Thursday, August 19, 2010

Snooki Is Legally Annoying

It is not just you who thinks Snooki can be annoying, a town in New Jersey has actually criminally charged her with being annoying. I am not going to sit here and pretend that I do not watch Jersey Shore, because I do and find it oddly fascinating. I have found it fascinating since MTV ran that True Life Jersey Shore show. But, individually some of them can get annoying and Seaside Heights, New Jersey thinks Snooki is annoying at a criminal level.

When Snooki was arrested a few weeks ago she was charged with disorderly conduct and creating a public nuisance. An additional charge was added though for annoying people on a beach. Snooki was not in court yesterday but her lawyer entered a not guilty plea for her. Even if she is convicted on all three charges the maximum penalty is just a $2000 fine.

The reason police were called in the first place is because people on the beach were complaining that she was annoying them. Huh. Seems like it is the perfect charge then.


  1. I feel for all those vacationers trying to read there trashy novels and get a little sun in peace.

    My son keeps saying he wants to take a ride down (I mean over) there and pick a fight with one the guys to get on TV. This would be a problem because a) he's skinny as a rail, and one punch would take him out, and b) I don't think antibiotics would keep him from catching something.

  2. Ok, Which would you choose? Locked in a small room with a drunk Snooki and no booze or locked in a small room with Tila, and no booze?
    No bullet to the head allowed.

  3. I think Tila would be more amusing.

  4. She is gross...a pig, It's hard for me to understand why anyone would watch her...or any of the reality Ho's.

  5. bitsofmoxy, that's the kind of stuff nightmares are made of. Yeesh.

  6. eeep. i swear i feel bad for the italians and the bad name this 'cast' gives them...esp. considering snooki is chilean, jwow is paraguayan, and ronnie is puerto rican. for shame, for shame. could've been called 'chonga shore'...or the more appropriate, 'chongalicious'.

  7. There is not enough Valtrex, Penecillin or disinfectant to get me to swim or hang on the same beach that these rejects have now polluted with their fugly selves.

    My 17 year old and his girlfriend have driven up to see them (a little over an hour). He doesn't watch the show but the girlfriend does and loves to criticize my True Blood addiction no less (thank goodness she is a good kid)!

    I really hate reality tv and the people in it.

  8. I'd rather be in a room with the Smurf over the menatl case. Young girls with lots of energy I can deal with. People with mental and social problems, I am not equipped to deal with.

  9. I agree with you Sue Ellen. As much as I can't stand either one, I can deal with stupid and ugly over crazy anyday. I think Tila and Courtney Love are of the same crazy ilk.

  10. Snooki. She's so short I would barely notice she was there.

  11. @Kathy

    Right. I wouldn't know what to do with a certifiable mental case. I'd probably spend the whole time trying to fend her off both sexually and physically.

  12. @ Sue Ellen - LOL! My son actually saw Snooki up close and said really looks like a Troll doll. She is unattractive, short, thick, and very unpleasant to people.

  13. I have to admit I love the Situation.

    He amuses me...

  14. @Kathy

    You'd be unpleasant too if you looked like a Troll doll. Heh.


    Me too. It's like he's the sense of the group this year...and that is a little scary.

  15. Oompa, go away now!

    I think I'll choose Tila. Can't stand either of them, but Snooki would probably annoy me to the point of punches being thrown...

  16. ....aaaaaand that's the reason the ppl that live down at the shore call them BENNYS. (Bas*ards from Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark and New York)

  17. Lol Mooshki!

    @Bits - Snooki, hands down. She's at least somewhat amusing. Tila Tequila and her lies just drive me crazy.

  18. who cares, i see annoying people on the beach everyday. it's called get a life. people need to stop feeling so fucking entitled to their beach,their state etc. live and let live.

  19. "Snooki is legally annoying"


    And Jwoww's tits are fake and Situation's schnoz is shaped like a lightbulb. Can we get to the part where "Jersey Shore cancelled due to lack of interest" is a valid headline?

  20. @Jax I am willing to live and let live, I grew up 30 miles from and spent most of my summers at Long Beach Island NJ, but these guys are making it difficult for people who normally go to Seaside for vacations, etc to enjoy that area. It's riduculous that anyone would have any curiousity about these 'things'. I wouldn't know about them except for my kid's girlfriend.

  21. It's still funny to me that her & the Situation are the most "popular" characters from the show. Probably where she gets the attitude/sense of entitlement, I'm guessing.

    I'm watching it right now (sadly). Its mindless entertainment.

  22. If guilty only $2,000 -- but it will cost her much much more than that just to pay her lawyers. She's lawyered up for this like it's the O.J. Simpson trial.
