Thursday, August 12, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Items

This A/B list actress moved her family out of LA and into a town not so populated with paparazzi. We assumed it was to let her kids have a more normal life and get out of the Hollywood scene. Now we’ve realized, it was only to throw her husband off the scent of her affair with her agent. Sources report that whenever she flies in to town for work, she and her agent get down to more than just business.


  1. Chris is always off playing with his band. Why would she need to change cities to have an affair?

  2. Katherine Heigl just moved to Utah.

  3. Also, pretty sure the Goopster is New York/London. Never known her to live in LA.

  4. HEIGL!!!!!!!!! Heigl FTMFW

    (with the caveat of she's my Ben Affleck guess lol; I detest her so much I always think every BI is her)

  5. How lovely for her newly-adopted child.

    So much for all that good press she's been getting.

  6. I can't picture Goopy mustering the enthusiasm to have an affair (plus it would take ages to defrost herself). I like Heigl - especially if she really just moved to Utah!

  7. can't believe it's goopy. and she's been in GB for a long time. also, the move was more because chris is a brit than about her kids, wasn't it?

    i would've said heigl but it says 'kids'---not even kid/s. doesn't she just have one?

  8. I think Goopy moved to GB because she is an anglophile snob.

  9. First time post!

    What about Julia Roberts? Doesn't she live on a ranch in NM? The blind doesn't seem to indicate when the actress moved.

    I've been reading this blog for a while and I want to thank all of you for your sleuthing! Love reading your guesses and insights on the blinds.

  10. Julia Roberts is the first person I thought of. Moved her fam to New Mexico. Wasn't she messing around w/ her current husband when he was married to someone else?

  11. Julia was also my first thought. Totally her!

  12. Wait, is Julia considered A/B though? I thought she was A.....maybe since she had all those flops she went down a notch?

  13. I thought Heigl for a second cause I just read about her move but then I remembered her mom is her agent.

  14. Roberts has been in NM since before they married, I believe. Plus she's A list.

  15. Heigl's mom is her manager, I think, not her agent.

  16. Julia is strictly A-list. C'mon. She's still one of the highest paid actresses in the business. I like the Heigl guess. She's a bitch and a half, anyway, so we should just blame her for everything. It's her fault I have stretch marks and my husband is balding. Ha. This is fun.

  17. It ain't Julia. She's lived in Taos, NM, for years. Got married to her husband there in '02.

  18. Michael K on Dlisted used this headline:

    "A blind item solved! Maybe."

    to link to this story about Katherine Heigl moving to Utah with her family as pubblished on ICYDK:

    Me likey :P

  19. MMmmm ok - just found Katherine Heigl's agent details: Norman Aladjem at Paradigm Agency.

    here's the dude:

    ehm.. not sure what to say - Maybe it's not the "Ungrateful Princess of AssTalk" [as Lainey calls her] after all?
