Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Raymond's Mom Hates Betty White - I Think

Can't we all just get along? I'm a little confused by US Weekly's reporting but I think they are saying that someone told them that Doris Roberts hates Betty White. But, in the next paragraph they say they talked to Doris and she says she loves Betty White, even if they have never met. I'm confused. Is US Weekly saying they believe their source or Doris Roberts? Does it matter?

The source said that Doris is jealous because Betty White is taking all the good roles for women over 50. What I think she should be focusing on is that Betty White has shown the producers and studio executives of the world that age should not be a factor when it comes to popularity or getting roles. I think it is great that Betty is showing everyone what she can do and I hope it leads to other things for all older people. They should not have to be just background players or have to be some grandparent who dies off in the first 15 minutes.

To prove there are no hard feelings, Doris wants to work with Betty and would love to play her cousin in a sketch on SNL.


  1. The source said that Doris is jealous because Betty White is taking all the good roles for women over 50.

    That's hilarious! Betty's taking the good roles for women over 50? More like she's taking all the good roles for women over 85!

  2. I won't be happy until Debbie Reynolds gets the same exposure that Betty White is getting. Debbie is a wonderful comedic actress.

  3. This US Weekly article sounds like much ado about nothing.

    I love Doris Roberts and Betty White. Bravo to Betty for getting so many roles these days.

  4. I am on Betty White OVERLOAD. I loved her and but ENOUGH ALREADY.

  5. Sounds like a slow news day at Us Weekly.

  6. I LOVE BETTY WHITE! Doris has a manager who needs to get off his ass.

  7. Can't we all just get along?

  8. The thing is I would rather watch the same episode of the GG's over and over again before I watched a single episode of Raymond. Soooo...wouldja frig off Doris?

  9. Doris Roberts has a role on Patricia Heaton's TV show (which is not half as good as Modern Family btw), I think this story is BS.

    I love Betty, but like everything else they're overdoing her a bit.

  10. Doris has been complaining about this exact thing for years. I loved her on Raymond, but honestly in every interview I've seen her in, I get the impression she is not a very nice woman.

  11. Lady J, I am so with you.

  12. I didn't really care for Betty in The Proposal but I do like her on television and her interviews always seem to be genuine.

    Also one of my family members met her and said she's very sweet.

    As far as Doris is concerned I didn't like her character on Everybody Loves Raymond but don't know what she's like outside of that show.

  13. I still love Betty White, but she isn't exactly out looking for new work. The roles she has gotten are ones written for her, to capitalize on her current popularity.

    Doris may or may not have said that. Even if she did, it could have been taken out of context. It just makes the retirement-age actors sound like a bunch of high-schoolers.

  14. Betty White is an icon. Shut up Doris.

  15. I'm also with you, Lady J. Love Betty, but enough with putting her in EVERYTHING.

  16. I don't believe anything the tabloids print.

  17. Before Golden Girls was developed as a show, there was a live skit about about four older ladies which became the basis for the show. Doris Roberts was a part of that skit and she is probably bitter about not being in the show. Or, the tabloid story could be bs.

  18. @Sue Ellen Mishkey - I so agree. I couldn't watch ELR. Too painful.

    @Cheryl - Very interesting!!

    Leave Betty Alone! ;-)

  19. I find Golden Girls utterly painful to watch. Horrible. And the mother who was supposed to be Sicilian but who uttered each line like a Jewish yenta--UGH.

    Not a fan of either show but I could watch a million Raymonds before I could watch one Golden Girl ep.

    And both ladies must have a bundle packed away from their shows so they should each pipe the hell down.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Can both of them just go away and never be heard from again.

    I think they are both annoying, unfunny, and not particularly bright.

    White makes Hot in Cleveland intolerable.

  22. I'd bet there's some truth - they would be up for the same roles. Perhaps someone heard Doris say, "Oh that bitch did it again! I can't get any parts!"

    That's Hollywood.

  23. She is overexposed and cussing in video for her clothing was terrible. She won't sell anything!
