Thursday, August 05, 2010

Roy Horn Accused Of Sexual Assault - Caught On Tape

Apparently Roy Horn is all recovered from that tiger attack a few years back. Well, at least his libido is. The Enquirer is reporting they have a videotape of Roy Horn sexually assaulting an employee who was threatened with being fired if he did not cooperate. If you read this with a German voice in your head it is much creepier. Just saying.

Anyway, I am not sure how this employee, who is not the first to make the same accusations, managed to videotape the assault. Roy is accused of groping and sexually fondling his male employees. "He ordered me to touch his genitals and groped me repeatedly, both inside and outside my pants. He also threatened to fire me if I didn't comply."

Or feed him to the tigers. No, just kidding. Right? You couldn't do that and get away with it. Could you? Siegfried & Roy have always seemed creepy to me. This would not shock me at all. The sex harassment part, not the feeding to the tiger. That would shock me.


  1. When I first started reading, I thought it was going to say he abused the tiger sexually! Yikes!

    Anyway, jerk.

  2. He needs to go to prison for that hair-do!

  3. Abuse animals, abuse people. No great leap.

  4. True that, Nutty_Flavor. True that.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That white tiger is GORGEOUS. They really are beautiful animals.

    And I believe this story. We'll see what happens.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. OK-

    Everybody Google "Darren Romeo". He is the magician who S&R "mentored" for a year or so. he was supposed to take over the Mirage Theater (I think) eventually. S&R broke up during this time. I believe Darren was in a relationship with one of them. All of this was way before the tiger atack.

    Darren has a TV pilot now. He had his own theater in Branson for a bit, and now lives in Florida, I think. He has his own Shannon Elizabeth also. her name is Kristy and she hangs all over him in every single solitary photo on his website, and in photos with fans. She is billed as his "leading lady". (Quotation marks included.)

    I simply have very little respect for closet gays with beards.

    That is all.

  9. EXACTLY what Nutty_Flavor (interesting name lol) said
