Friday, September 10, 2010

Halle Berry & Olivier Martinez Share "An Intense Passion"

Apparently US Weekly has something against the phrase humping like rabbits or horny for each other or many of the other phrases that come to mind when a couple is sharing an intense passion. When they describe Halle Berry & Olivier Martinez they make it sound like Fabio is reading aloud to them. An intense passion. Of course it is intense. They have been dating for like two weeks. It better be intense. After just two weeks together if you are doing anything but passion then you better be prepared for long long dry spells.

So, when US says they have an inside source who says the couple are passionate, it is not much of a stretch. I doubt they are hanging out all the time because they are dying to watch movies together and discuss them for two hours followed by some Scrabble.

If US Weekly had some imagination their source could have also said, "they eat out a lot and for some reason they are always in bed." Probably canoodling.


  1. Please....enough.. she's so desperate, this is not a nice guy.

  2. Ha! You slay me, Enty: "probably watch movies together and discuss them for two hours followed by some Scrabble."

    That's a good one!

  3. Schtupping.

    Better than canoodling, IMHO.

  4. They are getting their freak on. Too bad because her ex is cute.

    When I taught high school in the 90's the kids called it hittin' the skins.

  5. @MISCH: Why is he not nice? I don't remember hearing bad stuff about him :-(

    Sad because he's HOT!

  6. He'd better be careful. Isn't he a heartbreaker? If he dumps her, she might get all crazy on his ass.

    Personally, I've never seen the attraction to this guy. Halle's babydaddy is wayyyy sexier than Ollie.

  7. Knockin' boots!

    I think Olivier has a bad reputation from when he cheated on Kylie Minogue? And didn't he cheat while she was being treated for cancer? Or am I pulling that out of my ass?

  8. Bahahahaha!! That last sentence is hilarious. You cunning linguist, you.

  9. he's a fucking dawg. he cheated on kylie a lot WHILE she was in cancer therapy.

  10. my son calls it "swacking". Please forgive me if it is spelled incorrectly.

    I used to think he was hot, but after the Kylie stories I read, he's just a jag.

  11. Gotta agree...heard about the Kylie thing.
    Not a nice guy. His insides don't match the outside.

  12. I think Halle's wise enough these days to just be in it for a good time. His reputation is well known and in recent interviews, she seems okay with not having a "partner for life".

  13. Did they buy matching sunglasses? Or is that just a coincidence?

  14. i disagree, Rocket. Halle notoriously has always picked awful men. cheaters, name it. Wesley Snipes did beat her half deaf. if she were in it for fun,she'd be more discreet.

  15. Agree jax, and it's because of all that I think she's over the whole idea of marriage.

  16. Definitely not as attractive as baby daddy, but if she is happy and getting laid, good for her.

  17. Anonymous8:23 AM

    a person's sex life is their business. she has no need to be discreet with anything, nor should she have to answer to anyone about this. if it's just for the peen, so be it.
