Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mel Gibson Tape Part Three - Defenders Start To Pop Up - Kneepads Takes Mel's Side

Another day and another racial and abusive tirade from Mel Gibson. In case you are keeping score at home, today's tape is the one where he calls someone a wetback who works for Oksana and he also spends some time verbally abusing Oksana. Actually a great deal of time. Oh, he also mentions he is having financial problems. Well, they will only get worse after all of this. I see no income in his future and that Beaver movie was shelved.

To listen to today's nastiness, click here.

Meanwhile, Mel has finally started to get some support and it has come from a very unlikely source. Yesterday on The View Whoopi said that Mel Gibson is a friend of hers and that he is not a racist. She said he has a drinking problem and that people who drink say things they don't mean. I was shocked. This is not just some drunken rant, this is day after day of this abusive behavior. As many of you have said, can you imagine what his wife went through for 30 years? What about his kids? Whoopi says she is not defending him, but she is. She is making excuses for his behavior. There are none.

Taking advantage of the Whoopi positives, Mel's people rushed out a story to Kneepads where they said that Mel tried to go to therapy for his problems to deal with this unhealthy relationship and get this, they blame Oksana. "He realized how unhealthy the relationship was and recognized that they were in a bad place and he was getting his buttons pushed."

Seriously? Did they just blame her? They did. Wait, it gets way worse. Do you want to know why Oksana got punched in the face? "the actor only tried to stop [Oskana] from shaking their baby like a ragdoll."

In my headline I said that People have taken Mel's side. They have. They did not need to print this garbage. It is not about being balanced. It is about giving an excuse to a guy who beat a woman with a child in her arms. You cannot defend that and People should know better. They do a lot of sucking up. Tons of it. Their whole offices must be a deep shade of brown. That being said, why would you even bother to suck up to this guy? An exclusive? Some kind of payback when he makes Lethal Weapon 6 or something? It is not going to happen. His career is over. For once People should take the right side and not the celebrity side. They even used a happy picture of the couple.


  1. Mel Gibson, you are a crazy drunken misogynistic bigot. Seek treatment!

  2. Once again, I can't listen to it, it's not available where I am.

    Whoopi has a history of defending men who do appaling things (see R. Polanski). Nothing new there.

  3. What in the hell is going on with all these people and magazines?

    These are the SAME ones that CRUCIFIED chris brown, yet here they are excusing mel's absolutely UNEXCUSABLE behavior. I just don't get the media and why some people are hung out to dry and some are given a pass for the exact situation. Its all very strange.

  4. It makes me SICK how so many women are defending this monster.

    He's always been my mom's fave, and she doesn't follow gossip, so I'm now I'm convincing her otherwise...

  5. Gotta love Nancy Grace and Jane Valez-Mitchell about this time. They're not cutting him any slack. And I think their programs have a pretty wide viewing. They will keep these tapes on the air for a long, long time. Whatever Kneepads and Whoopi do will not even matter. I feel bad for his kid, for all his kids. And wives.

  6. That is just crazy. He even admits to hitting her while she holds her baby, and tells her he is going to bury her body in the Rose garden??? I dont care how drunk you are, honestly. That is just horrible.

  7. Kneepads is just following their parent company's (Time Warner's) corporate culture. Along with what you've talked about here, Enty, they have a history of supporting Gibson's sort of behavior internally -- so long as the perp is profitable and is senior to the victim.

  8. i am NOT defending him...but seriously i've heard worse when my ex left me drunken voice mails. People do crazy stuff under the influence (meaning the rant). The alleged physical abuse - that's NEVER excusable

  9. I wonder if there will be a parade of his "flings" coming forward? He did love Production Assistants....

  10. I don't know how anyone can listen to his ranting and defend him on any level. I have never bought into the excuse that people say things they don't mean when they are drunk, in my experience when people are drunk they say exactly what they are thinking.

  11. just for the record Mel was terrifying in those tapes I couldn't listen to them, but I had to comment on so many sites saying "he doesn't sound drunk"

    You can't tell if someone that is a long term alcoholic is drunk or not. Especially one that drinks heavily and has for years. he did sound like he'd been drinking to me. I've seen a man that was an alcoholic for 10+ years drink 24 pack of beer and still sound relatively normal.

    Not that it really matters THAT much that kind of rage needs intervention and fast. Not excusing him not at all. I think he desperately needs help.

    I have to say I pretty much detest oskana I think she is a user, and a manipulator (doesn't mean she deserved any of that not what i'm saying)I can't stand her.

