Monday, September 27, 2010

X-Factor Hooker Caught Doing Coke

Two weeks ago I wrote about the contestant on X-Factor in the UK who freely admits she is a hooker and that she has raised her prices since she first appeared on the show. I also told you about how she has a two year old daughter. Well, The Mirror has video of Chloe Mafia taken earlier this week where she is doing lines of coke before heading off to meet a client who was willing to pay $625 for two hours of sex with Chloe.

During the video she admits she is often high in front of her little girl and leaves her girl in hotel lobbies with friends while she has sex with clients. She also talks about one time she had sex with a drug dealer and got so high she could not even manage to open a loaf of bread. All this in front of her daughter.

"I didn’t even think it was that strong and I did loads but then it hit me and I was f****d. I went downstairs and the moment the guy on reception saw me he said, ‘You’re coked out of your head aren’t you?’. I was so out of it I walked into the hotel kitchen, but once I got in there I couldn’t even open the packaging on a loaf of bread. I was that bad."

This weekend was her last on the show. Even if you cannot watch the video you need to read the article. Tell me also why she is still allowed to take care of her daughter.


  1. my thoughts about her aside, someone pls remove the child from her there a father involved at ALL? :(

  2. Ditto what Pookie said...

  3. I never had a father, but I had one hell of a mother who did a super great job, and never had to resort to turning tricks to keep us going. It's possible. I don't care what they say.

  4. The father's around Pookie but from his kiss and tell in yesterday's paper show he's no better.

    As for why the baby's still with her, we have an emphasis on helping the parents with the child rather than just taking the child away, however jacked up the family situation. The foster care system isn't a good place to be either, as it's underfunded and overwhelmed :(

  5. can someone tie her damn tubes and be done with this cheap trick!
    i feel so sorry that kid...

  6. I can tell you why she is allowed to have her daughter in one word - England. It is HARD to get arrested/in trouble there.

  7. Jessica, that's not entirely true. It's just a lot is tied up in bureaucracy and whether or not it's in the public's interest to prosecute, particularly at the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service).

    More often than not, defence lawyers invoke the EU's Human Rights act and they're stuck with their hands tied.

    There's also a huge prison population that we, the taxpayers, are paying for and public funds are stretched beyond belief.

    I despair at the state of this country so much.

  8. CPS = Child Protective Services here. What is Crown Prosecution Service? The Queen's right to prosecute?

  9. Crown Prosecution Service is a bit like the District Attonrney's Office.

    And Jessica, it isn;t hard to get arrested or in trouble in the UK, there are quite strict child protection laws but children are taken away from their families as a last resort

  10. anyone willing to leave this child in her care is negligent. CPS included.

  11. Yet Brittany still retains custody of her kids. It really is about who you are and how much money you make/pay off the law.

    And like this is a shock. The girl has resorted to hooking. Dear media, Do your f*cking job. Report the REAL news. Like the BP oil spill, or the hundreds of missing girls in Juarez, or the war in Afghanistan. You know, the stuff that matters. Hookers doing blow? Jesus you guys are lame.

  12. What MadLyb said about the press reporting this story. Coked-up hookers stealing hotel bread. This is some hard-hitting journalism!
