Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Nicole Richie shows the world her bathrobe.
Later though she did manage to look good.
Happy birthday to Naomi Watts who celebrated her 42nd birthday with Liev Schreiber last night.
Olivia Wilde can ride a bike and smile for the paps. That is talent.
By the way Rupert Everett is holding that glass I would say he has had several of whatever was inside.
Robert Pattinson shows off his new beard.
Ryan Reynolds at LAX.
Oprah is reuniting the entire cast of The Sound Of Music. Yep, even Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews.
Get ready for more Star Wars. George Lucas says all six of them will all be released in 3D probably one at a time for the next million years.
Taylor Swift and some of her fans in Milan. Is it me or is she holding the pen funny?
One of the greatest directors working, Wes Anderson.


  1. instead of making Star Wars 3-D, how about making the 1st 3 WATCHABLE...what a let down!!

  2. Taylor's a lefty....

    Rupert Everett looks awful...just awful

  3. LOVE Nicole Richie's shoes!

  4. Is Angela Cartwright still living (from Sound of Music)?

  5. He found a way to further ruin Star Wars.

    I would hold a writing utensil like that back when I had to take a lot of notes as I never developed a callous and my index finger would get quite sore.

  6. I'm not a big Oprah fan, but I'd watch that episode.

    Rupert has the most unfortunate neck situation.

    What's with the civil war era beard on RobPat? Yuck.

  7. Okay, so who is Robert Pattinson's new beard?

  8. Rupert Everett went to the Kenny Rogers School of Plastic Surgery. He probably got it for free from some big 'fan' in Gay London.

  9. Happy 75th birthday, Rupert!

  10. Swifty looks good there!!

    LOVE, LOVE Wes Anderson.

  11. @.robert - you just wrote everything I was going to say - about Star Wars and the pen!

  12. lol..wes anderson looks like a butch lesbian.

  13. And what is it with Nicole Richie and those Carrie Donovan glasses?

  14. Rob Pattinson looks like Zach Galafianakis' little brother. Too funny.

    Rupert Everett used to be so beautiful, but he's gone and butchered that gorgeous face. Shame.

  15. @ sunnyhorse you're right on the mark
    i once thought rupert everett had the looks to match that smouldering voice
    gone baby gone

  16. Nicole has some nice gams in those pics, but the sunglasses have to go. Reminds me of Carrie Donovan from the Old Navy commercials.

    Rupert looks ill!

    What's going on with Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson? They are never photographed together anymore.

    Wes Anderson looks cute in that pic!

  17. Wes Anderson one of the greatest directors working? PLEASE! He's just a self-indulgent spoilt rich kid!

  18. Watts and Schreiber=great looking couple!

    Oh, Rupert.He was so beautiful back in the day in Dance With a Stranger. WTF happened? This is not aging gracefully.....

    I just don't get the Ryan Reynolds thing. Average at best.

  19. Everett's problem doesn't seem to lie with botched surgery but he rather appears to be on the last stage of a terminal illness....

  20. Jo, totally agree. I was going to ask if Rupert is terminally sick.

    LOVE Wes Anderson. Bottle Rocket is one of my all time favorite movies.

  21. dear mr. lucas;
    once upon a time you were a genius.
    then you gave us parts 1-3. now you want to re-fuck everything with 3-d, even now a dying technology.

    here's an idea i'm willing to share with you:
    COME BACK TO THE BRIGHT SIDE. new story lines entirely, new characters, new concepts. don't get me wrong, " a new hope", "empire" and "jedi" were amazing,
    but you can't rest on those laurels forever, no matter how terrific and exciting those laurels were/are!
    do something NEW, and us, your loyal fans will follow.
    as long as you don't demean us again.
    very sincerly, and with much love,
