Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Hailey Glassman Makes Her Rent Payment - Sells Story To Radar

In this never ending circle of people who should not be famous but are, has Hailey Glassman ever slept with Michael Lohan? I think it would definitely complete the circle of hell, or at least bring out the Staypuff Marshmallow Man.

Hailey sold some story to Radar and because they gave her money they tried to turn it into something. Apparently at one point or more than one time Jon Gosselin would extort Kate Gosselin. He would threaten to call Child Protective Services about some alleged incident that happened to Mady via Kate unless Kate would cough up $50K or $100K.

Hailey says she has handwritten notes from Jon detailing his talking points that he wanted to make with Kate. Hailey also says that it was at this time that she knew she had to get away from Jon because she could not believe he would do this to the mother of his 8 kids. Radar has decided to make Hailey the hero in their little story but I didn't see her going anywhere until Jon started sleeping with Kate Major who was probably also sleeping with Michael Lohan at the same time. Makes you wonder if Jon and Michael ever crossed swords at some point.

Jon took about five minutes after the story was first posted to Radar and go on his Twitter. "Radaronline has been duped again by Hailey Glassman, who is apparently without a job and desperate for money. This article contains so many lies, they are too numerous to count. It is completely false and without any merit."

Oh, I think the part about Jon being in bed with Hailey and calling Kate on speaker phone is probably true. I am willing to bet that Jon asked Kate for money too. As far as the extortion part, I'm not sure.


  1. You lost me at crossed swords.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jon wasn't worth shit from the start. Lazy AND dumb people will do anything!

  4. Cheryl, I couldn't agree more!

  5. Doesn't he still owe Hailey something like $25K that he hustled from her?

  6. Love the Ghostbusters reference.

  7. I'm confused. Why would Jon be asking Kate for money when he already owes her $$$$ in child support?

  8. Jon is a dummy that's why.

  9. I can't believe these people are still in the news. It boggles the mind.

  10. Crossed swords = man on man.

    I thought Hailey came from money?

  11. if you could see the way i completely full body recoiled at crossed swords.

  12. oh for fuck's sake, if jon tried to extort kate, kate already would've been cashing in left and right with exclusive interviews etc about it

  13. this may have been a couple of years ago, when Jon and Halley were together.

    I don't know about her family, but at the time she said he took money she'd loaned him assembled from bar mitzvah and graduation gifts and her own savings, things like that. Given her poor judgment, if her family does have money I hope they aren't giving her any.
