Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random Photos Part Two

Jennifer Garner & Renee Zellweger run into each other at the grocery store.
Josh Hartnett starting to look like Mike Myers.
Juliette Lewis freezes in mid sentence. Rest of world cheers.
So, next I think you should break up the band because I have some great ideas.
Kylie Minogue has something growing around her neck. Someone should tell her.
Kelly Osbourne gets ready for Halloween?
The always charming Keanu Reeves. Yeah.
Lindsay sending out naked pictures of herself. You know, just because she cares about you, the fan.
And then goes to court the next morning like nothing happened.
I have never seen Leelee Sobieski's husband. She looks thrilled.


  1. I've been away for a couple of days - did Lindsay post this on her twitter?? What a mess.

  2. 1. Suri still looks like Hartnett.

    2. Bitch (Kate Hudson) is going to have to answer if she Yokos Muse.

  3. Leelee's head looks rather long and large. Strange.

  4. Lindsay wore THAT to COURT? Oh girl.

  5. I thought Josh Hartnett could have passed as Elvis Costello, to be honest....

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So many pictures here give peeps the fathead. I think it's funny.

    Maybe Kate wants to join the band? Her voice ain't bad.

  8. wow, actually, i've never thought i'd say something nice about L.Sobieski.

    I like her outfit, and she doesn't look extremely annoying there. Not happy, but why SHOULD you have to smile at every red carpet. If you're having a bad day, let everyone know LOL

    (thats how I'd roll. unless it was for my own, or a friends film or something.

  9. I love the C word. Sobieski and Sidibe are HYSTERICAL!

  10. Sobieski is not on The Big C, is she?

  11. So much for Lilo's much anticipated come back. Are we to assume (I know) that the schlockmeister incharge of her comeback dropped her ass because she refused to go along with the script.

  12. lohan=skank of epic proportions

  13. suri is hartnett's

  14. Kelly Osbourne looks like she's getting ready for Ascot!
    Is Kate Hudson angling to be the Yoko Ono of Muse?
    Lindsay, you just never learn!

  15. Jeez, I thought that pic of Lindsay was Madonna. She looks at least 50.

    Why do some hot guys (Keanu, Pitt, Hartnett, Leto, etc.) try so hard to kill the hotness? Embrace it!

  16. Juliette's boob looks really strange there.

  17. Keanu is ageless. Loves him.

  18. when did Josh Harnett become Chris Kattan?

  19. Is Lindsay sparking up a doob?

    LeeLee looks STRANGE in that photo.

    I would just like to say I think The Bitch Next Door is a fabulous user name. I am officially jealous.

  20. Kinda looks like Leelee is the sub for a change.

  21. Of course Lindsay is sparking up a doob!

    Brad is going back to Juliette right now. He's going to be a Scientologist too. I just know it!

  22. anyone else read the juliette lewis comment and think "christmas vacation" where her eyes freeze shut?

  23. Anonymous12:38 PM

    How many cokeheads in these photos? (Lindsay, Hartnett, Juliette Lewis, Leelee, Renee...)

    btw, Chris Klein is Suri's dad, it's a known fact
