Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mel Gibson, Texts & Britney Spears

It seems like a war has developed not only between Mel & Oksana but also between TMZ and Radar. As Radar keeps releasing tapes and texts and pictures, TMZ seems to be trying to take apart each one of those. Apparently Time Warner is a big fan of Mel. It stands to reason since a lot of his movies have been produced or distributed by Warner Brothers. It seems like they are going out of their way to be Mel's biggest fan, which is surprising considering they got their start by releasing the whole sugart*ts episode.

So, Radar today released a series of texts which they say proves Mel hit Oksana. TMZ is still not convinced, so I guess we will see how this all plays out. To me, the fact there is no denial by Mel in these texts and no asking how it happened seems like an admission.

JANUARY 7, 2010 -- 3:25PM

MG: Oksana, I wasn't safe for you last night. I spent two hours with a therapist today and have regained some perspective. What I'm telling you know if I am safe & would like to come by and make amends to you, sascha and Lucia. I won't stay just let you say your peace and I'll say mine. Let me know if it's alright!

MG: Or if it's not.

MG: Let me know either way.

MG: Yes or no.

MG: It's important that I apologize to sascha before he goes.

MG: Please respond one way or another.

OG: I have two broken front teeth and a concussion. I can not c u today, I'm hurting. U can apologize to Sacha some other time.

MG. Did you get them fixed yet?

MG: When can I see you?

MG: I need to see you this evening & then I promise I'll leave you alone
for as long as you want

MG: If only for 10 minutes.

MG: Please.

Now, about Britney. Remember how when Britney was going through the whole shaved head and pink wig phase? Mel let her hang out at his place in Costa Rica. Well, now tabloids are saying that Britney is there for Mel and they have been talking a lot. They might have spoken, but I doubt he is sharing things with her and talking to her frequently.


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I'm assuming Mel's damage control team is waiting for Osanka to finish with her exposes?

  2. Mel might be contrite after seeing a therapist but after reading that little conversation it still sounds like a very controlling Mel. He sounds like a dog with a bone who won't give up.

    I hardly blame Oksana for not wanting to see him. Who is Sascha?

  3. Britney and Mel should hook up and have the craziest kids on Earth. Or maybe not. Yeah, not is better.

  4. Sascha is her son with Timothy Dalton. I think it's been pretty clear that Mel has physically and verbally abused her.

    She may has taped him to get money or to be safe. I don't really care. He's a piece of shit. Even if she is slightly exaggerating he's done enough.

    I don't see why Mel would deny him moving but can't be bothered to deny other charges.

  5. There is no way that Britney is providing anything other than the most basic support if any at all. She's not there mentally/emotionally to be anyone's rock, especially Mel Gibson. That's the tabloids desperately trying to find any angle to sell magazines.

  6. Dear Lord, those texts definitely makes him look like an unstable stalker at the very least! Oh how far you have fallen, Mel.

  7. And how would this particular tape have been doctored?

  8. Timothy Dalton is asking for a restraining order against Mel.

  9. I know Mel is not fully innocent here, but his woman has also made a career of hooking up with welthy men. She saw dollar signs when she got with Mel....while he was married....

    Doesn't mean he should lay his hands on her, but she is definitely out for money!

  10. Desiree - kind of like wearing a short skirt is asking for rape?

  11. Courtney love also said that during her relapse around 2003/4, it was Mel Gibson who "rescued" her.

    Apparently, he showed up at her door with some people, he then took her starstruck drug dealer to go out with him, while his team took Courtney out of the house.

  12. Even if she is the golddigger from Hell, it is not ok for him to lay a hand on her. Even if she is the skankiest skank famewhore in Hollywood, it is not ok for him to lay a hand on her.

  13. Anonymous10:08 AM

    we know this cheryl. osanka won't be getting everything that she hopes for.

  14. I had a teeny amount of doubt about the physical violence, but that last tape removed it completely. For the record, I never thought Mel was anything less than an all-out asshole, I just thought he might not have hit her. To explain: On the 5th(?) tape, she could theoretically have moved around her voice and his to make it sound like he was admitting to hitting her. In the last one, though, it was clear he was responding directly to what she was saying, so I now have no doubt that he hit her while she was holding the baby and he needs to go to jail. Shame on TMZ. At this point I don't see how anyone could have any doubts left.

