Wednesday, October 13, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This young singer is so desperate to prove herself as the real deal, she’s planning a very sexy and scandalous photo shoot soon. The only reason this is a blind is because the source that tattled said it hasn’t been officially confirmed yet and the hype needs to be handled by her PR.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM


  2. Ditto what Sylvia said. Disney is upset with her latest music video.

  3. And how does doing a sexy and scandalous photo shoot when you're a teen singer prove you to be anything other than a desperate fame whore?

  4. An article came out yesterday with a source claiming that Miley has already signed the contract to pose for Playboy and will do so shortly after her 18th birthday. It didn't say how much she will bare.

  5. That video where Miley is a bird or whatever is effing hilarious. She is in a giant nest. Really? I just re-watched it, I can't believe it exists.

  6. I'm going against the grain and saying Ke$ha.

    She's so desperate to prove that she can actually sing...

  7. Sorry...Miley couldn't possibly have signed a contract to pose for Playboy, as she is only 17 years old. I would have a difficult time believing Playboy would be so careless as to contract a minor to pose for their magazine, even if the shoot takes place after their 18th birthday. I'll see it when I believe it.

  8. That said, I could believe that she is planning on doing it as soon as she turns 18, but it isn't official yet because she can't sign any contracts until she turns 18. If she does pose for Playboy, she is an idiot. She doesn't need the exposure. She already has it.

  9. Miley.....gee does anyone really think her shelf life won't expire shortly...

  10. I think the whole Playboy conglomerate was in good hands when Christie Hefner was HBIC. Now, probably not so much.

    And if Miley does this, she's a GD fool.

    Now, I can see her little sister doing it no problem, if only to make some kind of name for herself and set herself apart somehow. She's probably already toast anyway, judging by her recent "lingerie" line...

  11. i like the kesha guess. what about taylor momsen? could so see her doing this.

  12. Miley is the obvious choice, especially considering her recent video. I'm thinking maybe Selena Gomez as the out of left field choice. She has some songs on the radio now.

  13. and showing hoohas and tatas make you the real deal how?

  14. Let's face it...there would be no scandal attached to Kesha or Taylor Momsen posing nude. I think at this point, people probably expect it of them.

    However, with Miley, there are many parents who don't know any better and still view her as a "role model" and to have her pose nude would be a huge scandal.

  15. I would pay NOT to see Taylor Momsen nacked.

  16. Could also be that Demi Lovato person. I just don't care. They're all the same now, it's kind of depressing how they're selling sex so young.

  17. There aren't many young singers, really. Your parent cannot for Playboy if you are a minor. That would be death for a parent.

    Taylor Swift would never, or I don't believe she would ever stoop that low. Miley is already a truck stop hooker.

  18. Sorry, Miley's already done the "scandalous" shoot thing.
    Although I have no doubt about an upcoming nude shoot after she's legal.
    I'm kinda wondering if it's not Ali - Dina's gotta be getting worried about the cash flow about now....

  19. Unless this is the lamest blind ever, how can this possibly be Miley after the past two years at least of her planned "very sexy and scandalous" photo shoots or pole dancing or whatever? If anything I think Taylor is desperate to prove herself ... as a hot sexy thing instead of a wet rag Nicole-Kidman-mannequin mini-me.

  20. No way it's Miley. Come on! Scandalous photo shoot? Like the Annie Leibowitz one wasn't scandalous enough? Like her newest music video isn't? Or her pole dancing on an award show? Sorry, but saying there is a super secret scandalous photo shoot coming out with her is laughable. She's been there, done that. Several times.

  21. I am kinda agreeing with Jessica above...

    I suppose the MOST scandalous would be Taylor Swift, being so innocent and demure-looking. But she needs no cred since she's hot as can be right now.

    I would flip out seeing my sister-in-law's reaction to a Miley Playboy shoot, over-18 or not, given that she still acts like Miley/Hannah Montana are suuuccchhh great role models for my nieces.

    AND she thought Noah was s great. Just let me see my nieces wearing some slutty kid lingerie and all Hell's gonna fly.

  22. I believe it would be Miley... she's 18 in a month, so this shoot is probably right around the corner.

  23. I'm on the Miley train. She is desperate to be seen as an adult artist rather than just a teen phenom. She has that new "The Boy" song that was part of a whole "new direction" storyline on Hannah Montana. She has been planting scandalous images in the press for the last year. No doubt, she would see a nude photo shoot as another step in the right direction as soon as she turns 18. And it *would* be scandalous. She still has tons of pre-teen and young teen fans who haven't been exposed to the questionable photos (or who - thankfully - are still too innocent to realize that they're extremely inappropriate). However, a nude photo shoot in Playboy would be hard for people to ignore. Miley is also in the last year of Hannah Montana, so she is getting desperate to build a career of her own outside that show.

  24. Is this the photoshoot the blind is referring to?

    Taylor Momsen dressed in her underwear on the cover Revolver. She's holding two automatic pistols. How old is she -- 16, 17? She looks skanky as hell.

    Here's a link to Dlisted.

  25. But Miley already did a "sexy and scandalous" photo shoot. Gotta be someone younger...or more innocent than Miley.

  26. My first thought was Ke$ha, but I think Merlin may be on to something ...

  27. Avril Lavigne... see here..
