Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Apparently Rumer Willis Is Hollywood Royalty

Kneepads has certainly lived up to their name today. Right now I imagine the editors over at People on their knees at Bruce and Demi's feet while they wait for Bruce & Demi to scratch the editors behind their ears and say, "Good job."

While reporting on the story that Rumer and her boyfriend broke up, they chose to ignore the fact that Rumer was the one who was hurting. Instead they focused on how she had a great time in Vegas and was flirting with guys and moving on. I can understand that part. They are in the kiss ass business so that is to be expected. However there is such a thing as kissing butt and another where they are sucking up so hard that you wonder if they could possibly have any objectivity about anyone.

Here is a quote direct from People.

"Willis, 22, whose famous mother Demi Moore and stepfather Ashton Kutcher have been under fire for relationship woes of their own, seems to be bouncing back just fine. On Saturday, she headed to Tao in Las Vegas where last year she celebrated her 21st birthday. The Hollywood royalty hung out with Glee's Mark Salling and his pal Chord Overstreet, who appeared on the hit show as well."

The Hollywood royalty? Really? WTF? So anyone who is the offspring of someone who makes movies is Hollywood royalty and therefore deserves to be treated with kid gloves? And tabloids wonder why celebrities become self entitled or think they are better than everyone. Rumer has done nothing. Nothing. She has had some very small roles in a couple of things. Did they write this hoping that Demi will give them a cover story?


  1. They can call her whatever kind of royalty they want, and we still won't care.

  2. Who?

    The only thing I remember Rumer Willis for is the quote from the writer after whom she was named who said, "Oh, that poor child!"

    Is it me or have the entertainment rags returned to the days of "The Jimmy Stewart Family Goes Fishing!" and "Rock and Doris' Big Date." It used to just be KneePads and a couple of apes but now it all seems like shlock gloss flack now.

  3. One day I'd love to hear about Celebrity Offspring the college student or Celebrity Offspring the teacher, or anything else. They either demand a career in Hollywood or they become useless sponges.

  4. Why did they report this "story"?

  5. I will never ever care what Tater Head does! The only reason she has gotten any parts at all is because of nepotism.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I don't care about Kneepads or their stories but Rumer and her ex look like brother and sister to me.

  8. Yeah, you've pretty much got it, Enty. If you've got parents in Hollywood, and you're out on the "Hollywood scene", you qualify as Hollywood Royalty. As long as we all understand it means nothing.

  9. While I agree that Kneepads printed a totally suck up article, I don't disagree with the Hollywood Royalty description. Royalty is exactly what the name implies...status due to birthright. That is about all she really is. Her parents are HUGE Hollywood stars and she is their offspring, thus making her Hollywood Royalty.

  10. RocketQueen has a pretty good handle on all of this. Rumer is Hollywood royalty, but it has no consequence. The label doesn't bother me.

  11. Please fix your jaw, Rumer. It's scary.

  12. While you are at it, please fix Lenos.

  13. That straight-on pic is giving me the willies.

  14. Enty had it right she is NOTHING. She isn't a celeb but then what is a celebrity these days?

    Hmmm, daughter of famous parents.

    Puts her right in the same catagory as Bristol Palin. Gee, I wonder why she hasn't appeared on Dancing with the Stars.

    Ugh. She irks my last nerve.

  15. Is she "Hollywood Royalty?" Seriously now, this is a topic? What is this, The fucking View?
    What is a little scary, though, is that anybody is so very intent about correctly reporting that this girl is "hurting" after a break-up, like that's an important story that we need to get right. Duh, the story isn't about her, it's about "famous movie stars have happy successful child." If she's dealing heroin on Rodeo then that's a story that contradicts the proposed narrative but if she's sad about breaking up with her boyfriend, well, not so much. And making sure we all know about it seems a bit spiteful.

  16. If she is Royalty, Meryl Streep must be Queen of the Universe.

  17. LOL @ "tater head"

    I thought you could only be referred to as that when your grandparents or great-grands were also famous.

  18. let her have the royalty label...poor thing certainly won't get by on those looks.

  19. lol, Pookie!

    I'm sure the only reason she got a mention is because Bruce has a movie coming out and maybe, just maybe, it could be a hit.

    If Rumer's Hollywood Royalty, what is Jamie Lee Curtis?
