Monday, September 20, 2010

Sometime Last Week's Blind Item

This female former A list singer who is probably a B now but with A+ name recognition was in a bar recently when the following conversation occurred with a waitress.

First Assistant - (bends over to singer and listens)
Second Assistant - (bends over to first assistant and listens) Ms. ______ will have a diet coke.

First Assistant - (bends over to singer and listens)
Second Assistant - (bends over to first assistant and listens) No ice.


  1. Who drank the Diet Coke?
    a) First Assistant
    b) Second Assistant
    c) Singer
    d) None of the above. Waitress was too weak with laughter to serve the Diet Coke.

  2. Oh Jenny....perfect

  3. I'm going to have to agree with the Mariah guess.

    But I'm loving @Jenny's take on it. = )

  4. Britney?

    Not Whitney as she wouldn't want the coke that you drink, only the coke that you snort

  5. Aww, Enty, you take such good care of us with the make-up blinds. :)

  6. Oh, and LOL, Jenny!

  7. Christina? Although I'm not sure if the Ms. is supposed to mean she is married.

  8. Thank you Jenny!

  9. I wonder if this is JLo, too. I was cleaning out a cupboard and found a Premiere magazine from 2000 with JLo on the cover. I read the article and it described while she was in the shower, her assistants bullied the room service guy because he didn't bring up hot milk. She had 6 different breakfasts to choose from because they weren't sure which one she wanted. After he brought up the hot milk, JLo came out and didn't eat anything, IRC.

  10. I like the Brittney guess, but it could just as easily be Mimi or Jlo.

  11. Jello for the win!

  12. I'm a Britney fan, I should confess, so I'm biased. But this doesn't make sense to me for so many reasons as being Britney. First, I can't imagine her having a staff this efficient. Secondly, Britney's style is to flirt with the waitress and then go off and swap clothes somewhere, while making out. Third, my Louisiana Pop-Tart surely takes ice in her 64-ounce beverages. Thus, this can't be my little songbird.

  13. Haaa! Barton, you crack me up!

  14. ...And, any c*nt who cannot get up the GD base-level courtesy to do something as simple and quick as ordering her own GD diet coke can suck my balls.

  15. If this blind had been from twenty years ago, I'd say Diana Ross. It's a very "her" thing to do. With the new generation of uber-divas, I'd say either JLO or Mariah ftw.

  16. Got to be Christina or J Lo. Only those 2 are stupied enough to do this.

    Not Mariah, Nick is her assistant.

  17. I think Mariah is still A list so I'm going with Jello.

  18. Not Diana Ross, or if it is her, I'd be VERY surprised.

    She was a regular in the toy store I used to work for in high school. She'd come in all the time (at least once a week) and do her own shopping. She was very polite and sweet to us all. Total opposite of her reputation. Plus, she was pregnant (with her sons, this was mid 80's) during that time. If she was going to be bitchy, THAT would have been the time. lol

    She actually jokes about her reputation. She says that, if she were a guy, she would be praised for her dedication to her craft and her professionalism. But, because she's a woman, that just makes her a bitch.

  19. JLo - Mariah's trying to get pregnant or is pregnant, so maybe avoiding caffeine. Also, although I think they're both ridiculous, I think JLo is worse.

  20. At a bar but not drinking alcohol, "Ms." leaving it open and vague, A+ name recognition... Alicia Keys?

  21. Toby Keith does the same thing. I worked for his veterinarian in college. Toby would whisper to his wife or assist who would answer the questions directed at him. Weird.

  22. This is ridiculous...get your own freaking diet coke. And even if she's sick and can't speak up, one assisant is enough. I say Mariah.

  23. I cannot fathom anyone being this stupid.

    @ReluctantBride - I can't stand Toby Keith. FYTK :)

  24. jho. she likes aspartame, so diet coke would fit right in.

  25. Totally Mariah but with a third assistant to hold the bendy straw.

  26. Is JLo really classified as a singer? She'd be a singer/actress. She's doing much more acting nowadays than singing.

    Mariah makes more sense, particularly because she's trying to get pregnant, so she'd be avoiding alcohol.

  27. Just when you think narcissistic megalomaniacs can't get any more annoying...

    I'll bet assistant #1 drank it and assistant #2 peed it out.

  28. Has to be Christina Aguilera. I have a friend in LA who is a waitress at a top restaurant and said that she does this all the time!

  29. @Mary Stewart-McGovern

    When my friend Aila worked for Diana Ross, she wouldn't let people meet her eyes, she refused to respond to anyone in the public who asked her something directly, she wouldn't speak to anyone in the public but had an assistant do it, and etc.

    She may well have had her reputation ripped to shreds by that behavior and improved her attitude later in her career, but she was known for being a mega-bitch at the top of her fame.
