Wednesday, September 01, 2010

It's Official - Lindsay Lohan Has Another Sister

Ignore for a minute the Life & Style cover which claims that Angelina and Brad are fighting over whether to allow Shiloh to continue dressing as a boy. I still can't believe the tabloids are using Shiloh as a pawn to sell magazines and the only way they will stop is if people don't buy covers like this. Shiloh is a kid. Damn. Leave her the f**k alone.

OK, now that I have that out of my system, they do have an article that says a judge has ordered Michael Lohan's name to be added to the birth certificate of Ashley Horn. This would make Michael Lohan's paternity official. He still has not taken a DNA test. He says he would be happy to do so, but just has not found the time. Probably because he knows he is the dad and will have to come up with $300,000 in back child support which Ashley's mom says he owes.

I am never good with the whole does someone resemble someone else. What do you think? Does Ashley look like a Lohan? Well, you have to imagine her with bleached out hair extensions, ten years of drug and alcohol abuse and a lust for fame and publicity and self entitlement.


  1. Oy vey, why would anyone claim Mr. Lohan as the father if it's not true?

    I wouldn't be counting on any back child support.

  2. The nose is the give away. She looks like a blond version of Ali.

  3. I echo califblondy's statement. Why would anyone admit to sleeping with him unless absolutely necessary?

    The photo of Shiloh looks like a young Jon Voight.

  4. Let's see her in a mesh shirt and we'll know for sure.

  5. $300,000 in back support? Obviously this woman is using Lindsey's income as a guideline.

  6. Agree about Shiloh, Enty. I would say these rags should be ashamed of the vile shit they spew about a little girl, but clearly they have no shame.

  7. def in the nose. who would want to claim him as a father, though?

    thanks for standing-up for shiloh, enty.

  8. I say "show me the DNA first". Why put Ashley through this until the facts back up the statement. Is this just another famewhore mother trying for her 10-15 minutes?

  9. PS - anyone read today that Michael Lohan is trying to sell Lindsay's DIARY?! Ugh. That man is utter scum.

  10. It's unbelievable that Shiloh is such a target, but there are plenty of people who buy into the stories and buy the rags that print them. Good for her parents for letting her dress the way she wants. It's nothing unusual.

    Michael Lohan needs to do some personal housekeeping before he says anything about Lindsay. Anxiously awaiting the stories he will sell about this daughter.

  11. Thank goodness Shiloh isn't shopping in the supermarket waiting on line for the checkout...cause that's where most of us read this crap.
    This woman is not going to get a why put your kid through this humiliation ....she's no different than the Lohan's....shameful.

  12. Can a judge order somthing like that with no DNA test? Someone needs to go on Maury!

  13. I bet he tries to make a buck off this story.

  14. There wouldn't be enough money in the world to make me admit I was related to any of those mercenary cretins.

    Not worth it. Not at all.

  15. you know what is even more pathetic that the tabloids printing shit about shiloh? the fucking loser people who keep up with the story and actually PAY MONEY for the tabloid to read about her.

    eaurehghireoghieahrgdf. i second you. leave the kid alone!

    **steps down from soapbox

  16. Blech....what a crappy father to fight to have.

  17. After my son was born (8 years ago), my boyfriend at the time was never at the hospital when the clerk or whoever puts the father's name on the birth certificate was there. We didn't get down to the Jobs and Family Services building where we could officially put his name on the birth certificate until 2 or 3 months later. When we did it, no paternity test was done, they just asked him "are you the father?" and that was pretty much it.
    No Maury show for us.

  18. I think she (the newest Lohan) looks a lot like the younger Lohan. You know, the 15 year old who looks like she's 40 years old.

  19. Cheryl said...
    Let's see her in a mesh shirt and we'll know for sure.

    LMAO :D

    I can see a resemblance, but if I wasn't looking for one I don't think I would. If that makes sense.

  20. what? when did this happen?

  21. This tween momma must not be reading the same tabloids she's peddling her own story to. Lady, the Lohans are BROKE! They've fallen so low that they're mooching free ice cream cakes!! Good luck collecting.

    Unless her plan is to make a quick buck from the tabloids and the trashier TV shows. Maybe she could appeal to Dr. Phil to intervene on her child's behalf. He loves sticking his big, fat, ignorant nose where it doesn't belong if it means ratings and hearing himself talk.

  22. Hahaha @ Cheryl - but I really hope we DON´T get to see that! Let at least one Lohan live a life out of tabloids and without any nude pics, please...
