Friday, August 13, 2010

Dina Lohan Just Doesn't Get It

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Apparently Lindsay Lohan has never done anything wrong. Well, at least if you listen to her mother. The woman has no concept of right or wrong and I really don't know if I would ever be able to interview her without going off on her parenting and her sense of entitlement.

One good thing about the interview this morning on The Today Show was that Matt Lauer did not suck up at all. They might have been paying her but he was not a complete butt kisser.

Throughout the interview Dina blames the judge, the courts, the tabloids, her ex-husband and everyone else for Lindsay's problems, but never Lindsay.

She repeatedly kept saying that just because Lindsay missed some classes she should not have gone to jail. Well, the thing is she kept missing classes constantly and had to have her probation extended a year and she still could not find time to go to class. As the judge and prosecutor said during that recent hearing, the only reason she finished now was because she was trying to stay out of jail.

She also says that Lindsay came into contact with real criminals at jail and was no place for Lindsay. Oh, and she says Lindsay does not have a drug problem and that it is all tabloid generated. Huh? If Lindsay murdered someone in front of 30 people and it was caught on film, Dina would still trying to be blowing smoke. She compared Lindsay Lohan to Julia Roberts at one point and said they were both big stars but only Lindsay gets treated like this. Umm, Full Stop.

Whatever your personal feelings are about Julia Roberts the fact is that she makes more in one movie than Lindsay has made her entire life. She is a movie star. Lindsay is a tabloid star. Big difference.


  1. Dina won't even blame herself for her daughter's condition, either.

    I'm convinced that Lindsay and Dina have narcissistic personality disorder. They have all the traits:

  2. I saw this interview, so uncomfortable to watch. She argued with every point Matt made. She is just clueless.

  3. Lindsay is more of an actress than Julia Roberts has ever been. She has real, innate talent rather than just a handful of showy performance gimmicks.

    Had she not been so stupid as to go into drugs, she would most definitely be a Movie Star right now.

    Now on to Dina.

    Once you get into a cycle of denial, it is difficult to break it and admit to everything you were denying before.

    At this point in time, though, her "child"'s reputation is already in the gutter, and has been for years, and her life hangs in the balance, the way she's been carrying on.

    It is very disturbing that it really doesn't seem as if her daughter's well-being is the utmost priority.

  4. WIll someone please drop a goddamn house on Dina Lohan?

  5. I watched a few minutes and then felt nothing but distain for Dina and her denial.

    I'm also not convinced that Lindsay is that great an actress so why is everyone fussing over a girl who did a few teen movies?
    Please lets move on. She bored me long long ago.

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    This woman is so delusional. smh

  7. Lindsay could have been A list, is she as talented as Julia I doubt it.......she was on the way....but she blew it, and has only herself to blame...she will never get any of it's over.

  8. Awww ... Matt did not ask Dina about her Carvel Ice Cream incident. Bummer.

    Lindsay is 24 and aging rapidly. She wasted a lot of time partying, etc., when she could have been honing her craft with taking acting classes and making movies. Dina's excuses for Lindsay got old years ago.

    Julia Roberts is a professional actress; Lindsay is a professional party girl and things related.

    Thanks for the review of the interview. I missed it this morning (like I had plans to catch it ... ha!)

  9. Karmen, I think you may be onto something with the narcissistic personality disorder.

    I had to turn off the interview this morning, that woman is rediculous.

  10. Wow that was difficult to watch. Clearly we are all mis-informed as to Lindsay's problems, due to TMZ's influence! Lindsay is fine! Dina loves her children and has done nothing wrong, and did you know my son graduated summa cum laude from college?!

    Oh and wtf is that about the judge getting fired? As if.

  11. I have to disagree with you Enty. Matt Lauer may not have sucked up to her, but he certainly could have been tougher - like bringing up her car accident (that started all this) where she hit a tree, took off, then was caught with coke in her pants, then tried to deflect the blame. Or when she commandeered that SUV and chased after her assistant and her mother. He could have shown pictures of her partying, her face plants, etc. I think Dina got off pretty easy.

    And Dina. The judge "hardballed" her, it was "propoganda," etc. They flew her in for this? Did they really expect that she would suddenly change her tune?

    Although, I'm glad that when they did the second segment, Matt had the names of all the rehab places she was in. But she still tried to deflect it by saying she put Lindsay there, or that one was court-ordered.

    Lindsay needs a parent like Martin Sheen, who would show tough love, instead of parents trying to ride her coattails.

  12. GROSS!

    i wonder what would happen if i slapped this GD family to death? if its before a jury, they may very well applaud me for ridding us of these excuses for humans

    i keep hearing people feeling bad for lindsay for having parents such as she has, BUT come the frak on, tons of people grow up in dysfunctional households, its called family... you grow up and get over it and make your life what you want it to be


  13. Aw, hell no! I had to cut this crap off around the 3:30 mark.

    First of all, this dumb c*nt didn't even really answer all of Matt's direct questions. Blame, blame, blame.

    This idiot thinks it's a GOOD thing that Lindsay is getting out of rehab "soon."

