Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pete Doherty Gets Drug Charge #21

You would think that a person who has had 20 previous drug charges and six convictions for driving offenses would be bothered about facing drug charge #21. But, this is Pete Doherty we are talking about here. The guy who has more lives then the cats he smokes with was charged with coke possession stemming from an arrest into the death of filmmaker and former roommate Robin Whitehead.

When the idiot known as Pete Doherty was arrested in connection with her death he brought coke with him to the police station. Originally he was charged with supplying drugs but the charge has been reduced to simple possession. So, even though he brought drugs into a police station and is facing charge #21 of his life, it is not expected he will serve any jail time for the offense. Just like all the others.


  1. He's giving Lindsay lessons! They should hook up.

  2. I had a large comment but the server ate it.

    In short, they will put you in prison if you don't pay your TV license fee but drugs, robbery and even murder are not treated anywhere near what they are in the US.

  3. He's made of teflon: nothing sticks to him.

  4. He's the Brit version of Lindsay.

  5. HOW does he get away with all of this??? Does he have something on the judges and lawyers from when he was a rent boy? That's the ONLY thing that would make all of this feasible!

  6. Dear Pete Doherty,

    Quit trying to be me circa the mid 70's. It isn't going to work.


    Keith Richards

  7. He looks like death in this picture.

  8. Lol @ The Nightmare Child. Keith cannot be killed with conventional weapons but a fall out of a coconut tree came close.

  9. Ray, you just answered your own question.

  10. This is what I was talking about on that X-Factor hooker with a kid story when I said it is HARD to get in trouble in England.
    Pete isn't getting off because he's a celebrity - this is totally normal for anyone there.

  11. He looks like sh*t, like a dead body. I also thought about the dirty secrets he must have on the judges 'cause there's no way in hell an average joe will get out as easy as him.

  12. Lol @ The Nightmare Child. No doubt.

    I'm so sick of Doherty. The British system should be embarrassed of what fools they look like.

  13. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I would like to know his secret for not being in jail.

  14. its been awhile since i've heard of him lol
    i just listen to that song "waiting for pete doherty to die" because i love it.

  15. I'm sorry. I don't care if people don't go to jail for drugs. I'm tired of it actually. And I hate drugs and have never used them.

    But geez - if he wants to kills himself that's his problem.

    And why WOULD he care about his 21st possession charge? Most of my clients stop caring and getting embarrassed about those types of charges after the first 5 or so.

  16. Dear Keith Richards,

    Shut up.

    You don't have squat on me.


    Hank Williams Sr.

  17. that's a serious pact w/ the devil or he's sleeping w/ the judge(s)...unbelievable!

  18. European countries generally look at drug addiction as a disease. Jail doesn't cure diseases. In reality they have less crime associated with drugs there than we do here. Dealing, distribution and importation are dealt with very harshly, but users are considered people in need of treatment not punishment.

  19. @ Nightmare Child - Ever seen a pic of Keith Richards circa the late 60's? He is unfuckingrecognizable now. You can easily recognize young Mick, young Charlie Watts, etc. when comparing before and after pictures, but Keith Richards now looks like what Satan must look like. *shudders*
    Check him out on Google images.

  20. Unlike George Michael, Peter Doherty manages to keep away from driving when impaired. So there's little danger he will hurt someone innocent.
