Paris Hilton behind bars) in the ancient art of BITCHPLEASE.

    I feel bad for her. Not because she's going to jail...but because she's going to try and kill herself before she goes in. Or she's going to vanish. Like jax said...the judge should have slapped those cuffs on her, wished her well and told her to click her YSL's together three times and say "there's no place like County".

    Now Linds is REALLY going to go off the deep end.

  23. I'm also with everyone who thinks she should have gone in RIGHT AWAY. She's so delusional she probably thinks there's some way she can wriggle out of this in the two weeks she was given.
    Can you imagine if they'd let her take the SCRAM bracelet off?!? Major OD or hospitalization would have occurred, I'm convinced.
    This is such welcome news. If this could just show her - even a little bit - that she can't get away with lying forever and ALL THE TIME, MAYBE she can try to be a better person.
    I'm interested in more about the 90 days in-patient treatment - is that like forced rehab? That would be really good for her (again).

  24. @blondegossip:
    she is mandated to report to rehab (the facility having been chosen by the judge) within two days of being released. judge also put in provisions that she was to consume NO alcohol, drive no cars without legal license and insurance on her person (apparently items that were left out the first time) and her drug test frequency is to be determined by the police dept. so they can show up at her door (or call her in, however it works) at any hour of the day or night. and you KNOW she hasn't been nice to them.
    can't wait to hear what mama's going to say about this.

  25. PS - hilarious comments, Nightmare Child :)
    PPS - I just searched for a "fan page" for Judge Revel on Facebook. None exists. Yet.

  26. Yep, already her sentence is shrinking and she's not even there yet. She has an addictive personality and without proper guidance (ie family), she will likely not understand the ramifications of why she is even going to jail. Her shock at the sentence showed me that everyone in her camp has been telling her she will get off and that this is all going to be straightened out. Without an actual mea culpa, this is just one giant waste of tax payers money because she doesn't even seem to understand why she is being punished.

    *le fucking sigh*

  27. something tells me that even if her time in jail is partial, there ain't no getting around the 90-day rehab lockdown that follows

  28. After reading what you guys are saying, i'm glad I'm not the only one whose immediate thought was..uh oh......she is totally gonna OD either on purpose (to get into the hospital to get out of jail)or not or disappear.
    I really enjoyed watching her say that she has taken responsibility for her actions and her lawyers and the judge just being like ummmmm, well, let me say all of the things you have done that say the opposite of that.
    Like the cocaine pants! You can just see it:
    Cop: we found coke on your pants
    LL: they aren't MY pants
    Cop: You are wearing them
    LL: well they are someone else's pants. with someone else's drugs.
    OMG. She is delusional and honestly I don't think she will last for two weeks more. I really feel like she is in big danger.
    I hope she gets her shit together but what will we talk about if she doesn't?

  29. i'm thinking she'll have to serve at least half that sentence. and i'm pretty sure the 90 days in rehab is non-negotiable. they'll have to put the scram back on to keep track of her, or something. because if she goes on a bender AFTER being clean for that long, she WILL be dead.

  30. And look at Paris now after her "jail time".... same stuck-up entitled B___ as before! Did nothing to teach her a lessson.

  31. I was watching the live feed also; delighted the judge wasn't fawning obsequiously over the celebrity in her court room (a la Judge Lance Ito and O.J. Simpson). Would have been great if Lindsay had been taken straight to jail, but great that she won't be going home when the jail term is up. Wherever LiLo does her rehab stint, it won't be as lenient as Promises in Malibu is, or her other spot in Utah.

    Of course, she won't learn anything and I fully expect her to revert the moment she is released.