    Oh lordy, lordy, lordy...

  14. She won't get it till she turns up dead...even then she'll be blaming everyone else...I'm just waiting...

  15. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree...

  16. Couldn't watch the whole thing, it's uncomfortable. She may think she is defending Lindsay but she's really throwing her under a bus with all this denial and fingerpointing. At some point, I think you have to stop being buddies with your kids and become a parent. Yes, Lindsay may be an adult now but she clearly doesn't think she is. I can't even imagine what my mamma would say if I was trying to pull this kind of behaviour!

  17. Also, Mrs. Lohan, you sound a bit congested. Need to blow your nose?

  18. Not surprising, but still. Dina is such a disgusting liar/enabler/manipulator/hypocrite.

    I was starting to enjoy the last couple of weeks without any Blohan news. Ugh if she really does get out early, it'll never end.

    She'll be in trouble again by New Year's. Mark my words.

  19. dina is enabler nĂºmero uno. how very, very sad for lindsay and the younger two. lindsay has serious talent, i, for one, would love to see her come back. i think she can. redemption can always be found.

  20. I can't even watch the interview because all I've read about it makes me so pissed off. How can Dina say she LOVES her child when she's hoping she'll get out of rehab EARLY?! The only shot Lindsay has at survival is getting away from that pathetic excuse for a mother of hers...

  21. Harriet - she did sniff once.

    This was very uncomfortable to watch. I don't think she fully listened to what Matt Lauer was saying. It was as if she had her script ready and she was going to say only what she had prepared.

    Matt Lauer did make a good point in part 2 that, as a parent, you would want your child to stay in rehab for as long as it takes in order for her to get better. Not her. She misses her little cash cow. And is it just me or did she seem a little confused as to why her son majored in finance but is an actor, too. Obviously, this kid has the brains in the family and has a backup plan if acting doesn't work out. Something most parents would advocate.

    The PR person is right - Lindsay needs to go away until she is missed (even if it's forever). She won't see 30 with Mom around.

  22. Her answer for every question was "The judge recused herself. I have 4 children. It's all propogranda. The judge is getting fired. My son graduated."

    I wonder when/if Dina watches this she'll realize what an idiot she it. I hope Lindsay watches this too, and HOPE that she realizes what an embarrassment her mother is, and it's a wake- up call.

    Also I like that Dina justifies it as Lindsay's young, this happens to all young girls when they leave home, and the only reason people are paying attention is because Linday's a star.

    For the record I'm 21, moved away from home at 17, and have never been arrested for a DUI or had a cocaine problem. Nor have any of my friends. Sorry Dina, I think Linday is soley to blame here.

    Also may I add I have an even bigger crush on Matt Lauer after he called out Dina on the 4x @ rehab.

  23. I couldn't watch this. I just would get mad and who needs that. This woman is in deep denial.

  24. A-MEN @Diane!!!!!

    GOD. I really wanted Matt to reach across the couch and smack her. She doesn't know what a stage mom is. HA.

    I'm sorry but comparing her to Julia Roberts is ABSURD.

    I have NEVER EVER gotten all the hype for her as an actress. I have seen all her movies. DO. NOT. GET. IT.

    She has made a disaster of her personal life, that is for sure & I do hope she gets the help she needs.

    Should we all applaud Dina for being such a great mom or what? Her son graduated summa cum laude, for God's sake. :)

  25. Well, when it comes to the Lohan Saga("der Lohansaga?") we have no one to blame but ourselves; I mean, if we don't look at them, they're not there! I read the items like everyone else but I can't take it even the slightest bit seriously anymore; it feels like Lindsay's starring in her own personal Truman Show, and her post-rehab daily life will be her next (and ongoing) project.
    That said: I took notice of Dina's claims of being an entertainer in her past, and her mother working on radio soaps, "so we go way back." I see. "Entertainer?" That's pretty vague....
    Makes me nostalgic for the days of pink-wigged Britney!

  26. I know I've posed this question before for Dinah, but apparently it's time to ask it again.
    Dinah... are you wet from the neck down? Do you see the pyramids and the Sphinx?
    'Cause lady, you are neck deep in de Nile.

  27. And wouldn't you know it? Dina's already squawking to the media about how Matt Laurer "ambushed" her and "grilled her" with "tough questions." What a wimp!

  28. Lohan probably could have been a solid movie star. I don't know that she is all that talented, but she certainly had the fame, acclaim and essentially the world at her feet (if you think being wildly rich and famous is having the world at your feet, that is). A real movie star doesn't throw away their fame for coke, nor do they bonk and blow guys in club restrooms. Wait...never mind. At least a real movie star actually acts in, you know, movies.

  29. If this doesn´t make Dina realize what deep trouble Lalohan is, what on earth COULD?

  30. That woman is Batshit Crazy.

  31. The "child" thing cracks me up.

  32. Did everyone realize that Dina has a son who graduated summa cum laude from college? She just wanted you to know...AGAIN.

  33. The son who just graduated must have been a changeling or adopted.
