Monday, August 23, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Has Reached A New Level Of Self Entitlement

You know all that drama last week about Lindsay Lohan being misdiagnosed by all of HER doctors in the past and prescribing her medications she probably didn't need? Well, it turns out that since the doctors at UCLA have decided that Lindsay is not addicted to any drugs that Lindsay feels she is entitled to compensation and an apology from the court for throwing her into rehab. Really?

“Lindsay is fuming – she is really upset that the courts put her through all this," a source told FOX News. Of course Lindsay has no shot at getting an apology or compensation but I can't even believe she would have the nerve to even ask for something like that.

Who was the one who was driving drunk? Who was the one found with coke in her pocket and tested positive for coke? Who was the one who missed all the education classes? How in the hell does she think she deserves anything? She should be grateful the court sent her to rehab so proper doctors and not the quacks who keep prescribing her whatever she wanted could determine what was wrong with her. She should be thanking the court.


  1. As usual, everything that has happened to her is someone else's fault. STFU, Lindsay and just be grateful for ONCE that you have a new shot at being healthy??

  2. BOYCOTT LILO POSTS. Then she will disapear.

  3. After she apologies to the courts for her lack of respect, not showing up, the manicure she sported in court, she has the audacity to want an apology?

    She needs to stay locked up til some reality sets in.

  4. When is she going to apologize for "I Know Who Killed Me"?

  5. Excuse me...what did she do and what did she say to Doctors on both coasts to get those Meds...? No Doctor just hands out Adderall....which says to me Lindsey lied in order to get them....
    She should quit while shes ahead...dumb bitch...

  6. Dr. Feelgood will give out whatever you want. I just loath this woman.

  7. I do not believe she's not addicted to anything. She's going to go on an epic bender the second they let her out.

  8. All the media coverage needs to stop so she can fade into obscurity.

  9. I can't anymore with this one.

  10. Lol Harriet! For reals!

  11. My brain is thinking faster than my fingers type...sorry.

    Anyhoo...I think the reason she annoys me so much is that i see her becoming another Anna-Nicole. And as tragic as that was, it was infuriating after her death to watch the other celebs who were saddened and said they wish they could have helped but were clueless as to her problem.

    Mel Gibson may be a woman hating misgynogist, but he did reach out to Britney when she was killing herself.

    Sadly, I don't think Lindsey is capable of letting anyone help her and her family won't allow it.

    This is tragic and I cannot watch anymore.

  12. Harriet Hellfire- I love you
    That movie still gives me the shivers to think about to this day.

  13. She truly is special, and way above the rest of us, and the State of California has demonstrated this nicely. Let her go on about her entitled way. In the meantime, I'll never spend a dime on any of her movies or anything she's selling, and if you agree with me, do the same.

    P.S. This is also my last Lohan posting.

  14. Agree with everyone else... I'm beyond over this snotty, delusional brat and her staggering, disgusting sense of entitlement. I don't care if you ban her or not, I'm finished discussing or even reading about her.

    Her one good film, Mean Girls, came out 6 years ago. Over half a decade ago, she isn't that talented and there are thousands of far more talented and capable actresses out there who would LOVE to be given the opportunities that Little Miss No-Accountability has pissed away, not to mention the many projects that for some reason are still thrown at her (though she usually screws up either way.)

    She and her entire family can fuck off. I'm done.

  15. She should be kissing that judge's ass since she has made this self entitled little snot relevant again. She will be getting millions in booze and blow money thanks to idiots paying her for post jail and rehab interviews. She will make more off of this than she ever will in movies again.

  16. She should be kissing that judge's ass since she has made this self entitled little snot relevant again. She will be getting millions in booze and blow money thanks to idiots paying her for post jail and rehab interviews. She will make more off of this than she ever will in movies again.

  17. Of COURSE she thinks she's owed an apology/compensation. Pshhhh.

    Dumb, dumb, delusional brat.

  18. So Enty, how do you REALLY feel? Please, do not hold back. ;P

  19. I would like to add, that taking Pharma that you actually do not need, specifically Uppers AND Downers, is worse than addiction. Hate to say this, but this points to her dumbass father being right all the time. She needed to go in there, have the rug of those "diseases" taken out from beneath her so that now she can realize that if her life is fuct, it is her own goddamn fault.
    This realization will probably lead to addiction issues as she is clearly addicted to attention, but she will eventually have to answer for her behavior. Karma, getcha some.

  20. she started taking Adderall so she could lose weight and get high. Now she wants to sue the doctors she PAID OFF?

    I fucking hate her. Few people deserve to die, but she deserves a good old fashioned overdose. Go for it Linds.
