Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snooki Needs To Learn To Lie Better

The cast of Jersey Shore was on Ellen today and they said they are misrepresented and are not what they seem on the show. While they made some good points, notably when Vinny said, "One time we were in a bar and a guy walked by and said, 'You are everything that's wrong with this country today.' I was taken back by that. There's the economy, poverty, equal rights -- and Jersey Shore is the worst thing that's wrong?"

It is just a show. A reality show and it is definitely not the worst thing happening in the country or the world. What made me laugh and the basis of the post headline is what Snooki said to make herself appear serious I guess. "I'll go to frickin' Barnes & Nobles, get a coffee and just sit down and read. No one would ever think that. We have different sides to us and people don't see that."

Umm, it was just last month that Snooki said she had only ever read one book in her entire life so I find it hard to believe that I would ever see her in a Barnes & Noble sitting there reading a book and drinking coffee. She should have come up with something someone would believe. Anything would be better than contradicting exactly what she had said to The New York Times last month. She could say something like she is concerned about the environment and that is the reason she stopped doing the poof. You know, something classy like that.


  1. What she meant was she was reading about herself in the magazines....books had nothing to with it...

  2. I agree 100% with the person who said they are everything wrong with this country.

  3. Everything that is wrong with this country? They don´t seem like particularly bad people to me. They are not racist, intolerable of other cultures or beliefs and do not kill, rape or torture others... Being drunk and an idiot is not the worst thing in the world.

  4. oh, and Snooki, it is Barnes and NOBLE, NOT Barnes and NOBLES. If you want to try and convince people you go there,m get the fucking name right.

    Fucking putz.

  5. I think they represent what's wrong with today's youth and even though I'm 20 years old, I'm not like that and everyone's not like that, but I know some people that take pride in being like them.

  6. Hey, they sell picture books at B&N.

  7. I honestly don't get the vitriol directed towards "Jersey Shore." Yes, they are superficial and shallow and caricatures of themselves, but they're not hurting anyone, they're not racist, they're not a drain on the economy, and they're just having fun. Most of the people I know who hate it haven't actually watched it. In the big picture, it's just not worth the energy to hate on.

  8. They are part of the reason why MTV sucks.

  9. I hate all of these types of reality "stars." Hills, Housewives, Bachelors, etc. They are famous for nothing. They have no talent or skills, but yet people aspire to be like them. I'm hoping this trend will end soon.

  10. They are totally indicative of what's wrong with this country. They represent the lowest form of class, education or any sort of values that I would rather go have a root canal than suffer through one episode. Actually, I have never seen any, however, there is enough of this train wreck out there shoved down our throats everyday that I know to ignore trash when I see it.

  11. actually, several of them have college degrees as far as i know, and i thought they were horrible as well - before i watched an episode!

  12. watch the show and then judge. it's just like the fkin Real World,so not sure why all the hate.

  13. When you say something that is 200%not real, should it be considered more than a lie? Like a delusional fanatsy or something? And too true parissucksliterally, it isn't Barnes and NobleS! That girl is an idiot.

  14. I snorted when I read Snooki's quote. Barnes & Nobles. That reminds me of my friend's gma who used to add an "s" to the end of stores (Walmarts, Kmarts, etc.)

    I think reality tv not just Jersey Shore can be thought of partly as "everything that as wrong with this country." Totally agree that this all started w/ shows like The Real World, Survivor, etc. NOT Jersey Shore. But, as the years go by, they definitely have seemed to recruit more trashy people...

  15. These people horrify me, and yet I watch the show. I don't know why. I think they're idiots. I would NEVER in a million years or for all the money in the world behave as they do.

    The way sex and women are depicted on the show nauseates me and sends me into a fit of feminist rage every episode.

    I would think most people who watch don't necessarily admire the cast and their shenanigans, but of course there are going to be idiots out there who want to be like the Jersey Shore peeps.

