Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lea Michele Calls Her Teachers Stupid

Lea Michele has nothing nice to say about any of her teachers in high school and will never thank them and thinks they are stupid. Tell us how you really feel. Lea was interviewed by Marie Claire UK for this month's issue and says that "My acting teacher and music teachers didn't really like me and they kind of ignored me. I think that they were threatened by the fact that I had worked before. Maybe it made them uncomfortable. I would have loved for them to have taught me but maybe they felt like they couldn't. They just ignored me and didn't really pay attention to me. (It made me feel) like they were stupid, that it was pretty silly of them. I'm on a show called Glee right now and I could sing their praises but unfortunately I don't have anything to say."

Talk about holding a grudge. Knowing Lea's tendency towards diva behavior I am guessing that she probably would not take any advice from her teachers and probably thought she knew better than them and was working already so why should she have to listen to them. I'm sure if they were asked or other students from her classes were asked they would probably have an entirely different account of what happened and also show some respect for people who make less in a year doing important work than Lea makes in a week.


  1. For me, her photos tend to be either pretty or blah. This is one of the blahs.

    And yes, girl is getting too big for her britches.

  2. she needs to get way the fuck over herself, like yesterday!

  3. What is this girl's problem? Someone should inform this little keebler elf that contrary to what she believes, the world did function before she was in it. I'm so sick of her bitch attitude. She's a bully and a mean girl as far as I'm concerned. If she doesn't have anything nice to say, then she shouldn't bring it up.

  4. Goodness, she's just all kinds of classy. Glee was neat when it came out, but I find it the same thing episode after episode. Now that they're writing in celebrity storylines, I can't help but think it's about to jump the shark.

    Hopefully for Lea's sake, she has staying power, but I'm betting that her little diva attitude is only going to hurt her in the future.

  5. What a bitch!

    And as a music teacher I hate her even more!!

  6. Lea Michelle is the poster child for the "ugly personality overwhelms any pretty looks she once had" brigade. In a year or two, she'll be in the "no one will work with her because of her attitude" post-glee brigade.

    I wonder how much of Glee's serious decline in quality this season is because LM got too big for her britches? Because that show is jumping the shark big time.

  7. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Yeap, She does have an attitude. I wonder if she will be one of those that are only known for one show only and will never appear in anything else. What will she say after that.

  8. she is the reason I DON'T watch Glee

  9. Now I am not bothered one iota that I only saw half of the first episode and shrugged it off, never to be seen again.

    But I do love that Jane actress, she is all class.

    Too bad so many young people have such giant mouths but nothing of substance to say...

  10. You are right Sylvia...she is dooooooomed to not work in show biz with that kind of attitude.

  11. And I hope she realizes that she's nothing more than a shitty (and far uglier) Idina Menzel clone.

    But she's not the reason I don't watch Glee. The sheer awesomeness that is Jane Lynch will melt my face.

  12. Can't stand her....

  13. not that the comments are any less bratty for this, but i believe she was referring to her music/theater arts teachers, not her high school teachers in general.

  14. Wow! What a bitch.

  15. Unpleasant young woman. I hope she vanishes soon.

  16. I understand what she's saying, but she should just keep it to herself. Sometimes people don't like you for whatever reason, and you just have to let it go, not say it in the press.

  17. Her 15 minutes will end soon enough, and she'll find the true meaning of the phrase "don't bite the hand that feeds you".

  18. Shut up, Lea Michele. You're a *itch with no talent who is a on a show that has maybe a half season left of quality before it goes down the tubes.

  19. It is very possible she did have crap teachers in school. It happens. However, this statement added to all her other antics paint an ugly picture. If there were no other back stories about her, then we would probably let this one pass.

  20. "I'm on a show called Glee right now and I could sing their praises but unfortunately I don't have anything to say."

    Ugh, that's about as slimy as a douchebag with a pinkie ring.

  21. um, fuck that. i totally agree with her. i had maybe three or four good teachers throughout almost all of my education. most of the teachers i had were lazy, stupid and intolerant. they hated their jobs and that showed in their teaching. oh and let's not forget the men who go into teaching so they can *coach*.

    it's an ongoing debate, and i hope there are more good teachers out there than what i ever had. oh, and fuck the nea too. let's talk about glorifying mediocrity.

    uh, i could go on forever about how pathetic the education is in this country.

    **steps down from soapbox.

  22. I don't know what is the problem...I mean there are crappy teachers in high school. I know I had at most 5 really good teachers who really cared...the others I think were phoning it in, lost the love for teaching, and just were weighed down by life.

    I don't get why she should say nice things about people when she doesn't have nice things to say. Plus, she wasn't demeaning all high school teachers...just her art and music school teachers.

    She is just keeping it real.

