Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Christina Aguilera Blames Her Husband For Everything

Christina Aguilera's people under the guise of being her "friends" are telling tabloids that Christina left her husband Jordan because he was holding her back career wise. After her last album tanked she decided to divorce him, you know because it is all his fault that she didn't have an original thought on her record and tried to recycle old stuff she did combined with being Lady GaGa. It flopped, so she showed Jordan the door. Sounds like it was definitely a relationship based on love, huh?

Christina is trying to release stories or version she think will help her when the inevitable "other people" start showing up. What she should do is just focus on making better records and stop trying to blame her failures on Jordan.


  1. LOL BigMama yep!

    Oh please peeps, does Xtina blaming the husband for all her fails really shock anyone?

    I'll bet the farm that the answer is NOPE!

  2. I wonder if she really believes this ?

  3. MISCH I bet she really does.

    Sadly I see a whole downward spiral for Xtina in our future.

  4. Radar Online and Dlisted are reporting that Christina is getting down with the ladies, particularly Sam Ronson.

    This girl really irks me. I find her very talented and underrated. I don't know what she was thinking with trying to do the whole sexpot Lady Gaga thing. She should put out an album of power ballads, because in this day and age of overprocessed regurgitated music, that would actually be groundbreaking.

    I can't wait to see if Burlesque does well or will also flop. Cher and Stanley Tucci are a part of it, and they are no joke. Good luck, Christina.

  5. What she needs to focus on is her KID. She's never going to make another good record. Do some mini-tours, set up shop in Vegas, whatever. Just give up on trying to do anything new or shocking (it's never going to work--you aren't very bright and your management is terrible) and concentrate on providing a stable, happy life for your son.

  6. I think this is all to create a diversion from the fact she has been munching on Samantha Ronsons's carpet.

  7. Christina hun...no offense girl, but you're a mom now and i for one have no desire to see you gyrating on the floor. Live up to your potential and move along with your career. (and no i ain't saying moms can't sex it up ....but if you're a one trick pony...)

  8. Susan-I was thinking the same thing. With it coming out-No pun intended-about the "women" she has allegedly been getting down with, she cannot blame anyone but herself for the record failure. She cancelled her tour instead of going for smaller more intimate venues. She was the one that tried to go "sexy and edgy" Madonna and GaGa have and are doing that.
    For some reason, I see this divorce as getting very messy very quickly. Wonder how much money will be paid to keep people quite?

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I don't know what her relationship with her soon to be ex is/was but the way I see it they have a kid so the least she should do is shut the hell up.

  10. Really lame of Christina to blame Jordan for her shortcomings. Its not his fault she tried to use a gimmick and it failed. The problem is she DOESN'T NEED a gimmick because she actually has talent. The bitch can sing circles around most of the people in the music industry but she would rather slut it up and slide around on the floor like gutter trash. GET IT TOGETHER CHRISTINA!

  11. Oh come on - it was hardly a secret that Jordan was sleeping in the guest house even before her latest album came out.
    Regardless of her reasons, she should try to show a little class for the sake of her kid.

  12. Actually I believe her - I think given Jordan is a music exec, he probably had a lot to say about what she did and did not do on her album. Also, I really hate when people say Christina did Lady Gaga - sorry but it's the other way round for me...Lady Gaga is just a Madonna/Britney/Christina wanna be who has some talent but her voice will never match to Christina's. I personally don't care about her love life and who she's sleeping with. Just get back to singing girl, because there isn't anything in the industry as good!

  13. No one has to be to blame, some marriages just don't work out. I don't think unless one person was beating the other or the child it has be even be a major thing. Happens everyday, people just get tired of each other.

  14. She has such a great voice, as said above. I wish she would just shut up and sing. And lose the orange skin and overly bleached hair and bright red lipstick.

  15. I guess he's to blame for those eyebrows too

  16. I know he's a music exec but I don't see how all the blame could be placed on him. At her level, she should have been making a lot of the decisions, right?

  17. word out of nashville is that the flop was a deliberate illunminati humiliation...in like manner to what kanye did to taylor. i can't believe i just typed this. i'm not a conspiracy theorist so i'll shut up now. *seen too much and need coffee*

  18. Pookie - more info please! I don't quite know what you mean about illuminati humiliation - do you mean that Bratman wanted it to bomb?

  19. RQ...no, not bratman...he's a label exec (a marketing one)...actually pretty decent at it. not a bad dude...this had nothing to do w/ him, really...but rather w/ xtina stemming back to the disney days and things she refused to do back then. some say this is retaliation for 'not playing' all those yrs (she didn't need to, she had incredible success w/o them)...ironic, b/c the flop happened once she decided to join the game. it's said she wasn't expecting it or the smear campaign (major character assasination...she's not a bitch nor is she gay/bi)...is said to be going thru a depression now.

  20. If she would just SING and stop all the other theatrical bullshit I would buy her music. She has HELLA pipes. Major talent, IMO. Use it. Just sing, for chrissakes!

  21. Wearing that stupid Red Lipstick for 2 years was HER choice, not his.

  22. Pookie, thank you for those deets. I always loved Christina. I hope she gets it together.