  32. suddenly i have a renewed faith in the ca judicial system :)

  33. There will be non-stop Lohan drama from all the loons in that family for the next two weeks. She should have gone immediately. We are going to be so sick of this before the 20th, and let's not believe for a minute that she's going to be in for anything like 90 days. I think 20 is being incredibly hopeful. I bet she'll be in about seven to ten days and that will be in a private cell and taking private showers and having private exercise time. She's basically going to be sent to a plain, quiet room for a week. The only punishment will be not having her photo taken during that time. Hell, she'll probably even get plenty of drugs. Being in prison doesn't seem to keep the general population from getting them. And all of this is IF she doesn't do something in the next two weeks to get herself thrown into a mental institution. A suicide attempt, either real or faked, would probably put her in some private "hospital" instead of jail. Let's not forget that this girl obviously has someone with very deep pockets that keeps literally bailing her out of trouble. Those hoping to see her behind bars - don't get your hopes up. I typed this really fast. Hope it makes sense and doesn't have too many typos.

  34. I hated seeing RDJr getting locked away but he brought it on himself and it turned out to be the best for him.
    Lets hope Lindsay does not just get a token time behind bars but really serves most of that 90 days.

    This and rehab just might save her life. Lets hope she grows up for once.

  35. I loved the way the judged called her out on all her bullshit, saying that when she was arrested after that car chase, she first tried to blame it one guy, and when he said it wasn't him, she said it was the other guy.

    I thought she was "working with children" in India, not Morocco.

    After the judge shot down her request to have the SCRAM bracelet removed, did anyone else hear the her say that if you have alcohol, it's gone by 4 a.m.? Was she giving her a heads-up or what?

    I also agree with all of you that releasing her was a huge mistake.

  36. keep an eye on TMZ because this bitch is going to go on the biggest bender EVER!!

    I'll be surprised if she doesn't go wild tonight.

  37. The look in Lilo's face when the judge told her she's going to jail was worth the price of admission--she was incredulous! Judge Marsha Revel is my new hero! The sad part is, she just won't get that this is a chance to salvage what career she might have, and will fight tooth and nail against any form of help she's offered, including this one. After all, she's just a child trying to work in cold, cruel Hollywood!

  38. I watched the sentencing video in full and I hate to say it but all I see is her leaning past her lawyer, either forwards or backwards to get her reactions on camera. It's like a train wreck happening right before your eyes.

  39. Well, I hope they actually keep her in for a while rather than let her out after 45 minutes like Nicole Ritchie.

  40. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I too watched the live feed, and LOVED her reaction when the judge asked if they would waive arraignment and proceed immediately to sentencing. I don't think she realized until that exact moment that she might go to jail. Also loved the judge and the prosecutor. And I agree it's a mistake to let her wait two weeks...when the judge first said sentencing and that officer moved over behind her I was thinking "Oh boy, they're going to take her in right now and we're going to see a screaming hissy." Got the hissy, but she's out doing the clubs tonight with her SCRAM still attached. I also thought when I heard the two week delay that it was a bad idea, that she's going to do something bad to herself by then. Well, the world is watching...

  41. oh, yeah, i think the point that's been overlooked here is that she's going to be serving THREE separate sentences, 30 for each one. judge tossed out the scram incident. each sentence is for each dui violation, IIRC. not to be served concurrently.
    and from what i've been trying to find out, she would be MUCH happier at santa monica (a pretty new prison, yes, probably in a private cell--think about it, she craves attention most of all, that one guy said was clean and the staff fairly competent) than she would in a mental hospital. which is where she'll go if she tries to off herself. and since she's already in so much trouble, it won't be a pretty, sunny little place that mommy and daddy will arrange. it will be county, or at least general populace. think "one flew over the cuckoo's nest".
    my SIL's shrink called a 51-50 on her, and she wound up in just such a place, only for one night, and she hasn't threatened suicide again, but she has admitted to hoarding pills. the thought of going back to that place has stopped another attempt.

  42. I am so sick of hearing this entitled bitch talk about how her punishment is worse because she's Lindsay Lohan. BITCHPLEASE. Breaking a probation for something as stupid as a DUI can ruin a life, ruin a job, destroy an ability to make a mortgage payment. I can forgive a DUI, but this entitled woe is me act can fuck itself. Lives and careers crash on less thans she's done. THAT'S real life. God I hate this stupid stupid bitch.

