Friday, September 17, 2010

Nadya Suleman Going On Welfare

If Radar is to be believed, Nadya Suleman is headed to the welfare rolls. The mother of 14 who must be the only mother of 14 not employed by TLC is out of money and the cost of raising all the kids is not going down anytime soon.

"Nadya has nannies and huge expenses raising 14 children. She needs a lot of money just to keep up with the basics. And now the income has dried up and she didn't make enough in the past year and a half to live off of it."

Nady has always been in dire financial circumstances. When the octuplets were first born everyone was happy for her and there was a positive vibe. Then it was discovered that she did it to get famous. Well, she got her wish, but now she struggles while people who had 6 babies or have a baseball team filled with children are making big bucks.


  1. I didn't know she did it to become famous. I thought she did it because she is crazy.

  2. It's one thing to have 8 kids because that's how the fertility treatment came out then have TLC approach you, but quite another to be single with 6 other kids and decide to have as many babies as possible in order to become famous.

    Her plan backfired.

  3. This crazy effed up woman has 14 kids while 10's of thousands of intelligent mature professional women aren't having any. The human race is soooo fucked.

  4. I'm surprised she lasted this long.

  5. I think the state of California should sue the fertility doctor who created the octuplets, to help recover the cost of their care.

    Why should other people's kids get lower-quality schools or lower-quality medical care because the state's welfare money is going to people like Nadya Suleman?

    It's not the fault of her 14 kids that she can't support them, but it is her fault, and the fault of the doctor who fixed her up with kids she can't support.

  6. What Nutty said! That is put perfectly.

  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    looserdude, scary comment! shrudders...

  8. Am I supposed to feel sympathy that she doesn't have a reality show while other multiples do? Because I don't. Maybe if she hadn't spent so much money on her face and her boobs she would have a couple bucks left over for the kids. She had no right having those kids in the first place when she couldn't even afford the 6 she already had.

  9. Honestly, the state will write her a check to take care of her own kids. But they should trade her uterus for welfare, but they should do that for all women. Get fixed.

  10. Since when are nannies covered under welfare?

  11. I think Jamie might have a solution.

  12. Agree with Nutty and Jamie.

    As well as the doctors involved, I'd like to call out TLC as being at least partially culpable for this wreck. If they didn't glamorized, glorify, and give GIANT PAY DAYS to women with clown-car vaginas (thanks to Jax or whoever coined that fantastic term), this idiot wouldn't have 14 kids. There is something wrong with our culture that we are watching this shit. Kneepads needs to take a hit for this bullshit, too. How many times were the Gosselins on their cover in the last couple years? Enough for me to XL my subscription.

    All that said, it's not the fault of her 14 children that they were born into the 5th layer of hell. The only upside here is that social services will now be involved, and maybe, JUST MAYBE some of those kids will have a snowball's chance in hell at a semi-normal life.

    Can you tell this shit makes me angry and frustrated? Sorry for the rambling rant.

  13. Um, who exactly was "happy for her when the octuplets were first born"? I think we all saw this woman as a whack job who would be funded eventually on the public dime. Here's a thought - if you're going to need nannies and you don't have a job, you shouldn't be allowed to have a bunch more children you can't take care of. Maybe the Duggars can help?

  14. Agree with @Nutty_Flavor

    I figured this was coming.

  15. Doesn't this lady have a Masters? Ever hear of using it? Crazy, right?

  16. I think it was her "plan" to get a Masters. Guess she just didn't have time.

  17. She's got a Bachelors then. Use that. Get a cushy government job with a sweet retirement plan, and call it a life. That's my plan.

  18. She should have used better PR spin. In H'wood, get plastic surgery and botox but never admit it even when it's painfully obvious; use cocaine incessantly but deny it incessantly; credit exercise and dieting for your weight loss, not your lap band surgery or eating disorder. If she had the kids to become famous and covered her tracks better, she might have had a show after all. But she did become famous!

  19. @Robert - more like "infamous" ;)

  20. Crystal ball says she loses some or all of these kids down the road. Sad.

  21. "Clown Car Vaginas" great band name...