  12. It's no secret that Mel Gibson is not well. He needs serious psychiatric help, and he needs the right medication to stay in check. I actually think it is very sad, because the guy is a tormented human being, who self-medicates with alcohol is utterly miserable. There is no excuse for physical violence; it's wrong without question. But, if you do listen to these tapes, I think it is very, very clear that this woman is very cold and very calculating. He is so clearly under the influence, and she is very calmly proding him. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing. She knew she was taping, she wanted a big payout, and she pushed a sick individual right into an explosion. Haven't you ever seen a suffering drunk spewing garbage? Sure, it's hateful, and when you do the playback or read it, it sounds evil. It also sounds like the rant of a little baby saying every bad word, hateful thing they can think of. It's sad and pathetic. These tapes just make me sad for him - he's a mess. And, they also made me see how cruel she is to taunt a sick person for her own gain. Listen to her voice - NO one afraid for their safety or feeling abused maintains that type of calm and nonreactivity. She's ice. Who knows - maybe even a psychopath herself. Do you see ANY remorse?? She went to the dentist, made him keep it confidential then, but not now. Why? Because she wanted to extort him first with full stocked ammo. All that said, I hope he gets the help he needs, she gets appropriate child support, and the court orders these two to stay away from each other.

  13. It's no secret that Mel Gibson is not well. He needs serious psychiatric help, and he needs the right medication to stay in check. I actually think it is very sad, because the guy is a tormented human being, who self-medicates with alcohol is utterly miserable. There is no excuse for physical violence; it's wrong without question. But, if you do listen to these tapes, I think it is very, very clear that this woman is very cold and very calculating. He is so clearly under the influence, and she is very calmly proding him. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing. She knew she was taping, she wanted a big payout, and she pushed a sick individual right into an explosion. Haven't you ever seen a suffering drunk spewing garbage? Sure, it's hateful, and when you do the playback or read it, it sounds evil. It also sounds like the rant of a little baby saying every bad word, hateful thing they can think of. It's sad and pathetic. These tapes just make me sad for him - he's a mess. And, they also made me see how cruel she is to taunt a sick person for her own gain. Listen to her voice - NO one afraid for their safety or feeling abused maintains that type of calm and nonreactivity. She's ice. Who knows - maybe even a psychopath herself. Do you see ANY remorse?? She went to the dentist, made him keep it confidential then, but not now. Why? Because she wanted to extort him first with full stocked ammo. All that said, I hope he gets the help he needs, she gets appropriate child support, and the court orders these two to stay away from each other.

  14. It's no secret that Mel Gibson is not well. He needs serious psychiatric help, and he needs the right medication to stay in check. I actually think it is very sad, because the guy is a tormented human being, who self-medicates with alcohol is utterly miserable. There is no excuse for physical violence; it's wrong without question. But, if you do listen to these tapes, I think it is very, very clear that this woman is very cold and very calculating. He is so clearly under the influence, and she is very calmly proding him. She knows EXACTLY what she is doing. She knew she was taping, she wanted a big payout, and she pushed a sick individual right into an explosion. Haven't you ever seen a suffering drunk spewing garbage? Sure, it's hateful, and when you do the playback or read it, it sounds evil. It also sounds like the rant of a little baby saying every bad word, hateful thing they can think of. It's sad and pathetic. These tapes just make me sad for him - he's a mess. And, they also made me see how cruel she is to taunt a sick person for her own gain. Listen to her voice - NO one afraid for their safety or feeling abused maintains that type of calm and nonreactivity. She's ice. Who knows - maybe even a psychopath herself. Do you see ANY remorse?? She went to the dentist, made him keep it confidential then, but not now. Why? Because she wanted to extort him first with full stocked ammo. All that said, I hope he gets the help he needs, she gets appropriate child support, and the court orders these two to stay away from each other.

  15. ** Again, I can't listen this tape. Does anyone know another link that works outside the U.S?

    I'm a bit shocked with Whoopi's comment, sure he was drunk but It doesn't mean that he doesn't believe in what he's saying.

  16. @ Kate, yes the drink loosens those words out like truth serum.

    Interesting comment about Chris Brown. I don't know what factor race played in the media coverage of that, I would guess that it did to some extent.

    Many mainstream media organizations still have people who think President Obama was not born is the US. So, yeah it's backlash.

