Thursday, September 02, 2010

Huh, Who Knew John Travolta Was Gay?

Apparently The National Enquirer wanted to make sure all of the people who have never read a gossip site in the world realize that John Travolta likes guys. So, they ran the picture of him kissing his "nanny." You know, we all do that. They also quote the author of some book about Travolta and how John's marriage is a fraud and that John sleeps with guys all the time and that Kelly Preston has no idea that John sleeps with other guys. Really? That is the part that I find really, really hard to believe. I'm sure late at night when he is watching gay porn she believes the "it's for a part honey," excuse that he always gives. Come on. Of course she would know. This is not some guy from the suburbs who is sneaking away to get some action on his way home from work at a gay bar. How could she not know?

I do realize there is a significant portion of the population who does not read gossip sites and only gets their gossip news from the covers of tabloids while waiting in line at the grocery store. To them, they might not know John likes guys.

I do need to pick up a copy though because I am wondering about Elin's suicide secret. Did anyone peruse The Enquirer at the check out stand? Know anything about Elin and her suicide secret?


  1. OMG Travolta GAY? Who knew?

    I'll just have to cling to my imaginary memories of steamy affairs with Rock Hudson & Liberace.

  2. Yeah, YAWN. Poor guy, leave him ALONE for chrissakes!

    I am getting really tired of the outings. Who doesn't already know most everyone in H'wood will swing any way they can?

    Old and tired. (Not you, Enty...I mean the rags).

  3. What surprises me is that as far as I can tell, they don't outright say "GAY lover" on the cover....could just be implying he's cheating with another woman?

  4. Mr and Ms Average are going to be shocked by this. You, me and all the smart asses may 'know' but most think a man who has been married for so many years and has kids and a pregnant wife is straight.

    The NE must have some solid proof to risk a legal fight with Sientology and their millions.

    I hope John can finally come to terms with who he is and find some happiness.

  5. Yeah to John Q Public, Will, John, Tom, are all straight and narrow so they would be shock by this announcement. Those of us in the know, are like, YAWWWWNNNN.

  6. I do have sympathy for John and his family for their past tragedies, but I have zero symapthy for all that is scientology, and it was due to scientology that his son had such a miserable experience with his autism. (That they utterly refused to acknowledge- so pathetic)

    For all we know the "church" could be behind this outing; They're a bunch of freak cultists that get off on "teaching dissenters lessons".

  7. But he can't be gay! Kelly is pregnant, for pete's sake.

  8. It's open season on Scientologists at the Enquirer - this cover has Kirstie Alley, the Travoltas and Lisa Marie Presley. I guess they gave Tom and Suri the week off.

    Did the Enquirer get a 50%-off-litigation-fees coupon? Or do they smell weakness at Xenu headquarters?

  9. I've often suspected the Enquirer takes things personally in a weird way. Everyone backed off Travolta after his son's death. But I think there's something about this new pregnancy and the continued totally fake charade he and his wife are putting on (probably backed by or even forced by their church) that someone(s) at the Enquirer take as just too much of a taunt or something. And so they're going after him. To spite him, to spite her, to spite the Church of Scientology, I'm not sure which, but there you go.

  10. Tenley - so your theory is that NE is kind of like a bunch of 4chaners from an older generation? I buy it,

  11. Well it sounds like more of a "scandal" if Kelly "doesn't know." Which is total BS.

  12. Hey, we didn't know that George Michael was gay back in the day and Rock Hudson shocked a few people.

    About the Enquirer. I'm guessing that they have soooo much dirt on the Sci crowd that they ain't scared and the Scientologists won't bother because after all it's just a tabloid.

  13. Just shocking...and when will Kelly let her fake tummy drop....

  14. She knew all along he was gay. This goes to show you that the 'talker' is an idiot, and knows nothing at all about Kelley.

  15. i can't hate on the enquirer right now...they're seriously asking for the wrath of xenu to be upon them...and they obvs don't care. go them!

  16. duh. we've known since saturday night fever.

    he must've done something to piss off the church of scientology. i bet this is only the beginning of the press.....

  17. Holy Xenu... they actually, seriously printed that? Someone's got some serious info locked away somewhere.
    But y'know, it wouldn't suprise me one bloody bit if Travolta hadn't engineered this himself - after all, what good is blackmail if you expose the dirt yourself?
    That'd certainly free him from the potential threat of the auditing tapes they're undoubtedly holding over his head.
    And for those who don't believe they do this, have I got a land deal for you... ocean front property in Colorado.

