Thursday, July 22, 2010

Two More Massage Therapists Talk About Al Gore

The National Enquirer is really working this Al Gore story hard and the more they work it, the weaker it starts to sound. In their edition this week they say that police investigated two additional charges from two other massage therapists who worked on the former Vice-President. The Enquirer says one was in Beverly Hills. They don;t have the therapist as a source but someone who works for the Beverly Hills Hotel. Could be anyone. Anyway, they say that, "The therapist claimed that when they were alone, Gore shrugged off a towel and stood naked in front of her. He pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of THIS.'"

To me it kind of sounds like an SNL sketch and you would expect him to have one of his charts of the effects of global warming shaved into his chest and a greenhouse gas condom.

The other incident was alleged to have taken place in Tokyo. At this point I think they should give it up and move on to something else.


  1. Gosh, how convenient that the leading world voice for the environment should be "compromised" by this story during this particular period of time.

  2. Anonymous11:20 AM


  3. Because the National Enquirer was so wrong about John Edwards. Oh, wait....

  4. he isn't gay. Who cares.

  5. Of course you think they should move on Enty, you are a typical Liberal.

    Pretend this story was about Sarah Palin's husband - then I am sure you would have no problem believing the entire story.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    i guess the NE is gunning for past/present politicians. obama better walk straight, or he'll be next. however, that may not matter much because if he can't get/create new jobs in this country, he'll be a one term prez!

  8. I'm no liberal but I think unless some of these harassed massage therapists come forward then this whole story should be dropped. I think Al Gore is a serial liar (like most politicians) but without any shred of proof this story should die.

  9. Agree with lovely bones - seems to be their M.O. at the moment.

  10. i agree with cdanlova

  11. What's a greenhouse gas condom?

  12. where there's smoke, there's fire. The police had already investigated this. Does that mean they investigated after the first story broke? Probably not. The fact that three women have all told similar stories is highly suspect.

  13. Cdanluva, Enty isn't a liberal, he's more of a libertarian. (As a bleeding heart, I wish he were a liberal!) He is equal-opportunity when it comes to gossiping about politics.

  14. Well, if what Mooshki is saying is accurate, then I apologize to Enty for calling him a Liberal.

    I do think Al Gore is a fraud. I am not saying global warming is necessarily fraudulent, but I think he is a fraud.

  15. "My chakra needs clearing" is DH & my new code for sexy time...."Take care of THIS" just doesn't seem like it would set the same mood! ;)

  16. Sorry, don't believe it about Al.
    Bill? In the proverbial NY minute.
    Al? Nope.
    Convenient though that all these revelations about his alleged behavior are appearing pre-divorce.
    However, given proof, such as say, a stained dress, I'll be the first to eat crow.

  17. The entire mental image of the naked Al Gore encounter made me want to throw up a little, especially coming as it did, on the heels of the Michael Lohan mesh shirt visible nipple picture. I have trouble believing it simply because Gore has always struck me as one of the least sexual humans ever. That being said I also think all politicians regardless of party are liars and scumbags by nature. So it could be true.

  18. A little perspective from a 20 year massage therapist {that would be me and disclosure: I'm not acquainted with the massage therapist in Portland nor have I ever heard rumors about Al Gore}...

    1. Whether they're right or wrong about a story, the National Enquirer will find a way to juice it up.

    2. I have no problem visualizing a client saying "take care of this" but he's far more likely to use what he thinks is a sexy voice rather than a demanding one.

    3. This type of harassment happens somewhere every day, far more often than you would think. Although it's been many years, it's happened to me too {and I'm a straight man}

    4. The hotel charged Mr. Gore $540 for his massage. This sounds absurd but apparently the massage was scheduled for three hours. That's at the high range of prices around the country but not unheard of.

    5. Even if nothing significant happens, an incident like this can have a profound effect on a massage therapist -- again, more than you would think. When it happened to me, I was no youngster and yet I was thrown off for days afterward.

    6. I don't know why she waited until now to make it public and I'm not sure I like the possible reasons but it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    7. I have no idea if Mr. Gore did this but if he did, it probably wasn't just this one time.

    8. Mr. Gore was quoted as saying he remembered the massage as being incident-free. Of all the things said by both parties, this one sets off the bullshit detector. People don't remember four year old incident-free massages.

  19. "Take care of THIS" - LOL. I simply have a difficult time imagining Al Gore saying that. It does sound like a SNL skit. He always struck me as so asexual.

  20. I still believe it. Just b/c he doesn't have the mojo of bill doesn't mean he's not a sleeze.