    However I also think that Rhianna is a young, beautiful, talented and popular star and people took her side. Before the tapes people viewed Oxsana as a whore who broke up asshats marriage.

    He is so vile. But after he goes to confession he will be ok, The rest of us will still be going to Hell though.

  17. OK, over at Gawker it's working for me.
    Here's the link for those outside the U.S.:


  18. Whoopi is such a piece os shit. This is the same woman that said Roman Polanski didn't "rape rape" a 13 yo girl and f her up the ass.


    Funny how an actress who hasn't been in a movie in years would step up and defend two well known directors. Hmmmm self serving much?

    How she doesn't get called on the carpet when she says these things boggles my mind.

  19. Just looking at him sickens and saddens me to the core. Braveheart use to be one of my favorite movies and now I can't even stand to see it commercial on TV anymore.

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  21. Didn't Whoopi's dumb ass also defend Polanski? Go figure.

    Mel Gibson is a piece of shit and I cannot believe anyone would continue to defend and support him. He's insulted and offended pretty much everyone but lepers and unicorns at this point and is nothing but a hateful, vile, miserable human being intent on inflicting his misery on everyone else.

    Obviously Oksana is no angel, but no one deserves the shit she's obviously endured, especially when a small child is involved. There is no way to justify hitting a woman who is holding a baby, I don't give a crap how anyone wants to spin it. Tommy Lee did the same thing to Pam Anderson years ago and served jail time for it. I hope asshole Gibson has to do the same.

    He can go f*ck himself with a sandpaper dildo as far as I'm concerned. He could be on fire and I wouldn't spit on him to put it out.


  22. @PS - I completely agree with your comments, however.....it is a sad day that we all feel compelled to take sides in what will NEVER be fully revealed. I think he is a idiot drunk who went off and was extremely scary. I think she took advantage of it out of revenge. I don't blame her and he had no right to hit her. But I do hope he gets help because I too have seen drunks on that level and they are nothing but a misery to those around them because they are nothing but miserable inside.

  23. Enty, you are right on the money with this one. How dare People or Whoopi even think of defending this a**hole? I hope he gets the help he needs, and enjoys his upcoming lack of work.

  24. Now that I've heard it, I'll say it would have been very difficult to be subjected to that kind of vitriol.

    Oksana remains so calm because she's taping everything, and she must be thinking: you are SO gonna pay for this, Mel.

    I've read she's got another child with Timothy Dalton - does this kid live with her too? Probably not, otherwise Dalton would be paying child support, and she says she has no money.

  25. @Shmooey thanks, it works!

    It's surreal to listen to him talk like that. So violent and I must say he definitely doesn't sound drunk in this one. She's a gold-digger everyone knows that but no one deserves this kind of disrespect and verbal/physical violence.

  26. As far as the anger he was spewing at her, a lot of that reminded me of how my dad used to talk to me, so I think it's in some ways understandable and forgivable given that he's clearly mentally ill. (Although, being mentally ill doesn't make him any less of an asshole.) Hitting her? Especially while she was holding their baby? That's unforgivable.

  27. I'm also with PS.......Mel's rant was absolutely horrible, but I think it says a lot about her to be recording it and calmly not reacting to any of his crazy outbursts. There is absolutely no way you could keep talking to someone who was saying those horrible things and not react at all......

  28. My Dad used to say "Nobody tells the truth like a drunk" and I have found that to be true. All the barriers are down and they say what they really think- no matter how much they apologize after.

  29. I agree with PS.
    I do not support any excuse that Gibson has to offer. NO matter how mad - you never hit. EVER.
    I think that Oksana might be just as bad as him with rants and physical abuse. There is just something evil with this woman (again she should not have been hit)...I just think they are both sick in the skull.

  30. I agree with PS.
    I do not support any excuse that Gibson has to offer. NO matter how mad - you never hit. EVER.
    I think that Oksana might be just as bad as him with rants and physical abuse. There is just something evil with this woman (again she should not have been hit)...I just think they are both sick in the skull.

  31. I agree she's probably no saint. Her Gibson contract probably forbids her making any defamatory comments about him or their relationship. But it was drafted by an idiot who didn't stipulate that no one *else* couldn't make or release such comments. All she had to do was create hard evidence and pass it to a media outlet. The truth is its own defense.

    That's how she stayed so calm. It's torture to deal with a bully who laughs at you when you object to his behavior, and who is protected by the world. These tapes remove that fourth wall, and he certainly deserves whatever's coming to him. He's an experienced film maker; anyone in that business would avoid being in a situation where he can be recorded.