    When they have sex in their mini-beds while roommates are trying to sleep in the other mini-beds, I just have to laugh. I mean really, is that GOOD sex? I actually pity them that that's how they get it on. I mean it's not like they're 20-year-olds. Pauly and Vinny are 30 years old. It's kind of pathetic actually. But then again, they do get $30K per epi. So, I guess I'm the fool.

  16. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I can't say that the Jersey shore is everything that's wrong with this country.. There are many standing in line for that title (hello, Westboro Baptist Church.) But, I think they personify a lot that is wrong with that generation, my generation actually. It's something that really upsets me about people my age and its an outrageous lack of consideration towards others... going hand in hand with being insufferably entitled as well as voluntarily ignorant about the world.

  17. Re: Barnes and Nobles. I am a lifelong Jersey resident - aside from my stint at college in Pittsburgh - and the people here in Jersey, do add the letter "s" to everything. For instance, "Wal-Marts," "Targets," "Shop-Rites." "yous guys." I don't know why. My friends and I will say it jokingly in a way to mock all of the people who do this.

    So, maybe it's just Snooki's dialect.

  18. i can think of worse things than JS...and would say they're a complete cheesy embarrassment...there def is worse tho. still won't watch the show, i have better things to do, but meh...they'll get old and we'll be on to the next big reality show.

  19. She used future tense. That's her out. She will do it ... someday. Why wasn't Angelina there?

    My husband asked me why I watch that show. It's brain-dead tv. Mindless entertainment. Where else can you see some guy offer half his "sangwich" to his roomie in the other bed who is, presumably, getting a bj.

    World of Jenks (I think that's what it's called) on the other hand, is what reality tv should be - meeting ordinary people in this world, living a day in their lives.

  20. @shakey - Oooh, thanks for reminding me. I meant to start DVR-ing "World of Jenks." I thought it looked good.

  21. No hate here. Just no interest.

  22. Couple of thoughts:

    1. She never said she went and read books, she just said read.

    2. I highly doubt they are what is wrong with America. That is too simplistic.

    3. The show is hilarious. A funny show is a funny show.

  23. Pauly and Vinny are 30 years old.


    I didn't know that some of them were so old already. I thought all of them were just out of high school for two or three years. I know some of them look older but I thought that they were looking like this because of that silly tanning bed routine.

  24. I don't hate the Jersey Shore kids/adults, but I do hate the fact that they are talentless hacks who are getting UNBELIEVABLE RICH for no reason other than letting a crummy network tape their lives.

    They have no talent, they contribute nothing. They're not volunteering in soup kitchens or humaine shelters. They are just THERE, drinking, cursing, dancing...

    But I don't hate them because it's US (the average American viewer) who is what is fueling this realty stardom.

    And it's just fucked up to me that there are good people in this world who work really hard, do amazing things, etc, yet are struggling to get by on $9 an hour.

    No hate, but definetly flabbergasted, speechless, and disappointed.

  25. I don't hate the Jersey Shore kids/adults, but I do hate the fact that they are talentless hacks who are getting UNBELIEVABLE RICH for no reason other than letting a crummy network tape their lives.

    They have no talent, they contribute nothing. They're not volunteering in soup kitchens or humaine shelters. They are just THERE, drinking, cursing, dancing...

    But I don't hate them because it's US (the average American viewer) who is what is fueling this realty stardom.

    And it's just fucked up to me that there are good people in this world who work really hard, do amazing things, etc, yet are struggling to get by on $9 an hour.

    No hate, but definetly flabbergasted, speechless, and disappointed.

  26. Mina,

    My bad - It's Pauly and Mike "The Situation" who are pushing 30. Vinny is in his early 20s. I blame my pregnancy brain for the error.

  27. Susan, you have dirtied my virgin Jersey Shore brain with this information of sex in shared areas. GROSS!!!

    I always kind of thought it was funny that these people that are a 180 from the Hills rich kids basically struck the same deals with MTV.
