Thursday, September 09, 2010

Boob Job For Julia Roberts?

Star Magazine got a doctor to look at pictures of Julia Roberts from last year and this year and he came to the conclusion that Julia Roberts had a breast augmentation. Just by looking at the pictures I would have to agree. It does not look like she added any weight which would explain larger breasts and although the latest bathing suit does appear to be pushing her breasts up more, it still looks like she had some work done.

Of course this is the same Julia Roberts who said she would not do botox because she wanted her kids to be able to see if she was happy or sad. Apparently breasts though don't figure into that equation so she might have got them done. What do you think?


  1. She had small implants at the beginning of her career, very natural....after kids...they probably needed an upgrade.

  2. DUH
    Julia has always been part of the "itty bitty tittie committee" Them things are as fake as a 3 dollar bill, lol

  3. She wants her breasts to look perky, even if they are crying on the inside.

  4. Now if only she could have some work done to her personality.

  5. I thought she had them done when I saw those latest beach pictures too. From other angles it is really obvious.

  6. Lots of bathing suits have padded cups.

  7. I agree - those are fake. If she looked like she had gained any weight, I would have given her the benefit of the doubt, but she looks just a thin and even more fit than in the first picture.

    As far as boob jobs go, it was really subtle. By the way, wasn't there a blind a few months ago about an older star getting implants? I think we had pretty much decided it was Nicole Kidman, though.

  8. It seems like of my friends that have kids, their boobs got bigger with each kid. Certainly the ones that nursed. But since this is Hollywood and she is trying to get her groove back, I would say, probably surgery.

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  10. I don't find anything that she says or does credible. To me she's just another smug lying homewrecker not that I'm giving her scrub of a husband a pass but nobody's paying him millions for his signature horse laugh.

    So yes of course they're fake.

  11. I think they are fake and I don't gave a rip. I'm in the DDD range and would gladly chop them down to size in an instant, so I have no issues with an A- cup woman wanting to move into B cup range.

  12. Her 1500 minutes are over.
    May as well get a boobjob.
    I'm very suprised Eat Pray Love did as well as it did.
    Must be alot of book lovers out there.

  13. I nursed my kid and yes, my boobs got bigger, but alas, they are back to their normal size. Maybe even droopier (sorry, TMI). I am think she either has great padding, or she had a boob job. Yawn.

  14. I know you could argue her top is padded, but that would have to be a heck of alot of padding to get that level of cleavage.

    So many actresses say they don't/won't get anything done, and do it anyway. I believe her just about as much as Nicole Kidman claiming her look comes from clean living.

  15. I'm not a JR fan, but as a heading-into-middle-age woman who has had 2 pregnancies (both breast fed), I don't blame her for wanting to "spruce things up."

  16. I think yes, but a personality transplant would have been a better option.

  17. Doesn't matter if the suit is padded or not. If you compare the exposed parts of her breast, the after photo shows more fullness higher on her chest. At least they are tasteful implants. However, she is still a hag.

  18. Her tummy looks like it got a little tuck too.

  19. Is it possible she's knocked up again? Is she too old?

  20. Of course the boobs are fake.

    But more importantly to me, why is there so much enmity toward Julia Roberts here? What did I miss?

  21. this is so catty but she just looks like a witch to me (and has the cackle to go with it)

  22. @MacVixen - sort of agree. I had a reduction about ten years ago, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. While I can't understand why women go HUGE, I guess I can SORT of understand why people go up a little bit. Based on my experience and hatred of my boobs for so long, the whole thing seems wacky to me.

  23. I thought that was obvious...she had implants before, so?. Now if she's claiming that she hasn't done anything then she's a big liar.

  24. What RQ said. Except mine was 17 years ago. I really that old?

  25. not on my dollar:

    :) i'm with you. not a fan and never was and i think there are ample reasons not to be. she's not much of an actress, for one thing. and she DID bust up a marriage.

  26. Not a fan, but the boob job is no big deal. Some of us middle aged types get the boobs done to firm up the situation and I know many women who have had tummy tucks. I like my DDDs but they aren't very perky these days without major support.

  27. meh, she's still a dog.

  28. I think she's a lying, manipulative, over-rated, untalented skank who slept her way to the top like the rest but somehow she get's praised for being "real" and America's sweetheart.

    Of course her tits are fake, just like everything else about her. Botox is not nearly as invasive as implants and she has the nerve to be righteous. SMH.

    I never got the hoopla over her, she is just about as average as they come. But Hollywood picks heroes, not the public.

  29. @RocketQueen - Totally agree. I've been "overblessed" and boy the grass sure does seem greener on the other side.

    They do look a bit bigger. I don't really put breast augmentation in the same category as botox, face lift, etc. She didn't make them Heidi Montag sized, so I don't think its a big deal...

  30. Playing devil's advocate here. Maybe it's her posture, the bathing suit padding, or maybe the size of her boobs changes depending on the time of the month. I don't know how many people experience that, but that definitely makes a difference for me.

  31. Anonymous3:23 PM

    As a fellow former member of the biggie biggie titty committee (my reduction was in 1993) with HH and RQ, I don't understand why women would ever get those ginormous fake boobs. They tear up your back, neck and shoulders, and it's impossible to find a bathing suit that fits. Let alone finding a pretty bra. If JR's had implants, though, at least they are tastefully done. Like Kate Hudson's. And I can't believe I am complimenting two chicks I can't stand in one post.

  32. She's in a superficial business, so I don't blame her for wanting to fluff and perk up the girls a bit. I just wish older women would stop pulling their faces into Le Cat, thinking it makes them look younger. It just makes them look like older women with very tight faces.

    Men who go after younger women don't just want them to look younger, they want them to BE younger. Sad, but true. Men who truly value a woman as a human being won't mind her aging naturally.

  33. This is just the difference between a string and supportive/padded bikini top, IMO. I look like this all the time depending upon whatever style I feel like wearing.

  34. You DO realize, Enty, that when women have children their boobs get bigger. After delivery they can either shrink back to size or stay bigger. Mine, unfortunately, stayed bigger. Depending on the female, pregnancy can be hard on the body. She probably ended up with bigger, maybe saggier boobs and got them corrected. Don't blame her one bit. I'd do the same if I was a huge movie star and was rolling in dough.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. There's nothing wrong with enhancing ones self but the audacity of her to turn her nose up and take a shot at other women who have used botox when she CLEARLY "had them done".

    I really detest hypocritical b^tches

  37. Wasn't there a Ted C blind a few weeks back about an A list actress that everyone was guessing if she had work done? Don't remember the rest of the blind, but some of the guesses were Catherine Zeta Jones and Nicole Kidman.

    Bet it was Julia....

  38. Julia Roberts is a major home wrecker and hag. Ever see what b!tch she is in interviews? Lainey's blog is always showcasing Julia's major b!tch attitude towards people interviewing her.

    Nothing that comes out of her mouth is true. I am sure she has had botox, fillers, and implants.

  39. Padding in a bathing suit isn't going to give the girls that look. My mom (of all people) had implants and they pretty much looked like that. I can push mine up all day but they'd never stay put like that in the water. Sooo fake.

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who can't stand her. People can smell a fake and it appears that no matter how much the press tries to spin it, the public sees through her.