    When she's questioned about Dalton's support, she'll probably say she meant to say that she had no money for Gibson's child, not Dalton's.

  32. I hope for her son's sake she sent him to go live with his dad in the UK. I didn't get the feeling that Alexander Dalton was living with Oksana at the time these recordings were made. Plus Mel being the Alpha male wouldn't want another male around. Even if it is her 13 yo son.

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  34. Whoopi was making excuses for Mel.
    She's annoying on the View.
    She never lets anyone finish a sentence.

    He doesn't need psychiatric help for being an asshole.
    I'm not buying the drunk excuse.

    I think people speak the truth when they're drunk.
    I know I do...

  35. Whoopi thinks he's not racist - in addition to the others who noted that she's also a Polanski apologist, let's not forget she was totally fine with Ted Danson dressing up in blackface when they were dating.

    I actually just got into a fb "thing" with a woman defending Mel, saying there's "obviously more to this than we know". I just don't care WHAT I don't know. He's clearly a racist, a misogynist and violent. What else do I need to know?

  36. This just goes to show that long term alcohol use REALLY damages the brain(if your kidney and liver doesn't give out first). I am not supporting Mel and his vile actions, but I hope this is an example to others what it does to you. Probably not, but one can hope.

  37. PS said...
    NO one afraid for their safety or feeling abused maintains that type of calm and nonreactivity.

    Women terrified of abuse and trying to keep the other person calm do, for fear of making it worse. Every person I know who was abused was well versed in "Don't make him angrier".

    I can't believe anyone would defend this ruthless vile piece of shit ever.

  38. One or two hurt, dejected rants I could certainly understand if he felt he was getting railroaded or played Oksana.

    But his protracted, panting, spitting vehemence is NOT sounding like someone who just needed to blow off some angry steam.

    If he truly is innocent of *whatever* and has a true case and is in the *right* here, gathering his wits about him to form a defense against being played, he's definitely going about it ALL WONG, drunk or not drunk.

    Come on, this extended vitriol goes well beyond just being a jilted lover!

  39. Heh heh, sorry...make that "WRONG" not WONG.

    Ha haaaa! I made a funny. (but I def don't wanna give ol' Batshit Mel another ethnic group to crack on...)

  40. Also - countdown to his entering rehab for his "issues" in 3....2....

  41. No wonder his older daughter became a nun-- and in a cloisted order, yet.

  42. Sorry, that's cloistered. Bet she's glad to be inside, tho.

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  44. well if you want a loyal friend, i guess whoopi's your girl.

    as a former drunk, i think using that as an explanation is bullshit. while drunk, you don't say things that aren't IN you. your filter may be off, but still, in my most drunken state, i could never have said the things he did because that's not part of who i am.
    it would be as likely as me suddenly speaking french, when i don't even know how. but because i'm drunk, i do. it's silly, insulting and ridiculous.

  45. Psychopaths are nice to people who can do something for them. I'm sure Mel is dandy to anyone he considers "on his level." He's the big daddy up on Mulholland Drive in his GibsonBrand (tm) Catholic Church.

    I can't believe the number of people on here excusing his behavior simply because they've been treated worse. Or because "to be fair" they want to shred that poor woman having to listen to that crap. No one deserves to be treated that way. We're not talking about a single incident of screaming here. This man goes on massive, controlled, sustained tirades. He's at least psychotic.

  46. I wrote Whoopie off when she defended Michael Vick saying it was part of their culture to torture, electrocute, and garrote dogs that lost their fights.

    Can you imagine saying dog fighting is part of any culture? She's just turned into such a shameful disingenuous person. Why does anyone watch the View, it's a group of hideous examples of women - each worse than the others.

  47. @zandra - holy shit, did Whoopie really say that?! She just made my forever shit list.
    Not that I ever even watch the View...just a bunch of women trying to speak over each other which occasionally turns nasty.

  48. just to add a comment:

    I was with a man exactly like this for the last year. I have learned to be very, very calm in the face of his anger - especially drunken anger - because if you don't, you get hit.

    Whoever says otherwise has not been in an abusive situation. You do whatever you can in the moment to stay alive. Truly.

    People who are famous have enough people around who will continue to enable their behavior and he (as well as my ex) will never change unless jail is involved. My ex was not as well known as Mel but everyone here would know who I was talking about if I named names.