  22. @RQ: Like the Tila Tequila of the multiples moms!

  23. I typed all my feelings out, and then I deleted it.

    I don't even want to waste my good positive energy on this worthless troll.

    Happy Friday!

  24. She's obviously crazy. Why doesn't social services take the kids away from her? Either way the state is going to have to pay for them.

  25. @Mango - just wait. Unfortunately, it's going to happen sooner rather than later.
    However, I believe that before an agency like DFACS can get involved, there has to be some sort of documentable abuse going on - not necessarily physical abuse, but things like diaper changes, feedings, etc.

  26. Who was happy for this woman? Even her mom was angry at her for doing having 8 more kids when she couldn't handle the first 6. Nadia is mentally ill and is withering away without media attention. I would also guess she spent a lot of her money on tummy tucks and other plastic surgery procedures. She reminds me of the aging Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard, "I'm ready for my close up."
    If she does become homeless again she can always leach off her parents again. Or, CPS will intervene and try to figure out housing for her. I'm glad the already cash strapped state of California is paying for her little miracles

  27. I think the doctor who GAVE her those extra children should pay for them.

    So who wants to bet she goes for another procedure and hopes it gets her a show this time?

  28. I hate this woman! I live in California and we do not even have a state budget. She was on welfare/medical when she had these kids. We payed for her medical care! The doctor who allowed her to do this should have his medical license revoked AND pay for those kids! He knew she could not afford the kids she already had.

  29. I think it's encouraging that the public does not want to see either Nadya Suleman or the Salahis, even in a reality show context.

    Apparently people do have some taste, after all.

  30. wow, you guys have shared some SCAREY accurate comments! looserdude, i agree with you, and nutty, too! i have to say, i live in Washington State, and i am a school bus driver and my hubby is an oyster farmer. we make ends meet, but we need help...i had to ask for help from DSHS for childcare...i got approved, but i had to jump through SO MANY hoops! i didn't mind, because i am an honest worker who needs honest help...but i see her, and she did this ON PURPOSE and the taxpayers of Cali should pay for it? i think not!!! ugh...sorry, i'm bitter...i just filled out mountains of paperwork...ugh!!!

  31. Looserdude -- You nailed it unfortunately.

  32. as a small business owner who struggles to pay taxes in this sh#tty-a** economy- the fact that my 18/hr a day 7 days a week taxes goes to this worthless piece of sh#t makes me so mad that i need a mimosa before noon.
    this state sucks and news like this makes me want to stage a full-on revolution against CA....which small-biz/mom & pops wanna join me!

  33. Anonymous3:07 PM

    My cousin is getting over second failed adoption attempt. One month before the birth the mom changed her mind. Octomom should adopt those kids out. Then get fixed. then write a book about it. She gets the $$$ she wants, those kids get a chance in life.

  34. This is a sad story. I pity Nadya Suleman. The woman is not playing with a full deck. It's one thing to be an attention whore, but another to bring innocent people into it, like those poor babies.

    People like her and the Gosselins are famous for doing nothing but procreating in large quantities. Without the children, they have no special talent - no 'schtick'. You don't use kids as a schtick. In the end, the kids are going to suffer, and that's not fair.

    Maybe the guy with the 3 wives on the new TLC monstrosity could marry her? What's another wife and 14 kids to a guy like that?

  35. Ugh this makes me so mad. She needs to get rid of the nannies and take care of them herself. Cut back on the plastic surgery and use the money for the kids not inflating her fat lips anymore. The damn Dr should have to pay child support for them not the state of Calif. He's the idiot that helped her bring them into the world. Why do the tax payers always have to suffer for everyone's stupid mistakes. It's enough to make people want to quit their jobs so they don't have to contribute to pigs like her getting a free ride.

  36. The woman is obviously unstable. She needs to be hospitalized and her children placed with better parents. However, the resources aren't there anymore to do all that. Her kids will grow up the same way other kids with narcissistic serial mothers do.

    As problems go, I think about the 500 crack-addicted babies born last week. That's a bigger problem.
