Monday, August 30, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Two parts today.

Yesterday there were lots of celebrities out with their kids, including Jessica Alba and Honor. Probably still my favorite celebrity child. Although, Zuma is running neck and neck.
Amy Poehler and Tina Fey look lovingly at Jon Hamm's Emmy.
Kristen Bell doing some press for You Again with
Jamie Lee Curtis.
Lady GaGa in the Vancouver airport.
Mickey Rourke and his girlfriend do a Vulcan mind meld.
Michael Shannon on the set of his new movie.
Rebeca Romijn wandering the streets of Beverly Hills.
I did not think I would wake up this morning and see a picture of Raven Symone and Michael Sheen.
Sandra Bullock is going to be on Today, tomorrow.
Spiderman was arrested for scaling this 452 foot tall apartment building in Sydney.
New pictures of the Titanic.


  1. Enty is not a Trekkie.

  2. LOLOLOL OMG Lady Gaga looks like Patsy from AbFab lolol

  3. Jamie Lee Curtis looks fantastic.

  4. A few years ago when my daughter and I were going on vacation the little metal hoops around the shoelace holes in her high top Chucks set off the metal detector alarm. They made her take them off and they had to be scanned--she was so embarrassed. I wonder how GaGa got through without setting off every detector in the airport. Do you think they scanned her too?

  5. @chopchop - and no botox there!

  6. I was expecting to see a Diet Coke can on the deck of the Titanic from the last trip out there.

  7. The fact that Gaga wore that studded ensemble to an airport just verifies to me that she is a No. 1 asshole.

    Love the Titanic shot.

  8. michael sheen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I would've put Tina Fey/John Hamm/Amy Poehler up at the top of the photos. I love them all!

  10. I'm a little in love with Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Jon Hamm as a trio . . . Of what, I'm not sure, but I love it.

  11. I *really* wish Amy Poehler would land the cover of ANY magazine with the headline "Post babyweight body - still got the pregnancy chub! and I don't care!" One can dream....

    Lady Gaga, please, you look like Madonna did in the early 80's, and especially when Who's That Girl came out. Seriously, not a shred of original in you?

  12. Did Gaga actually travel in that getup?

    Not a good pic of Rebeca Romijn.

    Raven Symone and Michael Sheen - what an interesting pairing!

  13. Couldn't love jamie Lee Curtis more!

    Not eh most flattering photo of Amy P but that's a funny little triumvirate indeed.

  14. Jamie Lee looks fab and proves you can age gracefully without the surgery. I however, do not have the guts to let the gray show.

  15. I LOVE that Jamie Lee Curtis is allowing herself to age in public, and doing it so damn gorgeously. Yum.

  16. Is Kristen Bell wearing a parachute? Or maybe a designer prison jump suit?

  17. Awww...Raven Symone looks great! She has slimmed down a little bit, but I love that fact that she has remained in entertainment her whole life and done so with class and dignity and yes...a little extra weight on her. Go girl! Mr. Cosby has taught you well!

  18. Oh..and by the way...Raven and Michael are both in the just released Disney Fairies Movie. Raven is the voice of one of the fairies, Iridessa. I only know this because my daughter is a huge fan and Iridessa is her favorite fairy!