    He is already with another woman. His 'people' are already making excuses as to why I left. As long as he makes money for people and as long as sycophants exist in the world, He and Mel will never change. It just doesn't serve their interests. Why change? He'll get another movie, the ex will get another hit album and it will all start again with another woman, more alcohol and drugs. It's just the way it is with fame.

  49. and to add - people only change when they're faced with losing everything. Mel has enough money to make anything go away. The ex will always have people to clean up after him that believe everything he says.

    Sad, but true.

  50. Having been in recovery for awhile, I'm with Nancer-you don't say anything when drunk that wasn't in you in the first place. Let's remember who his father is-a racist, homophobic Holocaust denier. In other words, train a child in which way they're to go, and when they're older, they won't depart from it.
    Mel Gibson was carefully taught, and it's all catching up with him now.

  51. really, whoopi? so throwing around the n word and mexican racial slurs is just what then, exactly?

  52. i haven't read alllll the comments about this because SHEER AMOUNT you know?
    but, i wonder if Mel is the blind about the A+ beating his wife seen from a boat?!?

    I mean Sean Penn was popular for it, but wow, Mel....

  53. Any fucker that busts out two of my teeth while I'm holding my kid deserves any fucked up trick in the book that I can throw at him. Talk about a sucker punch and not being able to defend yourself in the least. The second he connected his fist with her face is when the rule book went out the window on cutting that asshole a break.

    As for being calm, I said it the other day....why would you go out of your way to fuck with someone who is threatening to put a bat upside your head and bury you in the rose garden?

    Did this asshole not learn from his drunken rant in public with the cops? Obviously not. Oh he only says this stuff cause he's drunk. Funny that his father had similar views about the Jews when he was stone cold sober.

  54. Shame on kneepads, shame on Whoopi, and frankly, shame on anyone that gave this guy another chance after his first violent, vile, anti-semitic outburst.

  55. I for one am just not sure how much of this may be Oksana's fault. Its like she knows exactly what to say to get him to rant and rave. Sounds like a gold-digging tactic to me. Also, who actually believes Mel would have said all the racist crap had he known he was being recorded? Alot of people think racist thoughts and even say them in the privacy of their own home -- but you wouldn't catch them saying it out loud in public. I'm sure he has racist moments, as do most of us, but saying his career is over because of it, I just don't think its an unforgivable offense. Beating a woman, that's unforgivable. But I still think she baits him and I think she does it to get money out of him. I would like to know what her ex has to say about the situation.

  56. Wow Cindy. I can't believe you just defended Mel's "racist" moments or are even willing to consider that if he knew he was being recorded, he wouldn't said it. It's what he thinks, period. Baiting someone cannot make them racist, an anti-semite or violent.

  57. Cindy, verbal abuse is far more damaging than most physical abuse.

    Gold-digging tactic? I think Oksana was just speaking her truth. Why is it okay for Mel to say anything he wants (including a racist tirade) because "many people are racist at home" but his girlfriend is required to "watch what she says" lest she "trigger him" or be called a gold digger?

    Mel Gibson has given nasty, racist tirade after nasty, racist tirade. Michael Richards was (rightfully) excoriated for a bipolar meltdown. This isn't a meltdown -- this is who Gibson is, time after time.

  58. well, this is quite interesting. the other day, enty said don't dare defend him and everyone was all over mel.
    today people are all over HER.

    in case you missed it, there is NO excuse for the racist, misogynistic shit this man has screamed at the mother of his child, or for belting her in the mouth.

    nobody said she was a saint, but come on. she didn't ask for this, push buttons to make him say those things or anything else. he is NOT the victim here.

  59. i think in the case of chris brown the reason people have been so harsh on him (and rightly so) is because we saw the physical evidence of what he did to her thus making it more real. so far in mel's case the abuse hasn't been physically proven.

  60. The last time I heard hatred like this spewed at a woman was when I was listening to OJ Simpson on those 911 tapes, and we all know how that ended.

    To the people who are defending Gibson because Oksana is a gold-digger, that ceased to matter the minute Gibson stepped out on his WIFE, took off his pants, put his dick in her, and made a baby. How is HE not responsible for HIS behavior? She may be a piece of trash, but so what? She's not pretending to be all pious and holier-than-thou. His vitriol and rage are inexcuseable at best, violent at worst.

    Shame on Whoopi. I was done with her when she defended Vick, but now I've locked the door and thrown away the key.

