Thursday, July 29, 2010

More American Idol Judge Chatter - Jessica Simpson & Courtney Love

Although I still think that Nigel Lythgoe is going to appoint himself the third judge on American Idol and get rid of Kara, it is fun to see all the talk about possible judges. There were two interesting names floated out last night and this morning. One of those is Jessica Simpson. I don't have a problem with Jessica being a judge but I just don't see how the mix of Randy, Ellen and Jessica would ever work. It would turn Randy into the mean one, Ellen into the leader and Jessica into the Paula. If you are going to do that you might as well bring Paula back for another shot as judge.

The craziest news is that Courtney Love might be the judge. That is all kinds of fun. Not only do you get someone who will probably look drunk half the time and say crazy things, but you also get someone who is liable to drop an f bomb, flash Ryan while he is speaking and pass out about midway through each show.


  1. OMG that picture is so nasty. Can you say "Faces of Meth"?

    I hope it's not Nigel. As the great Tim Gunn would say, "I'm worried."

  2. Both would be terrible and jokes as judges. I vote for Harry Connick Jr. He can be honest and amusing at the same time. He did great as a mentor last season.

  3. Damn, that picture hurts my feelings. I couldn't even read the article after I saw that.

  4. Ahhhhhhh!!!!! OMG, make it go away! That is SCARY!

    I love Hole though... The album "Live Through This" was like therapy when I was in high school. I still listen to it when I need to scream & yell and get everything out! That album is awesome!

  5. Nigel Freudian slipped American Idol last night on SYTYCD. Then said that it's obvious what he has on his mind. My thinking is that he is going to appoint himself as the third judge, by that slip alone.

  6. Thank you for the laugh today....I really needed that. :)

  7. If they did bring on Courtney, it would be CAN'T MISS TV.

  8. Good Gravy that is a horrible picture...I think I would start watching again if they brought in CLove, though.

  9. Good grief, what does she have all over her bottom lip. Herpes?

  10. That photo is so nasty, are you trying to make us puke?

  11. It looks like Herpes. I have it but mine never looks like that. Even if you get 1 Coldsore then you have herpes virus. My Doctor told me 50-60% of the population has herpes,(The cold sore kind) Most people get it when they are kids from sharing drinks,straws etc. Sometimes if you are infected as a child you won't have any signs show up until your adult,it just lies dormant for a while then flares up.

  12. was that necessary? ;op

  13. The key is to find a judge who actually cares about the contest... the contestants, the music, the experience. And is smart enough to keep the conversation lively and fun. Harry C fits that bill. Jessica and Courtney... seriously?! No. Sounds like AI is just trying to keep the show in the spotlight this summer.

  14. OMFG that picture. She is just the epitome of Ick. Nast. isn't she?
    I think she would be a TERRIBLE choice for AI - I just honestly don't think she's sane enough. That being said, I'd probably tune in to watch her crazy.

  15. I noticed that too, Jackie! :)

    But what about someone like Sheryl Crow(e?)? She's not doing much these days (it seems) and is very well-respected among her peers. I don't watch, but has she e'er appeared on "AI?"

  16. I think Wayne Brady would be a good replacement for Simon.

  17. WHAT is going on with her mouth?!?!

    Is that a bad reaction to colagen or something?

  18. FOX would never embrace Courtney Love.

  19. Courtney would make an awesome judge. She's candid, witty and yes, nuts at times, but she knows her music and I'd love to see her on AI. I might even start watching it.

  20. I can't believe no one but People announced that Ellen in leaving 'Idol'. That is news.

    I would watch 'Idol' for the Love train wreck, honestly. If she critiques like she writes her tweets, I am there.

  21. I had a feeling Ellen would end up jumping ship once she found out Simon was leaving....

    I would DEFINITELY watch Courtney Love as judge. What a disaster. I don't think she is American Family enough for that show.

  22. I would watch it if Courtney Love was a judge. And I haven't watched it in years.

  23. i really think bringing c love on the show is the best idea they've had yet. she wouldn't sit there like another kiss ass- she'd tell it like it is and give constructive feedback to the contestants.

    i happen to enjoy her- i caught her behind the music epi and it really painted an honest and insightful portrait of her life. even made her likable in some ways
