Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tammy Lynn Michaels Still Doesn't Have Money - Won't Be Getting Any Soon

Unless Tammy Lynn Michaels decides to go out and get a job, it does not look like she will have much spending money at all. Yesterday, Tammy's lawyer went to court to try and get $25K for Tammy and also $25K for himself, because you know, we lawyers love to get paid. I can't believe he already asked for that much himself. If he had only asked for $10 he probably would have got it. Anyway, the judge turned it all down because Melissa Etheridge is paying for everything so Tammy does not need cash. Apparently anything you could possibly need from food to supplies to staff to school to anything is being paid by Melissa so the judge said Tammy does not get any money.

As for the lawyer, he should have asked for less and he should have had Tammy ask for less. I know why she asked for it because it sucks to not even have $20 to your own name and to have to ask Melissa for something. I mean you are getting divorced or having a partnership terminated (whoever you believe) and who wants to be dependent on that person for everything. Plus, they will know every penny you are spending. They are controlling your life. You are under their thumb and that should have been made more clear.


  1. I'm really starting to dislike Melissa Etheridge. It's very controlling behavior. This was your wife, your life partner, and IS the mother of your children.

  2. I've read so much about this break up the last few days here, there and everywhere. In 99% of the stories, Melissa is made out to be the bad guy. There were two people in this relationship and the blame belongs on both, not just one set of shoulders.

  3. Anonymous10:08 AM

    with all due respect if melissa is paying for the upkeep of the kids and everything else, then tammie needs to seek other employment for HERSELF.

    Her circumstances are NOT like that of middle or working class women. Whomever terminated their relationship doesn't matter, one of them wants out. She needs to move on, and the sooner the better.

  4. Tammy needs to stop blogging about this because she is going to start losing a lot of sympathy. Get a job, borrow money, or whatever you need to do to hire your attorney and keep it quiet for the sake of the children.

  5. Interesting she chose an attorney so dumb that he opened with asking for $25K up front. Where did she get that referral? Who handled her prenup?

  6. I'm still Team Tammy. It has to suck to have everything paid for by your ex who won't do your the courtesy of even telling you they're filing for divorce, but not have $5 to buy yourself a coffee if you want.
    And last I checked, it's not so easy to go get a job with two little ones at home. Daycare costs money.

  7. Anonymous10:47 AM

    We really don't know whom to believe, but the article states that Melissa is picking up the tab.

    "Apparently anything you could possibly need from food to supplies to staff to school to anything is being paid by Melissa"

    What would Tammy do if her partner did not have Melissa's loot, and her child support is $400? What do ordinary women do?

  8. melissa is a fucking player just like any other partner who fucking ditches their wife/life and says "see ya bitches!" i don't know why we cut her any more slack because she's a lesbian. if she were a man doing this to Tammy,we'd be calling for her head.

  9. EXACTLY what jax said

  10. I think Melissa is being a dick. I hope she doesn't start a family with yet another woman. Stupid bitch.

  11. I think the issue is if they were legally married or this domestic partnership issue.

    Since the kids are financially taken care of is Tammy entitlted to sposual support under domestic partnership? Clearly she didn't hire Denise Richards lawyer.

    Honestly 25K doesn't seem like a lot of money based on the earnings Melissa has generated over the years. I think the judge was being stingy.

  12. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Nobody's cutting Melissa any slack because she is a lesbian. So Tammy was dumped, who hasn't been? No one gets paid for being dumped and married to an asshole. There is spousal support and child support, although spousal support is becoming obsolete.

    Tammy should eventually get around to getting employment.

  13. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "I mean you are getting divorced or having a partnership terminated (whoever you believe) and who wants to be dependent on that person for everything."

    "Plus, they will know every penny you are spending. They are controlling your life. You are under their thumb and that should have been made more clear."

    Couldn't have said it better. Success, in my case, was the best revenge on an ex-spouse!

  14. My God, lift your lazy ass up from the chair, step away from the computer and get a job already!

    That woman is an actress (even I remember her from 'Popular') and she was in a relationship with a very well known music artist. Is she really trying to tell us that she has no connections to the show business whatsoever that people could get her a decent job? I bet she's only waiting for some network to offer her a place in her own reality tv show where she can whine in front of the cameras that she has no money for gas and that she's struggling to bring food on the table for the babies because that cold-hearted Melissa won't give her money.

