Friday, August 20, 2010

Mel Gibson Spends $600K A Month On Himself

Oksana Grigorieva has been in court most of the week trying to get an increase in the amount of child support Mel Gibson pays each month. Currently he pays $6000 a month although he has only paid $18,000 since December. During the hearings it has come to light that Mel spends $600K on himself each month just for living expenses. It does not include his jet or other things, just how much he spends on himself. For a guy who ranted on tapes he has no money, reducing that $7M a year expense might be a great first step.

Mel does not think his child with Oksana needs more than $6K a month and that Oksana could save some money herself if she reduced costs on things like bodyguards for example. Not sure why Oksana needs a bodyguard. If anything happened to her people would blame Mel and I don't think anyone else is all that interested in stalking her or kidnapping her.

Still though it does seem unfair that Mel spends $600K on himself each money and only gives his baby $6K a month.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I wish I was getting 6000 a month lol. Just imagine what I could get with all that money.

  2. $600k buys a lot of booze and hookers.

  3. $6000 pre month (72K/year) buys a lot of diapers and baby food. I know that compared to Mel that $6K is not propotional to his spending. But how much does an infant/todler need?

  4. per month, not pre month.

  5. If he really has only made the equivalent of 3 child support payments this year, I say she has every right to take him to court.

    As to spending $600K a month on pretty much anything, it boggles the mind.

  6. Mel earned his money, like him or not. Nobody gave it to him. How he spends it, or how much he spends, is his business. 72K a year (tax free) for the baby seems like a sufficient amount. Does anyone think all that money is going for the baby or is it going to maintain a lifestyle Oksana would like to accustom herself to? Sorry, Mel's a jerk, but Oksana sounds greedy. Poor kid doesn't have a chance.

  7. When you can spend $600,000 a month on yourself, you should damned sure spend more than $6K for your own baby.

  8. And how much does a vasectomy cost? How about condoms???

  9. And he has the balls to tell her she goes through money like a fucking whore.

  10. The child is entitled to a similar lifestyle with both parents. For celebs, it's fancy houses, ridiculous b-day parties, toddler dance lessons, pre-schools that cost more than my college tuition, etc. $72K per year does not provide that. And if he's only made three payments, he was just asking to be taken to court for back support and additional money. Nothing worse than a deadbeat parent, especially when they have the money sitting in a bank account.

    By comparison, Charlies Sheen is paying about $25K per month per kid.

  11. Have we added up the total this "affair" has cost Mel? $100M? $200M? and climbing.

    He should have just given that to her when he realized it was over...

    Will never understand the rich, the powerful and the ego-driven.

    And his child will suffer from not being wanted.

  12. Just reason 45,678,232 to hate Mel.

  13. That's a lot of money in just one month, crazy..

  14. I agree with looserdude. Like it or not he's right.

  15. He earned his money...who is she to tell him what he can and can not do with his money.

    Now, I don't know why she needs to increased the child support ....what more does a toddler need.. or is she going to use it pamper herself.
    She has every right to ask for back child support payments but to ask for more is just greedy...( how can you not raise one child on 72,000/yr)...tell me.

    That's more than what the avg. american earn in a year.

    She needs to get over herself.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I will not stick up for Mel but 6K a month? I don't make 6K a month, hell I don't make half that in a month. Let Oksana get a job and put the child in daycare like every other working mother. I do think Mel needs to set up a college/trust fund for this baby that Oksana can't touch.

  18. Two lest than stellar individuals who SHOULD have used birth control.
    Sorry, latest baby Gibson spawn. Your is F---ed.

  19. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I am always just amazed at the amount of child support and/or maintenance that these people feel they are entitled to. $6K a month is $72,000 a year, I would dare say that the majority of the population lives on less than that per month for the entire family. I'm sorry, but fucking a famous man and getting pregnant does not necessarily entitle you to begin living like the Queen of England. Get a job, accept the $6K and consider yourself among the fortunate.

    I am NOT a Mel Gibson fan. But I just keep seeing this kind of thing over and over. I got $600 a month child support for three kids. So I got a job and managed to get them raised.

  20. Doesn't matter what any of us think is "fair" or "sufficient".

    The amount is supposed to be based on the income of the parent making the child support payments. If this kid is entitled, by law, to an amount that seems over the top to some of us, well then that's just her good fortune to have been born of a wealthy parent.

  21. Mel earned his money. He might be a jerk but he didn't sleep with someone to get his money he worked for it. Let Oksana try that for a change. You can't tell me she's going to spend 72k a year on a baby. Most of it's probably going for lip injections from the looks of her. She had this kid for money and since Mel isn't handing it over without a fight she is trying to ruin him. Sure Mel's a jerk but Oksana is nothing but a gold digging whore.

  22. Gold-digging whore she may be but the law dictates that a certain percentage of his income has to go to his child. That's the law. Now should it be structured that a certain amount go into various funds for school, inheritance and other life-helping areas...I thinks, yes!

    His other children lived EXTREMELY well as should this child. Regardless of how Oksana is morally, he could have used birth control. He's got to do what's right by law!

  23. $600K a month on himself? Mother fuck. My husband and I will make that much in ten years. Assuming neither of us gets laid off again. I know I'm drunk and shit, but mother fuck. Yeah, he earned all that money, but fuck. I guess I need to lose about 100 lbs, get on that casting couch, and make some actor money. Unless Gossip Girl is currently casting for a fat ass Professor who can only get laid by promising good grades to the male students (They're in college by now, right? I stopped watching that shit). That way I can skip step one and go right to the casting couch.

  24. Mel's a jerk, but just because Oksana said $600K doesn't mean it's true. She's not known for her truthfulness. That being said, I hope Mel takes care of this child & doesn't ignore her just because her mother is an idiot.

    So tired of goldiggers. Sad for that little girl.