  43. oh, john, i thought she was looking for mommy or daddy!
    good call!
    it was extremely childish and disrespectful to the judge, whatever it was.

  44. or maybe she was looking for bluntman and chronic to come and save her!!
    i just kill me!

  45. This wouldn't be happening to her if she had just gone to the damn classes in the first place. If she has time to go out partying for hours every night, she has time for a couple hours a week classes.

    I agree with the others. This 2 week thing is not going to help her at all. She will either go on a bender (I would) or attempt suicide. Her parents really fucked up.

  46. I tried to watch the video of her in court but I couldn't get past her cranked out face & voice. What a piece of shit she is LOL. ZERO sympathy. She doesn't deserve any. ALSO, there is NO way she'd make a SERIOUS suicide attempt - she's far too narcissistic for that. I wouldn't be surprised if she did something to make it SEEM like a suicide attempt, but nothing worse than a paper cut or a few extra pills. Anything for attention. Which brings me to my last point - 90 days in rehab won't cure her fame addiction. She needs MAJOR MAJOR rehab and therapy for THAT. And since in her mind nothing she's ever done is wrong, including whoring herself out to the cameras day in & day out, that will never happen.

    Oh well. As long as I don't have to have her in my face for a while I'm happy. :)

  47. Just created a Judge Revel FB fan club. When you're done posting here (don't want to take anyone away from CDAN), come visit and give Judge Revel the kudos she deserves!

  48. Wow, the comments here are really mean-spirited. Linday Lohan was a delightful child actress who was allowed or forced by toxic parents into growing up way too fast. I blame the parents and the "Hollywood" system that doesn't know enough to say no to a celebrity and ignores, if not celebrates, bad behaviour. Add to that the public hunger for revelations about her sexuality and it's no wonder she turned to drugs and alcohol.
    She has made some terrible choices in life and now she will pay the price. As a lawyer, I didn't see any posturing to get her reaction on camera when she was sentenced. She leaned over to get in her lawyer's face. It looked to me like the lawyer might not have prepared her for the possibility of jail.
    The cynicism about a suicide attempt is just heartless. I for one wish her well and hope that this is the rock-bottom that will show her she needs help and that she is unlikely to get it from her current friends and family.

  49. JW - I don't feel mean-spirited when I say that she is 24 years old. The responsibility to act like a grown-up is now on her shoulders and has been for the last 6 years. She has made scads of money and has had plenty of opportunity to get the help that she truly needs be it rehab, therapy or anything else.

    I know many people that have grown up in far worse situations than to be filthy rich and with connections at 18 years or age. She has behaved in an entitled manner throughout this process and I am happy that someone has finally made her responsible for it.

    She needs to be away from her enablers and take ownership for the immature, irresponsible and dangerous things that she has done.

    I don't care for her or her entitled ways but as I said in the earlier Lohan post, I am pro-human and hope that she gets the help she needs now.

  50. Ms. Cool - I totally agree with your comments. I am TOTALLY for being made to take responsibility for your decisions (ask my kids). But I think that fact that she grew up with connections and filthy rich and with parents who saw her as the meal ticket, led to the sense of entitlement and the connections and celebrity then definitely didn't help because it appears from a lot of the items posted here that nobody in Hollywood has the cojones to call a celebrity on bad behaviour. I too agree that she needs to take responsibility and am glad that this may be the first step. However, some of the comments are beyond vitriolic. This is a sad young woman who has made a huge mess of her life, and speculating on possible suicide attempts is just over the top in my opinion.

  51. JW, I see your point but I don't think anyone is wishing suicide. I see their point because she is such a mess, she may well OD or hurt herself. I believe she was a known cutter for a while. The reason I like this site is most readers are above the nastiness found on TMZ, Perez, and Dlisted.