  61. @lulu - I think you have a point there, and I also think another commenter made a good point - that Rihanna is generally well-liked and respected in the industry - she has a "job", is talented and pretty - and therefore doesn't "deserve" it, but a gold digger without a career does??
    No. They are equally heinous.
    I hate Chris Brown with a passion, but I actually think Mel Gibson is a bigger threat and a scary person now.

  62. are there transcripts of these tapes anywhere? the bits i've heard on tv have been too hard to understand.
    well, google is my friend, right?

  63. Ugh. I can't believe Whoopi defended him. She's a rich black person, which techinically makes her 'white' to some racists. Just because he may have been civil to her is in no way indicative that he is not a racist. I'm offended by what this man has spewed - you don't have to be black or Mexican to be repulsed. I detest when people make excuses for this kind of sh*t because maybe the person was nice to them. Tell that to the person who cringed when they heard the word 'wetback' or 'n*gger'. I know I cringed.

  64. And nevermind the fact he abuses women. Whoopi - SHAME ON YOU! Didn't she defend Roman Polanski as well, or was that some other apologist? I can't keep them straight.

  65. I just read the comments - she did apologize for that rapist. Whoopi, you are as much a disgrace as the people you continue to pimp for.

  66. Oksana may be a gold digger, but I suspect she has bitten off more than she can chew with this guy. If he was angry while she was taping this, can you just IMAGINE how angry he is now? And, he knows where she lives A restraining order isn't going to stop someone who has gone into the red zone.

    I feel extremely bad for his first wife and kids. I am pretty sure he put them through hell.

  67. Believe me, when you have a child with a man like this, and he is in your face telling you he's going to beat you to death, and you know he means it, you do not want to provoke him in any way. You are more calm than you have ever been in your life, and you're just trying to survive, get through this moment so you can protect your child and yourself. Can you imagine what was going through her mind when Mel punched her while she was holding her baby, knocking out her teeth? Do you think she may have wondered if this was it, this was the time he would really kill them both? I wish I had been smart enough to tape my ex the times he threatened me. Although he's not as rich or powerful as Mel Gibson, he had me convinced no one would believe me, he was a respected professional and everyone would believe him. You don't want a man like this to have custody of your child. Luckily my story has a happy ending, we got away, but I was frightened for our lives every single minute of every day until we got away. If you have no proof, it didn't happen as far as the courts are concerned. Even psychodads have rights to the child. When he tells you that if you call the cops, the first thing he will do is come home and beat you to death, you don't call the cops. You don't want to put your child through that.

  68. I hate Whoopi Goldberg for the comments that she made defending Mel and wish that she'd get fired.

    I've had enough of her defending rapists, abusers and the use of the N word. Every celebrity is her friend and therefore she must speak up for them and take their side.

    Damn It Barbara just fire the woman already!

  69. Whoopi probably better watch it or she is going to find herself in the umemployment line with Mel. There are just certain people you don't stand behind. Mel is a very hateful, vile, violent, racist pig. Why would anyone want any association with him? I think people are starting to get a little disgusted with Whoopi because the kind of public figures she chooses to support. If Kneepads is going to support him and make excuses for his behavior, I hope celebrities boycot them and take their business elsewhere.

    Mel has said time and time again that he is against birth control. I wonder if that also goes for the mistresses.

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  72. mel needs to head to a VERY LONG time in rehab and then disappear from hollywood and the public eye for good.

    his behavior patterns are that of a deep alcoholic and he looks like a deep alcoholic. if this shit is not enough to wake him up to a problem, then i don't know what is.

    bye bye mel. while you're in rehab, you may want to educate yourself of the wonderful things that different people of different races and cultures have contributed to the world, for there are many.

    man, hollywood is such a mess.

  73. @kathrynnova I hear what you are saying, but sadly no matter if Gibson gets help in the future, that may not stop him from doing something before that. Look what OJ did!

    I think despite what Whoopi says (shame on her) his career is pretty much over in Hollywood, so I worry more about what he will do now that he has hit rock bottom. Oksana may be after a payout, but she might want to move someplace safe where Mel doesn't know where she is. Too much anger in him right now and I don't trust him.

  74. OJ was a serial woman beater, just ask Tawny Katain (sp). She came into my office one day with him and a black eye, busted nose, etc.

    Has there been another instance of Mel beating a woman? I know he is a racist, but I believe we all are a bit racist, we just don't express it in public. There is no excuse for physical abuse. But I know that I for one, have been pissed off enough to say things that I certainly meant at the time, but never planned on following through with. Haven't we all?