  15. Sounds like Tammy needs to hire Enty.

  16. I remember "Popular" and I thought Tammy was the best thing on it. Hmmm, I always felt like there was this interesting undercurrent between Tammy's bitch character and the lead's nice girl character. Duh, I guess I know why now!

  17. I understand everyone that says that Tammy just needs to go out and get a job and I'm not disagreeing with you. But anyone that has been a stay at home Mom for a number of years, regardless of your profession, can tell you that just trying to re-enter the workforce after a number of years off is not a simple matter. You are only as good as your last job and if your last job was five years ago or whatnot, there is definitely less interest in you. Also, I think that with Tammy out auditioning for work all the time, Melissa would be in the position to say that Tammy doesn't really spend time with the kids, she's only concerned with her career and I want custody blah, blah, blah. So this whole thing is potentially putting Tammy in a difficult situation. Especially if she has no liquid resources of her own. Just my opinion though.

  18. this public airing of dirty laundry is in really poor taste...making them both look like a-holes.

  19. If the agreement in their relationship was for Tammy to stay home and take care of the kids while Melissa did her thing, then Tammy's been out of the work force for a while. With two little ones (they are what...3?) at home, or even if they are in pre-school, it's difficult to get back into the swing of working on the drop of a hat.

    That being said, would it have hurt Melissa to put a couple thousand bucks in a checking account until Tammy got her feet on the ground and started working again? I agree it takes two to end a marraige, but Melissa can afford to give Tammy a couple of months to get things in order. Good lord, she had no problem supporting her all these years while she had those kids.

    I dunno... we don't know the whole story, but it sure seems like there's some mean-spiritedness going on here.... and maybe someone should step up and be the adult.

  20. Nu's Woman, so everyone gets treated like crap so therefore that makes Etheridge's behavior okay? Why are you blaming Etheridge's wife automatically instead of assigning no blame or equal blame? That's called blaming the victim (oh, I know, "there are no victims"). I'll never understand the survivor psychology that seeks to exonerate the offender's behavior simply because the victim "could have helped herself." Yeah, if she hadn't dressed like a whore, she wouldn't have been raped. Talk about major co-dependency issues.

    Melissa Etheridge is a bitch. She slept with Lou Diamond Phillips' wife and then had the gall to write a song whining that he wouldn't talk to her anymore when they had been friends. Oh, and insulted him in the song.

    Etheridge sounds like a controlling, manipulative snake. Women don't deserve only $400 a month because you, in your infinite wisdom, were able to survive.

  21. i'm with jax. you said what i think and said it very well.

  22. I really think that Melissa has burned some of Tammy's profesional bridges. Plus, she lives in the midwest right now, how the hell is she supposed to get to Hollywood or anything from there. she can't even afford gas to get to 7-11.


    Right now I'm married, have two special needs kids. I've taken a break from my career to take care of my kids. I work part time. My super full time job is taking my kids to doctors/therapists, doing domestic things. Oh, and a lot of my time is being an advocate for my children, and getting them the services they need. (my daughter had a stroke 2 years ago, and my son is autistic)
    I would love to work full time, but honestly, I don't have the time.
    Not to mention, the workforce is still somewhat sexist and if they see a gap in your work history, and you're like "i've been taking care of my kids blabla" they ALWAYS think "hm i wonder if this person can really give 100% if their husband is working... what if the kid gets sick."

    Its not as easy as "get up off the couch and get a job" Its hard enough to get a job in this economy, but it doesn't help to have been out for this long :\

  23. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Melody the First, you should calm down and reread my post. I was giving an example of women who were not with men of means who get just a few hundred dollars of support. We have all had shitty things done to us and it will never be okay.

    I am not blaming Tammy and no one else is also, but she will eventually need to move on. The sooner, the better for her and her SANITY.

  24. Nu's Woman, I'm perfectly calm. I read your post. You were saying that Tammy should just accept what she's given and move on. That IS making her live with less than she deserves. It IS making her the default loser.

