Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Someone Who Hates Joe Francis More Than Me

It continues to amaze me how many people are still willing to give Joe Francis money or to buy his products or think he is a swell guy. For some high school idiot who just sees a commercial on television and has no idea who or what Joe Francis is or how he would be perfectly willing to have sex with your underage sister I might be willing to give a free pass. To others though like the Kardashians who invite Joe to every party they have and love nothing more than to hang out with him, I feel sick. Let me know what you think about him Kim after he tries to convince your younger sisters to make a tape with him.

Anyway, a guy who worked for Joe Francis for five years has written a tell all book that actually tells all. No this is where I was born and went to school and blah blah blah. This is only good stories that show Joe Francis and Girls Gone Wild in a negative light.

Joe of course is trying to block the publication of the book. I don't see why. Anyone who reads already knows what miserable scum he is. The publisher of the book is fighting back and used these words to describe Joe Francis in their lawsuit.

"Convicted felon; child molester; jail-baiting pervert; pimp; sick bastard; sleaze-peddler; tax cheat; rapist; sleazehole; the epitome of a true misogynist, coked-out amoral direct marketer; violent thug; juvenile smut-peddler; sexual predator; one of the 50 most loathsome people in America; and the Douche of the Decade."

Could not have said it better myself.


  1. Love it. Publish the book.

  2. I think it's just swell that you said swell. Oh, and the fact that you fervently express your hatred for this asshole is super swell as well.

  3. "Convicted felon; child molester; jail-baiting pervert; pimp; sick bastard; sleaze-peddler; tax cheat; rapist; sleazehole; the epitome of a true misogynist, coked-out amoral direct marketer; violent thug; juvenile smut-peddler; sexual predator; one of the 50 most loathsome people in America; and the Douche of the Decade."

    Dude...don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

  4. It's not libel if it's true.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i want to curl up in that last paragraph and make sweet love to who said it.

    guy is a rapist.

  7. Oh give me a break, isn't it funny how sooooo many people get up-n-arms over this guy, ohhhh the big bad smut peddler. WHAT ABOUT LARRY FLYNT OR HUGH HEFNER??? They're fucking disgusting PIGS and this guy bugs you??? This guy?????????? BULLSHIT, total BULLSHIT.

  8. Most of the girls in the commercials look very young and either drunk or high. I'm sure many were taken advantage of in the worst possible way.

    Joe Francis is a pig and I don't understand why he's accepted in Hollywood circles just because he has bank. He made if off the backs of young girls who got a t-shirt out of the deal and were probably too fucked up to remember what they were doing until seeing themselves on a GGW DVD. I don't know if I would call him a pimp but he's not far removed.

    Incidentally, I don't think I've seen the commercials in a long while; has Francis been banned from selling his soft-core porn on TV? *fingers crossed*

  9. @MB: I agree that Larry Flint and Hugh Hefner are masochists. But the women who are in their magazines knowingly submit themselves to becoming fodder for men', desires. They willingly pose in leud and sexual photographs and they are always of age.

    This a$$, meanwhile, goes out and finds drunk, stoned, or drugged girls, in college or younger, and leads them into doing things they'd later regret without making sure that they are in their right state of mind. And then he sells it as "amateur" porn. And who knows what goes on after the video is stopped. I wouldn't trust him with my female cat.

  10. Mango:

    His videos and web site, these days, seem to feature porn models (def- those who hope to make a living at it) instead of one-off amateurs.

    This guy is now as "bad" as any porn producer, but maybe he is out of the "ruining innocents' lives" game.

    BTW, these "f'd up" girls should never drink or do drugs again. Anyone who can't remember or doesn't mind doing this is a little off or an alcohol-intolerant. God knows they shouldn't be exploited, but it takes willing participation to make those past videos and sign releases for them.

  11. @MB - NOT the same thing at all. I admit that Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt exploit women, but these women are very very willing to pose for these magazines, and are paid a decent wage for doing so.

    That PIG Joe Francis goes out pimping for girls who wanted nothing more than to enjoy their spring break - swooping in like a vulture to find some young kid who drank too much, and that fucker takes full advantage of them like an abusive, manipulative pimp. Most of these young girls would likely never pose naked for Hefner or Flynt. And they don't get anything but humiliation and being reduced to a mere sex object when they are so much more than that.

    I hate this disgusting piece of shit excuse for a human being, and I hope karma kicks him in the nuts repeatedly until they turn green and drop off.

  12. Priceless story from the same book with brain-searing allegations of exactly how Paris Hilton smuggled drugs on a commercial flight to Europe for her then-boyfriend Joe Francis:

  13. I so want to read this book.

    Joe Francis disgusts me and he no doubt has taken advantage of countless girls in his GGW franchise; however, I'm sure he found many willing and able participants regardless of their drunken or drugged state. Not saying it's right, just pointing it out. There are so many girls out there who want to get famous in the lowest possible way. I feel bad for them.

    I haven't seen ads for GGW in a long while either. I wonder if he's banned from TV? Anyone have an idea?

  14. OMFG. That post on dlisted is crazy. Paris Hilton is the scum of the earth.

  15. I simply look forward to the day we can add "permanent penitentiary inmate" to that list of words.

  16. The adds are on late, late night TV. Or early, early morning TV. Have to agree with MadLyb, Jackie. Hugh and Larry had morals, old style morals. Can't compare apples to chickens.

  17. @MB do your homework. the guy is a rapist AND sex offender.

  18. Best part of Pirhana 3D:
    After the 'Joe Francis like' sleezebag that Jerry O'Connell portrays gets his junk bitten off by the little 3D chompers the diseased tool gets spit out.
    Even flesh starved prehistoric
    fish don't want that stinkbait!

  19. AMEN and pass the potatoes!

  20. @jax- thanks for posting that article. I always knew he was disgusting, but had no idea. That whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

  21. i hope the guy that wrote it makes serious $$$ once it's published!

  22. I would buy this book. I HATE Joe Francis. Funny how he has constantly defended himself/ his company in the past but is balking at the publication of this.

  23. "Convicted felon; child molester; jail-baiting pervert; pimp; sick bastard; sleaze-peddler; tax cheat; rapist; sleazehole; the epitome of a true misogynist, coked-out amoral direct marketer; violent thug; juvenile smut-peddler; sexual predator; one of the 50 most loathsome people in America; and the Douche of the Decade."

    An attorney actually put THAT in a responsive pleading?!? And got the court to accept it as a pleading? someone who works for lawyers, I'm impressed. (Would the attorney who wrote that please come forward, so s/he can take a bow?)

  24. Do you think Joe Francis is a tool? Do you think GGW was degrading? If so this might be the casting call for you!
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