Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Goes To Jail - Doesn't Collect $200

Lindsay Lohan showed up in court this morning. Late. She was accompanied by Shawn Chapman Holley because yesterday Robert Shapiro quit as her attorney. Because Holley never signed a substitution of attorney, she was still Lindsay's attorney of record.

I'm sure for the next 23 days, Lindsay stories will be everywhere. Kind of surprising since she is in jail, but this will be the time Dina can really make some extra bucks. I doubt Lindsay will want to see her dad, so Dina will probably be the only voice for Lindsay in the outside world and will be some pocket money for Dina every time she talks to some tabloid.

You know that when she gets out it will be out of control. Yes, she will go to rehab but everyone of the people there will be taking pictures and trying to get information and it will just be one story after the other.

Anyway, hopefully she can use this time to get herself straight and get better. As I told someone yesterday though, I think it is going to take a few more years and a complete split from mom and dad.


  1. I think she is so brainwashed to be a victim that she'll never split from Dina. Especially since Dina can visit her on weekends. I hope she gets sober and better and gains control of her actions and life.

  2. Sorry for my poor sentence structure.

  3. i hate her parents SOO BAD.

    after watching my own parents deal with a drug addict for years....this is NOT how you help your child.

  4. From the look on her face, she still needs an attitude adjustment. She is not about to accept the fact that she is responsible for the position she is in, but hopefully a few weeks in jail without the paps or clubs will start to make a dent.

    Having her medications monitored, followed by time in rehab is a good thing for her. It will be sad to watch when she gets out and returns to her old ways.

  5. Getting away from enablers and sycophants would be the best thing she could do to help herself get clean.

    On another note, she looks heavier - has she put on weight or is this an instance of the infamous "coke bloat"?

  6. "I think it is going to take a few more years and a complete split from mom and dad." So true! Whenever I turn to Intervention I always see the addicts surrounded by enablers. It's sad. I did love the part this morning when Michael Lohan was at the mic with his attorney speaking and people in the audience yelling how he was a POS. And the pink shirt guy yelling "Dad of the Year!"

    What a circus!

  7. Sadly, I don't think jail is going to do a thing for her.

    Perhaps having to stay sober for a year will. But with all of her "prescribed" medications, who knows?

    I REALLY don't see this ending well.

  8. I agree with yall that it is definately going to take more time. Her family and their "we are victims, its because we are famous, its a human rights violation" schtick is OLD. Who ever is booking the Mom/Dad needs to STOP with a capital "Right the F**k NOW STOP". All the rehab and therapy in the world cannot help someone who does not want to be helped. And trust, this trick and her family do not want her to get help. They want her to get a check so they can get paid.

  9. Agree with Jenny - she just looked DEFIANT today. She just doesn't get it.

    Dina is an absolute nightmare enabler to Lindsay. The good news for Dina and the bad for Lindsay is that it is incredibly unlikely that Lindsay will ever drop her mother.

    @Shmooey - I think it's actually a lack of cocaine that has caused her slight weight gain.

  10. i really want to believe this will wake her up and she will clean up her act so she can be that talented girl we saw all those years ago in the parent trap, but i have serious doubts. this girl has been told she she was born how "special" she was and that the rules don't apply to her. she is entitled and surrounded by enablers. because she is famous anyone that disagrees with her can simply get the boot from her entourage.

    i think we all love a redemption story but i just dont see one coming here any time soon. maybe one day she'll get it, but not until she has lost everything. i think lohan is one of those addicts that has to loose absolutely everything and hit the lowest possible point before they think "hmmm maybe i do have a problem."

  11. I'm going to sound like a complete ignoramus here, but what is coke bloat? Is it from too much or too little use of the drug? If she's truly been off the stuff while under court order, then her current puffiness can't be that or is a longer term side effect?

  12. @rocketqueen - In that case, good for her.

    I was VERY suspicious of all those comings and goings while she was in the "sober" house.
    Such is the type of people she associates with, I wouldn't put it past any of her visitors to bring her a supply of drugs.

  13. I give her 3 years to either have cleaned up her act and split with her toxic mom (like Demi Moore and Brooke Shields finally did). She can still make a come back, no matter what, unless she becomes a complete junkie or, dog forbid, OD's.

  14. At least she remembered to have her regrowth dyed again. I hope she doesn't get her prescribed drugs in jail. That and not being able to smoke will probably be tough for her.

