Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Samaire Armstrong working the red carpet.
Sandra Bernhard and Michele Lee. Wow. That takes me back. Michele was in the original Herbie.
Soundgarden - Los Angeles
Sarah Jessica Parker takes the twins out. That does not happen very often.
Skeet Ulrich wins the most interesting hat of the day award.
Will you look at the size of those heels on Mr. Cruise.
Here is a better look at them. I guess whatever airline he flew to Tokyo offered free in flight tanning and Tom could just not stop getting sprayed.
A party for "Tamara Drewe" brought out Luke Evans, Gemma Arterton and Dominic Cooper
Who's The Boss seems like forever ago let alone Taxi. Tony Danza has been around forever.
Unfortunately probably so will Tori Spelling.
Will Smith and his oldest son Trey at Trey's football game.


  1. SJP and Matty's twins look like him.

  2. Saraire Armstrong is all grown up...very pretty..

  3. LOL the Tom Cruise tanning caption. He is really orange.

    I remember that when I lived in France in the 1980s, all the guys writing personal ads in the newspapers (this was pre-Internet) were looking for a "typ Tony Danza," a Tony Danza type. Wonder if they still are.

  4. I think tori is pregnant again.

    saw her on The View and she looked more healthy than ever!

  5. Sandra Bernhard's face is SCARY.

  6. I'm really looking forward to Tony Danza's new reality show. I'm not much of a reality show person, but it seems really interesting.

  7. What's going on on Skeet's head I wonder?

    Michele Lee...was she on Knot's Landing, too?

  8. "Hold me closer, Tony Danzzza." ;)

    @KellyLynn - I haven't heard about it? What channel is it on?

    I love Cameron's shoes!!

  9. @MCH - I love Cameron's shoes, too!

  10. Will Smith has toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Embarrassing!

    Tony Danza is sporting the Pauly Walnuts look.

    Tori Spelling does look much healthier ... I hate to wonder if she's pregnant but her stomach does look a bit bloated. Maybe it's just because I'm comparing it to the scary-skinny skeleton frame she had not long ago.

  11. Michele's best role was the lover to Chita Rivera on Will & Grace. I've seen that episode a jillion times and still crack-up when they dance together. Michele really held her own next to Chita.

    I had to do a double-take with Tony Danza. I loved his little talk show. He always seemed like a genuine guy.

  12. @MCH

    HAHAHAHA@ hold me close, Tony Danza. My friend and I sing that all the time, except we throw in an "old" before his name.

  13. Those jeans give Tom girlie hips.

  14. Michelle Lee~brings back memories of Thursday nites watching Magnum PI, Simon and Simon, and then Knotts Landing , while rocking my son, trying to get him to go to sleep!! He never would~LOL

  15. Is Will Smith's kid wearing a Twins hat? He's my favorite then.

  16. @Sue Ellen - :) I just watched that episode of FRIENDS recently :) So funny.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. SJP HATES having her kids pictures taken by paps. I feel bad for her that they don't respect that. She tells the paps she'll be happy to pose for them if they leave her kids out of the pics. :(

  19. I don't know who that is with Will Smith, but it certainly isn't Trey. Looks nothing like him.

  20. Hahaha, I'm glad I'm not the only one who starts singing Tiny Dancer whenever I see Tony Danza...*L*

  21. @MCH - it's on A&E, it chronicles his life as an English teacher in a school in Philadelphia. It looks really interesting, starts mid-October I believe.

  22. @Nichole - Thanks for the info! :) I just watched the promo for it. It looks GOOD! I'll definitely be watching.

  23. omg...the sjp/mb twinkie baby is adorable!

    oooooh...i think tori is pregnant too.

  24. could someone pls hire tony danza for a new mob show/film? he is looking AWESOME

  25. That twin looks like Matthew Broderick.

    Will Smith has toilet Paper on his shoe.

  26. That twin looks like Matthew Broderick.

    Will Smith has toilet Paper on his shoe.

  27. I don't understand why anyone would wear a trucker hat. Even truckers.

    LMFAO @ Tom Cruise's shoes! That and the orange, Snooki tan...tooooo funny!

    I hear The Godfather theme whenever I look at that pic of Tony Danza. Ba da BING!
