Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Lindsay Says F**k You To The Judge And Much More

Unless Lindsay Lohan gets arrested or something today, then this will be it for the Lindsay stuff. For those of you who watched the video of Lindsay crying yesterday and telling the judge repeatedly how much she respected her, then we really might have to rejudge her as an actress. As I said yesterday I thought it was a pretty good performance. How do we know it is a performance? Look at the fingernail and during her entire speech she kept it focused right at the judge. Some respect.

It turns out that Lindsay as a part of her prescription drug bonanza has been taking Dilaudid which is like heroin or morphine. Actually it is much, much stronger than those. Why the hell does she need booze when she has about 5 drugs including these she is allowed to take legally. One downside. If you drink alcohol, you could die.

Another thing is that if Michael Lohan is going to be an anonymous source for Radar he really needs to learn new phrasing. Yesterday in a a few interviews and a letter to the court he said he did not want Lindsay to become another statistic. Well, check out this quote from a Radar anonymous source close to the Lindsay camp who was talking about the drugs.

"We simply don't want Lindsay to end up as a sad Hollywood statistic, and sadly, it's often the legal prescription drugs that have taken the lives of so many that are simply way too young."

Nice one Michael.

As for the other parent, and I use the term parent loosely, Dina says that she was shocked this could happen and the sentence was not fair to her child. She left off the part about how if Lindsay is out of commission for the next six months Dina is not going to get paid unless she can get the other kids to make her some money. I bet it never occurs to her to actually go out and find a job. She just loves exploiting her kids. Hell, if Ali was 18 she would probably turn her over to Playboy to pick up a few bucks.


  1. as a nurse, i am sickened by what licensed physicians are doing these days.
    dilaudid has always been called 'the cadillac' of pain relievers and was reserved for people with incredible pain, often due to terminal cancer.

    please tell me WHY this bitch---or anyone for that matter---needs that drug following a dental procedure? how is that ethical and why is it legal?

    i'd also like to know why a 24 year old needs ambien to sleep and i'd like to know what testing was done to diagnose her with ADHD and thus, justify the adderall.

    it's the end of the world as we know it, i tell ya.

  2. You know, I would expect nothing less of Lindsay.

  3. Why is she STILL on pain medication for oral surgery that she had weeks ago?

  4. Good, old rock docs. They'll write a prescription for anything. These people don't need pushers.

  5. Enty, please don't stop writing about LiLo, this is the most itneresting thing going unless Britters starts pink-wigging it again.

  6. "Pink-wigging it" made me giggle.

  7. that judge is going to have Lilo's blood on her hands for giving her another 2 weeks to fuck up her life even more.

  8. The fingernail sign should end all negotiations Lindsay's lawyer might try with the judge. Lindsay is positive the world should revolve around her because ... uh ... er ... oh, well, her naysayers are just meanies!

    Sending her to jail is like hitting her over the head with a baseball bat to get her attention. It's worth a try.

    Her doctor needs to be investigated big-time. Ditto her pharmacy.

  9. Anonymous10:10 AM

    As much as I hate Michael Lohan, props to him for doing the right thing and warning the judge about Lindsay's prescription drug use.

  10. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Lindsay will face reality when she WANTS to. If she CHOSES to get hopped up on drugs, that's her CHOICE. No one can make her stop.

  11. There is always going to be a Dr. Feel Good somewhere.

  12. Props to Michael? There are pics of him this morning partying in a bar last night, signing autographs and telling TMZ that he wanted to "call Lindsay and rub it in" that he was out drinking and she couldn't. Fuck him.

    I was wondering if all the drugs in her system would come out due to the drug testing - looks like she's sticking to prescrip-only drugs now that she can't have her booze and blow. We all knew about the adderall, and I guess "dilaudid" is less of a red flag for people than Oxy, but she's in just as much trouble. No one that age should be putting that much shit in their bodies.