    I agree with everything you say. The one thing I want to mention is that this woman is crying not for humiliation or for the serious mistakes she has made, she is crying about the unfairness of it all.

    While I think you are right about her sycophant family being a huge cause to her entitlement, she has had a lot of time to recover from that, too.

    All that said, a tiny part of me feels for her.

  52. What a sad situation. Not that she got sentenced to jail and rehab (and I think she should have gotten longer) but that this is what it has come to, for that amazing little girl that was so talented and sweet.

    Yes, she is an adult now, and whether her awful family situation has facilitated her problems or not, it is now up to her to take charge of her life and start making good decisions for her own sake.

    And yes, she has done some terrible things, and she seems pretty miserable.

    But I am hoping she is able to get back on the straight and narrow and go on to live a long, healthy and happy life.

    I don't remember people being so cynical when Robert Downey Jr was going through his multiple troubles with the law.

    Also, I agree that in the two weeks until the start of her sentence a lot can happen.

    Here's to hoping she'll stay at home with her siblings playing Trivial Pursuit and watching CSI: Sheboygan, or something.

  53. Leah, I became a fan of your Judge Revel page. You have it set so that no one can post on the wall; did you mean to set it like that?
    I also hope that this incarceration and in-house treatment program is the wake-up call that LL needs. The Parent Trap was on over the weekend, and it is amazing what a talented, young actress LL was. It is so sad what has happened.
    I wish that Judge Revel could do something about the ENABLERS that surround LL. She is never going to get any better if she keeps surrounding herself with people who tell her what she wants to hear, instead of what she needs to hear.
    I also agree with the posters who state that LL will "do something" in the next two weeks. I think we can all count on it.

  54. I hope this is the start of her turnaround. She's 24 - about the age people stop fooling around and start on the road to becoming adults. She's infuriating, if only in that 'she gets away with everything' way I used to lament about my sibling. He didn't, though, in the end. LL is a precious human being - spoiled or not - as is each one of us. Although my nastier side wants to revel in schadenfreude, my better half is rooting for her.

  55. Robert Downey Jr. was different in a huge way - he admitted he was an addict all along. Lindsay just keeps lying to everyone, including herself. This is the first time she's being forced to face reality.

  56. Not admitting they have a problem is a very common occurrence with drug users - "It's not a habit, it's cool, I can stop whenever I want" - it's such a cliche it's unbearably boring.

    It doesn't mean they don't KNOW they have a problem, they just can't bring themselves to admit it because then they have to face the reality that they rather run away from.

  57. While I am elated that finally a judge has sense in Hollywood, I am saddened that this is what it took for Lohan to face the truth. I hope she gets the message this time around, and I wish her recovery. I know she isn't the nicest person, but no one deserves to go on living like she does. Her life must be miserable.

    I hope that she can really turn things around this time.

  58. I find it interesting that for all her talk about how "unfair" LL is being treated, Dina wasn't there. Where was she? Say what you will about her dad, but at least he has been there each time she had a court date. Also, he has gone on record as stating that his daughter is in danger and needs help. He may not be the best father in the world, but at least HE is doing something and trying to help.

    Poor girl, despite my cynical nature, I hope she snaps out of it soon and that this wakes her up to reality before she hurts herself or someone else.

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  61. ITA with your posts JW.

    Lindsay might get in trouble in the 2 weeks leading up to jail, but why OD?
    It's only 90 days.
    I picture her thinking that she'll get out early.

    I'm cheering for Lindsay to mature.

  62. I think someone stated that she must enter rehab from the jail. That is the best part. Hope this does the trick.

  63. Judge Revel may have saved her life by ordering the SCRAM to stay on. I presume that if the SCRAM goes off then LL goes immediately to jail.

  64. I just hope she finds a good therapist in rehab. She has obviously got mountains of personal shit to process and hopefully a slice of reality like jail time will get her to open up, even if just a little.

