Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too Many Hookers - George Lopez And His Wife Call It Quits

After 17 years together and the gift of a kidney, Ann Lopez apparently could not take all the cheating anymore so the couple has decided to end their marriage. George's publicist released a statement that says what you would think. You know, something about how this was mutual and how they remain close and blah blah blah. Whatever. I doubt it was mutual for Ann. I mean when the guy you gave a kidney to so he could live decides he would rather have sex with multiple hookers in one day rather than be with you it has to sting a little bit. Oh, and I don't want you to think the hookers was a one time thing. Nope. Everytime he went out of town there were hookers.

I am surprised she didn't leave him when the reports first surfaced. Ann stuck it out through the summer and you just know every one of those days sucked. I think if you get a kidney from your wife you pretty much have to suck it up and be with them forever in a loving way. You would be dead if it was not for your wife. She gave you an organ!


  1. Ungrateful slob! Too bad she can't get the kidney back when they divide property, LOL.

  2. I wonder if he always cheated or if his increased fame and weight loss (midlife crisis/emotional trauma from his illness?) influenced it?

  3. So did the hookers come in to play AFTER he got the kidney or was he doing this before and she thought it would end because she saved his life? Either way he looks like an ungrateful jerk.

  4. Hopefully, she'll get half.

  5. How ironic is it that George Lopez was glued to Sandra Bullock's side when all of the stuff with Jesse James came out? I wonder if Sandra still thinks of him as one of her closest friends...

  6. "I think if you get a kidney from your wife you pretty much have to suck it up and be with them forever in a loving way."

    Hmm...no comment.

    If we all were to look into our friends' lives and be digusted by everything they do, we wouldn't have friends. If everyone else knew about these rumors, so did Sandy.

  7. She should sue him for sole custody of the kidney.

  8. Aren't he and Sandra Bullock good friends? Post-Jesse James, I can't imagine that she'll be too forgiving.

  9. George George George. So gross.

    Just goes to show you that cheating really has nothing to do with the cheatee, and everything to do with the cheater.

    But his even greater crime is the fact that he.is.not.funny.

  10. I wonder if he's the answer to any of Enty's blinds...? Regardless, I hope he loses his show.

  11. this dick took his wife on the View not 2 months ago chirping about their great marriage. Joy even harassed him about the kidney business.

  12. This just isn't right...the ungrateful pig. I hope she cleans him out...

  13. Make that a Jesse James/Tiger Woods/George Lopez drugs/hookers/whores clause in the pre-nup!! That's going to be one loooooooong document.

  14. Where in the seventh level of hell did he get those pants. I would divorce him just for wearing them.

  15. Sunnyside, those are golf pants. I have no idea why they design them so damn ugly. Many players usually wear khaki colors or dark colors now (on the pro side of things) and it is usually a wanna be ass clown who where those type of pants.

    I lost my right kidney because of Kidney Cancer.. I just can't get past that she gave him one of her kidneys and now this. If god for bid something happened to her one healthy kidney..

    I know I am projecting way too much of my kidney drama onto this gossip but dayum! she gave him one of her kidneys!

    And I am also quite curious as to what Miss Sandy has to say about this.

  16. she needs to work that club on him- Elin-style!

  17. I knew someone that helped their significant other through cancer & the SO repaid that person by having a long-term affair with someone else. There are obviously majorly selfish people in the world.

    I'm wondering how this will effect his show...?

  18. Not for nothin but Sandra has nothin to do with what goes on in George's house anymore than he does in her house. How many of us know a friend who has cheated/messed around on their spouse/bf/gf? Do u stop being their friend because of it?
    What he did was a stupid, and makes him look like an idiot but I am pretty sure he was probably cheating prior to getting the kidney, just cause she gave it doesn't mean his behavior is gonna change. He's still a dick though.

  19. What an asshole. I'm not saying he should have stuck with her because she gave him her kidney(that's a sad life) but at least don't cheat on her, respect her!

  20. never could stand him, he is not even funny. What an ungrateful prick!

  21. i still want to know what kidney disease he has/had

    I was diagnosed with FSGS 5 years ago, I'm progressing toward failure (I'm at 30%) and I would LOVE to find a live donor.

    I think if my husband gave me his kidney, I'd never cheat on him again.

    ha. ha. ha. joke.

  22. Ugh. What *I* want to know is, why hookers? You've got a name for yourself and you obviously want to cheat, why choose hookers who have been around the cockblock about a million times? Maybe it's a woman thing, but I find hookers so gross.

  23. Does she get the kidney back if he dies?

  24. I am so not surprised at this news. A friend of mine who works in a strip club has seen George Lopez there.

  25. Lady J, one of my friends cheated with her best friends partner, while she was also married. I did stop being friends with her because she hurt our mutual friend. Plenty of fish in the sea, you don't go after someone's SO.

  26. Some men love that kind of hooker life. BTW I see no difference in being a street pro and a penthouse pro.

    Hell, for that matter throw in the Playboy bunnies.

  27. ^^ Agree. Find them equally gross. Maybe it's a (hoped-for) privacy thing.

  28. I'm with Joella..she gave him a kidney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My husband gave me a kidney, making me love him even more..but then I don't patronize hookers.

  29. he's a nice guy...but unbelievably fug...i can't imagine even his wife wanting to sleep w/ him, much less anyone else. awful thing to do to a woman who's been faithful and stuck by him in sickness and in health. you're an ass, george.

  30. And I used to like this schmuck. Too bad she didn't ding his noggin with that club!

    (yeah, yeah, I know...we should not condone DV).

  31. Look, there is two ways to do it....get a divorce because you are unhappy, or cheat. He took the bad road of cheating.

  32. She gave him an organ, and he decided to share one of his organs.

    Sorry, had to say it.

    I never found him funny, either.