  15. ditto Cheryl. Let's not cast aspersions (can't be arsed to look up the proper spelling) on the victim. Nothing excuses DV, nothing. A grown ass mean, a REAL man, of which MG is not one, wouldn't need to lay hands on a woman. Period.

  16. Those texts are classic abuser stuff. Rage and violence and then wanting to be forgiven the next day. Using his "need" to see his stepson the next day only shows how self-centered Mel really iis. He couldn't care less what is best for the kid or the woman he battered. He is all ego--it's all about what Mel needs.

    I think he "rescues" women not because he wants what is in their best interest, but so that he can be the hero. He is one f**ked up guy.

  17. lol @ my type- mean instead of man... Although it's probably apropos for Mel

  18. Take it from someone who has been a victim of harassment and stalking this man is creepy. Sometimes the only way to prove that it happened and to stop it is by taping them. I got a sick from reading this. Those are the words of a dangerous abuser and they don't stop until YOU put an end to it.

    I pray to GOD that he doesn't get away with this because he'll just move on to his next victim.

  19. You noticed how HE kept pushing to see her. First she didn't respond and he says let me know either way, yes or no. Than he got upset because she didn't say yes and says please respond one way or other. When she finally responds and talks about her injuries he still talks about HIMSELF. How HE wants to see her if only for a few minutes.

    That's dangerous!

  20. I'm with Mooshki - After I heard tape #6 there was NO DOUBT in my mind that he hit her. And, on top of that, the text even proves it further. He doesn't admit to hitting her, and breaking her teeth, but asks if she got them fixed yet? He KNOWS what he did.


  21. Oh yeah LOL @looserdude :)

  22. and that dumbass Whoopi still keeps running her mouth in his defence.

    this guy is a fucking monster.

  23. I'm with most of you... there's no doubt that he hit her. Men who hit women aren't typically choosy when it comes to which girlfriend or wife they hit. Which makes me think his EX dealt with a lot of abuse if not physical then mental. So why did his EX come out and defend him especially when he's been cheating on her with Oksana for 3 years?

  24. She's a greedy bitch, and they usually attrack controlling men. Those two types of people feed off of each other. She just knew it was time to end, because she hit the gold mine.

  25. @ MsCool - I don't think anyone here thinks Oksana deserved to have a hand laid on her, however she has proven herself to be someone who is looking for the main chance. She calls herself a singer but I've heard her sing and she's pretty limited. Or should I say, limited but pretty. She's looking for men to pay her way. Shame she does it by having their children.

    Another thing, those tapes of Mel railing against her are horrifying and deplorable, but Oksana eggs him along in a very passive/aggressive manner, encouraging him to vent his rage as she secretly recorded him. Personally I'm glad the world knows what a fucking schmuck he is--I've never liked him but Oksana should not be talking to him AT ALL.

  26. I don't think it's right that Radar is 100% against Mel. I prefer, down the middle kind of reporting, so TMZ is balancing it out.
    I'd love to see, and read all in it's full context. Both sides are releasing what looks good for their side. I still say he's mentally ill.

    If there is anything I've learned from all of this, is that aged ole' question, "What would OJ's, and Bing Crosby's son look like?" :-D

  27. @danielle i think his ex defends him out of fear. when you've been abused for a long time, you start to protect your abuser in a way, sort of like michael jackson defended his dad in interviews. i'll bet mel still has an emotional or at least mental hold on her and that keeps her from throwing him under the bus.

  28. I think it's possible he didn't hit his wife, but I'm sure he was at least verbally abusive to her. At first I thought he might have a Madonna/whore complex, but the fact that he said his wife was going to hell for being a nonbeliever makes me doubt that. I think it's possible the stress of his arrest, the hits to his reputation, and his worsening alcoholism could have pushed him into physical violence.

  29. All I can say is...if Mel Gibson supports Britney Spears, and Britney Spears supports Mel Gibson, then God help 'em both!