  23. I'm on the other side. She is already more famous then they will ever be, so meh, I just wish she hadn't called them stupid.

  24. Well, Glee introduced the world to the awesomeness of Jane Lynch (and Chris Colfer), so I can't really hate on Glee.

    However, Lea needs to get over herself. She poses so hard on every red carpet she's going to give herself a nosebleed. Her shitty attitude is going to sink her. In two years Glee will be off the air and she'll have made herself unemployable in Hollywood- she certainly isn't racking up the fans.

  25. babosa...karma's a bitch, bitch!

  26. I hope she ends up a singing teacher. For her to say this publicly reeks of sour grapes.

  27. @kathrynnova: you hit a fiery button with "men who go into teaching so they can *coach*" I loathed those "teachers."

    I don't care if she is a diva she does have talent, sorry @Carrie L, she'll still have a career even after Glee. If not acting on tv back to Broadway.

  28. Bitch needs to get over herself. And eat a burger.

  29. Frankly, there are shitty teachers that are as cliquish as the fucking teens they're teaching. But if that was the case she probably should have said nothing. But I can understand that impulse to want to rip them a new one, and youth might make it more difficult not to act on it.

  30. (I don't think she would feel that strongly if something wasn't up.)

  31. good thing she can sing, b/c her ugly personality is rivaled only by her ugly nose.

  32. anyone can easily be written out of this show. Graduation. She needs to learn to play the game instead of trying to be all smart and superior. John Mayer spoke out of turn and had to disappear for a while.

  33. I really thought this girl was very talented and quite beautiful but holy shit... get the heck o'er yourself honey -- you ain't ALL THAT! Seriously, how many of you had e'er e'en heard of her ere "Glee?" I hadn't...
    "Despite Glee’s international success, Lea’s no diva. ‘I feel very equal to my cast and I feel like I couldn’t do what I do without them,’ she says." Gosh, that quote really makes me dislike her (and imagine how "her" cast must feel...).
    I hope they do more with Dianna Agron and Quinn. She is just stunning...

  34. I still love the show, though Rachel is my least favorite character. She's just mean. And Lea is so "stagey" in her camera presence. Stilted in dialogue (and I do not think this has anything to do with her character Rachel), squeezing her eyes shut constantly. Geeze. So I hope she gets knocked down a few notches.

    Even if you truly believe your teachers were "stupid" why on earth would you say that publicly? It's not difficult to say something neutral or heck, just fake it!

    But the Britney episode was awesome IMHO.

  35. @Pookie: Amen! I couldn't believe it when I found out this "actor" is only 24 years old. RQ said something about Ashton Kutcher's inner ugly coming out: same thing here.

  36. Yikes! I had some pretty crappy teachers too but I would have never called them out in public like that. And somehow as big of an ego as Lea seems to have now, I have a hard time believing she didn't walk into the classroom w/ an attitude.

  37. Someone needs to find the teachers and interview them NOW....would love to hear what they have to say....

  38. Amen, BigMama!
    I've said it before, I'll say it again, on the Tony's she was absolutely horrendous and outclassed by the other performers. Having listened to a recording of her (and the rest of the Glee cast), she was the obvious weak point, she doesn't sing, she yodels and sighs.

    Yeah, there are bad teachers out there, but you have to do your part and arrive in a teachable frame of mind. Unless she's totally changed from H.S., my guess is that the fault may lie on both sides of the fence.

  39. I tried watching the new season last night, and I made it about 10 minutes into the first episode. I'm so over this bullshit. And yes, ABC, it's mainly because of her.

  40. @delilah: LOL for real!

  41. She probably failed history class since she couldn't believe WWII happened, after all, she hadn't been born yet, so what did people have to fight over?
    Do not like this Bim.

  42. Aside from the poor professional judgement, lack of class and crudeness her comments demonstrate, I'll bet everyone she's ever worked with or for since high school is wondering what she's saying about *them.*

  43. Tom Hulce was "not invited" back to another yr at the NC School of the Arts. He was asked where he went for training and because he was so butt hurt he would never say..And look where he is now. Let that be a lesson to you, Lea Michelle. The old adage "Be nice to those on the way up because you will meet them on the way down" could not be more appropriate at this time.

  44. I can't believe I am saying this, but I totally get what Leah is saying. I had quite a few crap teachers too. I had two high school teachers that were out right cruel to me and now that I am 40 and teach, cannot believe they said what they did to me. Leah is lucky she just got ignored, because I had vicious teachers who got off on tormenting students.

  45. Thank you, Vanessa and Leah. I think Lea is a royal bitch, but I get her drift. I can see where a wanna-be acting teacher is jealous because Lea's getting the jobs they want. I find that teachers in general are either fantastic or total, horrendous crap.