  18. I read after Jett died that John wanted out...of the church, his fake marriage...and then Kelly pulled this fake pregnancy ...theres a baby brewing somewhere....but not in Kelly's womb...she has a history and would not risk a late life pregnancy..
    Knowing the church they probably have a file on him 3 feet thick...he's a cash cow for them....

  19. I always thought that Toothy Tile was John. I know everyone thinks it's Jake G, but John seemed more like the winner to me.

    I remember when he was photographed kissing that guy on the lips on the stairs to his private jet.

  20. I think Elin tried to give Tiger an assisted suicide but that's old news.

  21. @Monica - but Toothy is single and recently broke up with his beard. Toothy is Jake.

  22. I remember years ago before Travolta's career was revived by Pulp Fiction a gay actor friend of mine who lived in NY told me that JT was gay. It's never bothered me.

    He should tell the COS to pound sand and come out and be done with it. I doubt it will affect his fan base.

  23. I want to see where this is going, will Travolta respond? will the church respond?. either way it's interesting to see how they behave, specially when regular people don't know that JT is gay.

  24. Really, does anyone truly care? Be in or be out or straddle the fence, its all none of anyones buisness.


  25. i'm not usually in the conspiracy theory group but on this one, i am. i do believe travolta's gay and no, i do NOT believe there's a real pregnant tummy under kelly's maternity clothes. i think there's a fetus gestating somewhere that's probably theirs---just not in her womb.

  26. I think this is an arranged outing cooked up between John himself with the help of the NE and maybe a couple other people willing to front for the "scoop". If you recall, after Jett's death the rumor mill was red-hot with word that John wanted to finally come out of the closet and be himself. Problem was, the Co$ had laid down the law, and every member of that group knows better than to cross the Co$.

    So, how better to do it and deflect suspicion and retribution away from himself? He gets what he wants with little or no dangerous blowback from the Co$, cause hey - it wasn't his fault!

    For those who doubt this idea, remember Michael Landon making the media rounds and furiously denouncing the NE for its stories about _his_ personal life, only to have him admit years later that he and the NE worked together on the stories, and on his fake and furious reaction.

    Landon was just looking for some publicity. I think John is looking for some peace.

  27. I say more outings as long as they undermine CO$. That organization destroys lives. Its star members use their protected status to get away with anything they want. If they have to be held accountable for their hypocritical behavior (not meaning "gay" but meaning lying about being gay), too bad!

  28. Not sure what is going on behind the scenes, but NE have been outing John for decades! This is not news that Mr and Mrs Average Joe who don't read blogs would be overly shocked at if they had gone to their local supermarket since the 80's. Not sure why they have it in for John, but he has been a target for outing from them for a very long time.

  29. True Story: My friend is a masseuse at the Morongo Casino in California. John Travolta tried to get fruity with him as he thought he was gay and my friend called security and security escorted John Travolta out. I believe John likes it from behind.

  30. @flwrgurl....same thing happened to a friend of mine. while jt was filming Hairspray in toronto he was using the Granite Club to work out. this is an expensive private club in Toronto. my friend was changing at his locker. jt comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist and starts talking to him...there was no one else in the locker room at the time. jt then sat down beside him and kept talking to him. my friend thought he was being picked up but is straight. he was getting a little creeped out. he asked if jt was in fact jt. he said he was. once he was changed he left jt sitting alone in his towel.

  31. I'm sorry but her getting pregnant this late in life and so soon after Jett's death does not sit well with me. It just seems like they're trying to have a replacement child.

    And I totally agree w kcqueen, Scientology made Jett's life with autism terrible. He could've had access to the best care and treatment, and instead I feel like he was ignored and treated like an embarrassing secret.

    I just have zero respect for anyone involved in that science fiction book of a religion. Like seriously, how can you be so stupid?

  32. Losing a child is tragic. I kinda agree with the stories out there that JT & Kelly wanted to leave Xenu headquarters (didn't their weird beliefs prohibit Jett from receiving medical care? may have this wrong - apologies if so) and this made Xenu very angry. This article suddenly appearing so straight to the point would seem that the mag is being fed articles by this cult. I personally don't care whether JT's gay, whether Kelly knows or not, it's their business. Wish they could get on with their lives in peace. Xenu's got a lot to answer for. As others have noted, why do celebs fall for this crap?
