Friday, September 03, 2010

Jennifer Lopez Is "The Key To Re-Energizing American Idol"

In the news yesterday that Jennifer Lopez was thisclose to signing on to be a judge on American Idol, was this little quote. "Jennifer Lopez is the key to re-energizing American Idol." Wow, if you are counting on Jennifer Lopez to save the show then I think you have come to the wrong person. How can she contribute anything other than four or five appearances from her scrawny husband, a lip synched dance number once a season and a 21 squints a show.

She has not had a hit movie in years and years. Actually, has she ever had a hit. Oh yeah that Wedding Planner thing made some money didn't it? How did Anaconda do? It must have done ok, because there was a sequel or two, but the snake did a better job of acting. Her last hit album? Forever ago. Hmm, well in that regard she is kind of like Paula. However, while Paula may not have been the world's greatest singer, she was nice and provided a perfect counter balance to Simon. Yes, she looked like a lush, but she was like your Aunt Sue who hit the egg nog too hard, but no one minded because she was harmless and never in a bad mood. It worked.

Jennifer Lopez as the key? Better not count on that.


  1. A lip synched dance number once a season and a 21 squints a show. LOL!

    I'm really enjoying this site today Enty. =]

    I still wonder if JLo is MV?

  2. It's all about the chemistry. Paula
    Abdul, Simon Cowell and Randy Jackson had chemistry together and played off each other well. Kara Dioguardi threw off the chemistry and then Ellen Degeneris might have worked but her relationship with Simon was just toxic and that ruined it. It's hard to envision a scenario where jLo brings anything to the table.

  3. Paula had a waaaayyyy more successful singing career than JLo (and that's not saying much). Totally agree, if Idol is pinning its hopes on her, there isn't much chance of the show making it in the long run.

  4. That is one ugly-ass outfit.

  5. She is the key to me not watching anymore.

  6. Should have been Jessican Simpson. J Lo is always the kiss of death.

  7. Put Skeletor on there. Now that would be a show!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. lol @ Ms. Cool. Word.

    I hear "Out of Sight" was pretty good although I never saw it. I just don't think many people LIKE her. Besides being a diva and a fur hag, she goes out of her way to make sure the little people can't relate to her lifestyle and attitude.

  10. yes she's the equivalent of paula's
    persona on the show-when she gives a serious(to her)critique of a contestant it will time to laugh, hard.

  11. JLo will work great on American Idol, IF and only IF she takes on the Simon-bad-guy role and give legitimate, icy criticisms. If she lets her inner bitch loose, this could be good for the show and probably her, too. America doesn't mind a straight-out, up-front bitch, but we hate a fake, sweet while the camera is rolling bitch when it's not rolling.

    Personally, I see Steven Tyler as the new Paula. He's a woozy, mumbling, on-the-wagon, off-the wagon kind of guy whose bound to say lots of "WTF??" things.

    Now just get rid of that "Yo, yo, yo, dawg. That was pitchy/off the hook" waste of space Randy Jackson.

  12. Ugh puhleeze no JLo - Steven Tyler yes, I agree - he's the new Paula - he's wacky enough to make things interesting...but the third? anyone but Jessica simpson or J Lo. Please get someone that knows what they are talking about!

  13. I love J-Lo. Sorry. But she was excellent in the Selena movie.

  14. That suit is traaaagic.

  15. I'll watch.... I think it might be interesting to see which way this is played....

  16. she looks like a sparkly tootie roll in that get up

  17. I mean tootsie roll

  18. I think if JLo lets out her inner bitchiness, it would bring good ratings. If she pumps up the rudeness...could work. I used to like her for an entertainer. She alienated a lot of people especially the little people.

  19. JBlow? Please just stick a fork in AI and call it done. If a woman who is stuck in 1999 is your salvation, then there is no hope for you.

    That show was over when Simon said he wasn't coming back. It could survive without Paula Abdrool, but not without Simon. Simon was the best part of American Idol.

    How many really successful idols have there been? Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood are the only ones I can think of. There are more successful "almost idols" than winners.

  20. Chris Daughtry is pretty successful, isn't he? And Adam Lambert?

    My evidence: I've heard of (and like) both of them, even though I live in Europe and I've never seen the show.

  21. I forsee AI lasting two more seasons tops.

    J.Lo will NOT save this show. This show WAS Simon, and it still jumped the shark 5 seasons ago.

  22. Nutty_Flavor said...
    Chris Daughtry is pretty successful, isn't he? And Adam Lambert?
    Yes, but they are not AI winners. They were runners-up, which is what I said in my post. Chris Daughtry lost to Taylor Hicks. Where is Taylor Hicks now? Oh yeah, doing some traveling musical. Adam Lambert lost to Kris Allen. What is Kris Allen doing? Don't know. There are more successful AI runner-ups than there are successful "actual" AI winners.

  23. She is not the "key" to me. I've watched most seasons from the beginning, even if it's just "background noise." I refuse to watch if she is on it. Can't stand her, and the lack of Simon makes it that much worse. They really should have just canned the show, it all seems pointless. Once Simon gets his new show on the air this thing will be toast.

  24. JLo doesn't have rapport or chemistry with anyone - everything's all about her. How could she seriously give people feedback, criticism and encouragement? Didn't her "singing career" (cough cough) get started or at least gain momentum by sleeping with Puff Daddy? She's only about the image. If Steve Tyler is on the show he'll show her up as the talentless person she is. At least Aerosmith are a real band with the back catalog to prove it.
