Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Teen Mom Is Everywhere

When I first wrote about Teen Moms I think it was at the end of the first season and still called 16 And Pregnant. I don't remember exactly what I wrote, but I do remember that I liked the show but thought it would encourage other teens to probably get pregnant and they would see it as an easy way for fame and not actually consider the fact they were bringing a baby into the world and that there are thousands of teen moms but only a few chosen for the cast of the show.

The show is still good, but until a few weeks ago there was not much outside press about the show. An article every now and then but everything was pretty much confined to the show. No clubs were paying the moms to show up and no one was making huge bucks outside the show. That is all changing. Over the past month almost every tabloid has had Teen Mom on their cover. This week, People becomes the last of the big tabloids to throw one of the couples on their cover.

The couple they chose is one of my favorites. They were smart enough to know they could not raise their baby and gave the baby up for adoption. I loved following Catelynn and Tyler and their decision. I also like how the show does not glamorize teen pregnancy. What I don't like is now clubs and promoters are starting to call some of the teen moms and offering them money to show up and that is the part that scares me for other teens who are not only seeing teen moms on tv and on tabloids but also in Las Vegas or in clubs getting paid to be there simply because they got pregnant as teens.


  1. My mom would have been PISSED if I got pregnant when I was a teen. There's no way in hell she'd allow me to parade around a show, disgracing our family. I blame the parents.

  2. Wait, teen moms in clubs? Isn't that illegal?

  3. I think this show should be shown to all teenagers in middle school and high school. It certainly does not glamorize teen pregnancy and would show these kids that having a kid is not "cool," in fact, it is quite the opposite at such a young age. It is harder for young parents who have to still get their education, because in this day and age, you are considered "unemployable" without a degree of some sort.

  4. I was surprised (pleasantly) that the show does not glamorize being a teen mother. I hope the media and other outlets don't ruin it and the message it was meant to send to teens.

  5. I remember that episode, it was a really sad one. I don't think Catelynn's father was in the picture at all; and her mother refused to sign the adoption papers and wanted to keep the baby. Catelynn seemed more mature than her mother ever did.

  6. My mother didn't glamorize being a mother! I didn't need a TV show for that!!

  7. I bawled my eyes out throughout that episode.

    What courage and maturity these two have, and it's amazing they're so well-adjusted with the families they come from. I wish them the best.

  8. oh you know it's gonna be Amber at the club.

  9. I think it's the other one. The spoiled one who sued her mom...

  10. This is why Madonna and Angelina
    get babies from far away places where the mother is already dead.
    I predict a big tug of war down the road for this unfortunate litte one and it's gonna get UGLY.

  11. Catelynn's white trash mom is so hateful to her. She calls her a 'bitch' all the time for giving up her baby. I feel bad for her. Her meth head mom needs a good kick in her mouth.

  12. I don't think this will get ugly. Those two kids are pretty dang mature and remarkable. I think their 'story' is that they gave her up and are ok with their decision, even if it's hard at times.

    The adoptive parents have been very good at sending photos and setting up meetings too.

  13. I was a teenage parent, it was the toughest role of my life. Teenage parenthood is something I would never recommend for anyone. With a miracle, a hope and a prayer my daughter and I managed to survive. She is a university graduate, happily married with two beautiful girls..a few months ago the older one came home from school and told her mother that some of her friends had parents older than her granny..and so she subtracted my age from the age of her was a learning experience..

  14. that show disturbs me. i truly wish it didn't exist. i do believe that in some passive way it does glamorize teen pregnancy...hence the club promotors diving in.

  15. Totally agree, Enty!

    @Sue Ellen Mishkey &

    Ha! :)

  16. i think it glamorizes talentless fame more than teenage preg. and that's the attraction. it's one more way to get famous without making a sex tape.

  17. um. they're like 19...