  13. I can't see how this is going to end well for Lilo. Can she take her "medicine" while she's in the pokey?

  14. THANK YOU LINDSAY for once again proving why I have ZERO sympathy for you. I know some commenters felt people were being exceedingly heartless toward Lindsay - well here it is. Piece. Of. Crap. ZERO respect for anyone or anything. She's just thrilled at all the headlines, which is why I'm happy you're not going to be posting on her anymore, Enty :)

  15. Dilaudid from a dentist? Wow, I'm a physician, and I have never written a prescription for dilaudid. Ever.

    @Nancer: funny you should mention people coming in with 'focus' problems without a known diagnosis of ADD. Case in point, I had a lawyer who works on Capital Hill come to me for 'focus' problems. Wanted amphetamines. I told him no way, not without a diagnosis FROM PSYCH. Just cause the other lawyers you work with use it, doesn't make it acceptable.

    Sadly, there are docs out there who will forget the oath we all took and pimp themselves out for cash.

  16. She thought the judge would take off her SCRAM bracelet because she wasn't boozing. She got around boozing by taking very strong prescription drugs.

    Within the next couple of weeks Lindsay will figure out a way to get out of doing jail time.

    They'll give her processing time and of course the jail will be too overcrowded for her to stay.

    All she'll get is some wasted rehab time.

  17. ahh Dina Dina Dina. After all this...after everything your child has done and gone through, you are still the queen of DeNial. That is what is saddest about this whole thing to me. Oh and please dear god do not give her any ideas about putting that creature Ali in playboy - ick nast !! but dont' worry i'm sure when lindsay's in jail, ali and dear old mom will be able to find all lindsays connetions for drugs :)

  18. Dilaudid + Drugstore Cowboy + Hats on the bed = Death

  19. So I'm NOT the only one who was thinking about Drugstore Cowboy! LOL

  20. I had Dilaudid intravenously minutes after a c-section. In a hospital. That is powerful crap! Someone is supplying her with stuff, maybe that should be investigated

  21. Everything about the Lohan drama stinks to high heaven.

    My dad was an oral surgeon and only prescribed dilaudid for cancer patients in the last stages of their oral cancers. These people were scarcely able to function. It wasn't called hospice care then, but basically that is what it was.

    I watched some of the hearing on today. The head of the "alcohol program" LiLo attended was a famestruck, star-f*cker beyotch named Cheryl Marshall who lied and forged docs on behalf of Lindsay. Talk about enablers. And she had the nerve to sit up there and tell the judge she had 28 yrs of experience. HA! What a joke! I wouldn't send my dog to her program. The judge was pretty direct with her: "Well, if you knew the demands of probation, and Ms Lohan failed to meet them, did it ever occur to you to pick up the phone and call me?" The moron at least looked slightly sheepish. She came across as a real idiot and typical Hollywood syncophant.

    The sheriff says due to overcrowding, inmates typically do 25% of their time? JOKE! I liked the psychiatrist who recommended any time spared from jail be added to rehab. He also said she should abstain from all work for a full year and work on getting well.

    I would LOVE IT if these people would just disappear. The whole lot, except for the judge and the prosecutor.

  22. LOL at the little black square on the nail!!!

  23. LOL at the little black square on the nail!!!

  24. "Your honor, I, like, totally respect you and stuff, but this is not my fingernail".

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Oh and Dina; Lindsay may be your daughter, but she is not a 'child'. She is old enough to know better. This IS fair. This is what SHOULD happen.

  27. I'm expecting a "suicide attempt" in about a week and a half or hospitalization for "exhaustion". I say she's not going to jail.

  28. When I got my wisdom teeth out, the doctor told me to take tylenol and quit acting like a baby. lol

  29. When I was a teenager I had four regular teeth, not wisdom, pulled before I had braces put on, and I wasn't offered a prescription for anything. And since Lindsay's fingernail "art" is a big story all over the internet, you can be sure the Judge has seen this. I hope she makes the jail keep Lindsay for the full 90 days.

  30. In-patient rehab will be looking at the scrips.
    Question: will the court chose the rehab facility? I heard she goes directly from jail?

  31. Maybe Dina can visit her in jail with a Carvel cake that has a file in it. Oh, never mind. I think the free ice cream card was confiscated.