  15. @ kate - coke bloat happens to regular cocaine users. just like alcoholics, they face bloats up and appears swollen. likely due to dehydration...

    @ madlyb - i think she can come back too, if she really embraces being sober and i just dont see that happening. she enjoys partying wayyy too much. i'll bet she's already thinking about how f***ed up she's going to get once she's done with jail/rehab. it's probably the only thing getting her through this.

  16. @shmooey - yeah, but I'm curious to know whether she was/is allowed to take all those other drugs they found in her system. Just as harmful.

  17. @Kate - Cocaine use can lead to bloating (much like alcohol abuse).

    Also, cocaine has the immediate effect of suppressing appetite, but then the next day people tend to feel ravenous and overeat.

  18. I thought the bloat came from binging on all the food she won't get in jail: chinese, sushi, italian.

    Nice she showed respect for the court by getting her roots touched up and her hair blown out before showing up late. That way the judge knows who's really in charge.

  19. What do you think she's trying to smuggle in inside that big belt?

  20. If Lindsay keeps on taking the cocktail of prescribed drugs she is reported to be on, her lifespan is likely to be significantly shortened - even if she doesn't do another line of coke in her life.

    Prescription drugs: as lethal as they are legal.

    There is only so much the heart, liver, and central nervous system can take. And she already looks 10 years older than she is.

  21. Maybe she bulked up to look fierce for her first walk down the runway when she goes to her cell?

  22. Her parents are such utter failures. I wonder how much positive influence Sam Ronson has on her?

    And then that chick from the "Double Exposure" show on Bravo is claiming that she and Lindsay are having an affair. I think the chick (her name is not worth remembering)is lying; I saw some of that show and Lindsay barely noticed the chick's existence (in her drug-fueled haze). And the (German?) photographer on the show was a cartoon character, begging LiLo for a hug. He seems to be the model for the Bruno Character that Sasha Baron Cohen plays.

  23. Mango, I seriously doubt that whatever degree of influence Ronson has on her is of the positive kind.

    She has come across as the stable one in this pairing because of Lindsay's very public histrionics, but does anyone really believe she is an oasis of sense, sobriety, and selfless friendship in Lindsay's chaotic universe?

    This woman has profited immensely from her association with Lindsay.

    With Lindsay by her side she made a name for herself and was able to charge ridiculous fees for her DJing.

    Lindsay was just a teenager when they first got involved.
    She's 9 years older than Lindsay, has been around the block and seen many seasons, and Lindsay's severe emotional co-dependence has served her very well.

  24. I missed the live stream, I forgot that this day isn't a holiday in the U.S. I just saw a short clip and she looked so smug, she had a "whatever attitude" and she clearly thinks that this is not a big deal or that she doesn't deserve it.

    Also, does anyone know what are the terms of her time in jail? will she be treated like every other inmate or not?

  25. She is still under the influence and IMO she'll continue to manipulate the system. How many hours/days before she is transferred to a hospital(outside the jail)?

  26. captivagrl, that's exactly what i expect. she'll lose her shit and get sent to the hospital. i fully expect that to happen.

    but in any case, all i have to say is buh bye, ya crazy bitch. i'm sick to fucking death of her. i wish she'd STAY in jail.

  27. shapiro quit, too? when did this happen? what was his reasons?
    can't believe the man may have a shred of integrity after all.

  28. Shapiro immediately realized Dina and Co. were bringing the bitch droogs under his nose left and right, as if he's a dumb ass...just like ALL users think NO ONE knows their game. Pathetic. Dina is as much a user, if not more than LiLo is, I guaranTEE.

    Also, I find it a shame she will be mostly in a "special care" unit sequestered away from the crowd! How the hell is she gonna find and fall in love with a sugar mama being so isolated?

  29. @Kate and others...in my late teens and early 20's coke made me skinny, no matter what. After the mid-20's, it made me fat for a week after using unless I kept on using. After a binge wears off you EAT like a M-Fer. You simply canNOT get enough food in your mouth after a coke fling. It's just not worth it anymore. Plus with high blood pressure, etc., you can't feel better no matte what you do for a freaking WEEK afterward, so it took a while but I now know to just say NO after I grew up! (however I never did any kinds of pills or anything else other than alcohol and weed).

    Now, if I could get good quality Ecstasy or mushrooms about once or twice a year I would be really happy...never had a prob doing them every now and then. Always felt like a million $$$ after those!