  25. Anonymous2:43 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. i HAVE been in that position. i was so conned by the asshole that i dropped out of school, got a shitty job with the company (retail) that he worked for, was slowly but surely cut off from my friends, my church, we even moved an hour away because of housing prices.
    after he raped me the second time and i got pregnant i finally decided to get out. i had to do it while he was "at work". the very night my parents moved me back home (thank god for them), he quit his job, leaving me with no insurance, and quit wearing his prosthesis.
    he went to everyone in the neighborhood, everyone we knew, asking them to testify that i was an alcoholic, etc. he said if he got custody of my son, i'd come back.
    through family connections, i got a temp job as a receptionist, minimum wage, because the boss owed my aunt a favor.
    he got the house (i didn't want it), all the furniture, two paid-for vehicles, everything. i got physical custody of my son, $150/ month child support, lawyer bills, car bills, a miscarraige, and my life packed into 4 boxes. my son got abuse, a life-long mental disorder, and god knows what all happened to him because i couldn't afford a decent lawyer. thank god mister bunny and i found each other again.
    so, that's how normal people do it. believe me, if he had been allowed to control my spending, he would have. with great glee. oh, that temp job? 8 weeks. and he never worked over the table again. he continued to work the system for the rest of his life.

  27. If they were legally married, this would never be an issue. The courts would not only make sure the children were provided for financially, but also the spouse who is taking care of them. So it sounds to me that at this point Melissa is "voluntarily" paying the bills. But what happens when she doesn't feel like doing it anymore? What's Tammy supposed to do then? She has no protection under the law if Melissa decides to play hardball. She can even claim the kids aren't hers, and then Tammy would be really screwed.

    Hope Tammy gets some kind of court order, just like straight couples do all the time.

  28. I don't know why almost half of Americans are threatened by gay marriage, except that it's just like any other marriage. Maybe that's why...

  29. As a woman who quit her job to be a stay at home mom to raise a little girl I can say to the "just get a job" comments, it aint that easy! As ellapetal pointed out above, you're only as good as you last job and when that job was many years ago it's tough! Especially in this economy where there are people more qualified out of work. Going through a shaky period myself, the thought of having to find some sort of babysitter/daycare, and having to buy another car, get a "business attire" wardrobe...those alone would just about eat up my salary....blah blah blah. Just something to think about.

    However, all that said...I went to Tammy's blog because I felt like I could relate, but after reading back a few years I'm not so sure anymore. Wasn't she just complaining about not having gas money? If you read her Thursday, December 20, 2007 entry called "saving the world, the poo, and the smoosher" after you get past the self-satisfaction bit about saving the environment from those horrible plastic bags, she speaks about getting gas barrels in her garage to be filled with "non-war, non-earth killing, domestic, renewable fuel." I guess that didn't work out?

    Also, a few entries above that dated Tuesday, February 12, 2008 called "a handful of safety pins and watercolor hope" is interesting as well. "i don't want to raise children to behave as if they need the the financial assistance of others to make a life for themselves."

    I guess the coupon cutting and putting gum back because it's too much money she speaks of wont have to be for show? I guess it's one of those cases where "be careful what you wish for?"

    But enough of that...let's get to the JUICY stuff. Check out the Monday, April 27, 2009 entry called "pills, princessa, percocet, pain, and planning wars". I really want to know who PRINCESSA is!!! Apparently they tried selling their home and "a legend that i will not name because... well... she'd have me killed. and i don't know if i'm joking or not. so. let's call her Princessa" asked to have a private viewing...well this "legend" apparently stole Tammy's watch and prescriptions!! Anyone know?? Enty??

  30. Hmm...I've done some reading on this in the past week. I read Melissa WAS taking care of the kids and basically paying for everything. I have to say, my DH is currently fully suppporting me while I am in school and if he left me, I'd have to buck up and get a job. He would never leave me high/dry though in the position that we had kids & I'd have to get daycare. So if that is the case, why can't Melissa pay for childcare & Tammy get a job? I'd be very interested in hearing Tammy's response if that scenario was offered. I've seen A LOT of friends ex-wives take advantage of their wealthy ex-husbands before. To the point that they were still "kept" women. Its ridiculous.