  65. i think she's going to be fine. hopefully this is rock bottom for her and the next few experiences coming up in her life are going to make her open her eyes and live in a happier way.

    i don't want her to commit suicide and i don't delight in her going to jail. i just hope she gets healthier and out of the headlines.

  66. For once, I would like to make a serious and relatively unoffensive comment. Don't expect this to happen ever again.

    It's hard to feel sorry to Lindsay, but I do. I can relate to coming from a completely fucked up family, coming into large sums of money at a young age, having shitty parental role models, and making bad choices. Just think: Dina Lohan is her role model for what she should be as an adult female. You'd be warped too.

    Lindsay's now doing crystal meth. And if she can make it to her incarceration alive, her incarceration and subsequent rehab could save her life. Probably not, but possibly. I hope so. It has been tragic to see her flush her life and talent down the toilet, and I sincerely hope she makes it.

    Perhaps she's be on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. I, for one, and rooting for her.

  67. Wow - Dick - for once I don't want to smack you!

  68. Do they serve Carvel in County lockup????

    Seriously, she needs a long-term (say, a year) out of state, and she probably needs to get new parents and new friends. Does she have any friend? I would think at this point they're all blood-suckers.

    And much of this can be blamed on her parent who fucked her up royally and the LAPD who keeps letting her off scot-free. I was in LA in 2004 (?) when she commandeered that SUV on the PCH and went for a joy ride. She could easily have KILLED someone.

  69. Feel sorry for Lindsay? Please.

    I feel sorry for the three guys whom she hijacked their car and rolled over one of the guys foot back in 2007. Was she sorry for the way that she treated them? Hell no!

    Yesterday in court she wrote Fuck You on her fingernails. Who was that for, the judge maybe?

    Lindsay isn't sorry for her behavior so I'm not sorry that she has to suffer the consequences of her actions.

    I can only hope that she truly suffers those consequences in the way that an ordinary American citizen would if they were not rich and famous.

  70. @rocketqueen - Thank you, very much.

    @dick insideu - Dr. Drew tried to get her on Celebrity Rehab & she shot him down HARDCORE...which was pretty stupid on her part, in my opinion. It's free publicity, she'd get paid to be there and everyone in Hollywood would see that she's actually making a concerted effort to clean herself up and maybe...just maybe she'd get a few decent roles.

    However...they do mollycoddle them in Celebrity Rehab, let them get away with nearly anything they want on rare occasions (see also: Kari-Ann Peniche) and the treatment doesn't always stick (see also: Seth "Shifty Shellshock" Binzer, Amber Smith & Kari-Ann Peniche).

    In the end, Dr. Drew would be making out like a bandit & Linds would, too...and it's highly unlikely that the treatment would even work with her. Linds doesn't need rehab. She needs to go to seminary or monastery in Tibet or Mongolia and do hard labor for a year.

  71. Here is a link to the FU on the nails picture.


    What an idiot.

  72. @Dick - you feel sorry for her?

    E Online is running a story with pictures. Lindsay had printed (in tiny letters) "F*CK U" in ink on her middle fingernail, on top of the polish.

    According to "E", Lindsay had her hands curled under her chin, her middle finger aimed in the Judge's direction.

    Yes, let's feel sorry for the poor girl (NOT!).

  73. such a disrespectful thing to do

    you know the judge will become aware of the FU pics

    and LL has to go before this judge again

    not smart, cookie

  74. I'm thinking the "fuck u" on her nails is the most blatant cry for help ever.

  75. ...Because nothing says "I need help" like telling your judge to go fuck herself.

  76. Exactly. Who the hell in their right mind would dare pull that shit in a courtroom?

  77. I take back my tiny bit of empathy I felt for LL yesterday. After seeing the F U on her fingernails I just think she needs to grow the F up. Sorry for the abbreviations, not sure everyone likes to see the candid language.

  78. Hey Donna (and everyone else) I've checked the settings, and you should be able to post to the FB Judge Revel Fan Club -- please join and post away after you are done on CDAN.