  32. haha, harriet hellfire! i can't wait until she gets in trouble for that - "i did not know that ffff u was written on my fingernail. it must have been the manicurist - she was trying to get me in trouble."

    and dina....

    you know - this whole thing is so so sick. i feel like a total jerk for participating in it.

    bread and games.

  33. Isn't Dilaudid supposed to only be dispensed in a hospital setting? I had that after my double hernia surgery and it's some powerful stuff. I certainly didn't think that medication would be available in pill form.

    I think that was one of the drugs that Michael Jackson was being given through IV by Dr addition to the Propofal.

  34. It's available in pill form but usually only given to cancer patients

  35. it's really sad that the actual parenting of lindsay is the american court system.

    honestly - i'm beginning to think that the person who plays lindsay is just a normal actress, living a normal decent life and that the people cast as her parents are also just actors doing their jobs.

    it really can't be real, can it? i wish it was just a show.

  36. @kathrynnova: That's an interesting idea. Kind of a real-life Truman show. After the heartfelt plea for understanding and leniency for her unfortunate misunderstanding of the judge's orders in the first place, which I'm sure had everybody within earshot rolling their eyes, to see this tells me she thought she was going to stroll out of court yet again, flipping the judicial system off while she did so.

  37. the list gets longer of what she's on:


    gee, think that's enough??

  38. I saw this about the fingernails last night. Once again, Lindsey exercising the "I'm above the law attitude."

    someone needs to slap & shake the Sh** out of this idiot.

    And her moron parents for that matter!

    I don't expect her to live much longer honestly....

  39. I am not sure what the big deal (beyond the obvious).

    Sure Lohan got 90 days but we already know that celebrity math is different. Thanks to overcrowding, those 90 days might at most be 5-7 days.

    As the FU thing shows, the girl has a huge victim complex that truly believes that people make things happen to her rather then herself being the one making the wrong decisions.

    What really amazes me is how she affords all this considering she doesn't really work and where she use to be an easy top 5 for most beautful in Hollywood, now she wouldn't make the top 500. Being 20 something but looking 30 something isn't condusive to further employment there.

    Net result is I really don't see her living past 30. She is just going to get worse. I hope I am wrong on that but doubt it.

  40. Okay, I take back every bit of sympathy I've ever felt for LL. What a rube (me, not her).

  41. She's a mess, but I think she still has the potential to be rather gorgeous.

  42. i don't believe it, but i'm not familiar with dilaudid.
    the others could be legit if she wasn't drinking, plus wasn't she just taking percs?
    geez, i had a flare up yesterday and had to take a 10mg oxycontin, and it TOTALLY fxxxed me up. on top of everything else, she's going to make a damn good case for taking drugs away from responsible people who need them.
    adderall- i can believe she's add.
    trazadone can be given for both pain, depression and sleep disorders.
    zoloft is an anti depressant, usually given with another drug if treating bi-polarism.
    ambien- hell, doesn't everybody take it now? i do. i just discovered the cr (mail order mis-filled it). i save the cr for really bad days.
    i take more shit than she does, BUT it all comes from one doctor, and i have mris, cat scans, xrays, bran scans, and shit i can't even remember, because i deal with chronic pain and lately bizarre flare ups.
    and i still don't know what dillaudid or whatever it is, ,is.
    and it is a crying shame the judge can't use that "nail art" against her as contempt.

    aww, the good ole days of demerol.

  43. I remember when I had my wisdom teeth removed, must be 10 years ago now... (wow I feel old). I was only prescribed Demerol. I had to take more than what was average then, due to my high tolerance for pain meds at the time. But there's no way I would have ended up taking it for that long.

    I was only on it with antibiotics for less than a week, since I got really sick due to the antibiotics and had to go to the hospital for 2 weeks. STILL though.

  44. my boyfriend overdosed on Dilaudid, so it scares me that Lindsay has a prescription for it.

  45. Re the Adderall: She's probably not ADHD, but just trying to stay skinny. It's a stimulant that calms down one's ADHD by basically overloading your brain until it start waving a little white flag, and like many stimulants, it helps kill the appetite. It's extremely popular w/a lot of models, actresses & those who want to look like them. And no, there's no reason on God's green earth she should be on either Oxy or Dilaudid. *sigh*
