Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Colin Farrell Leaves His Baby Mama

Granted, this comes from Star Magazine, but I know that many of you would like the chance to have a shot at Colin Farrell and they say he is available. In their issue this week, Star says that Colin decided to leave Alicja Bachelda Curus because she wanted them to have a future together and he wanted to play the field. Actually his exact words were he wanted to be a free spirit. That is just a fancy way of saying the same thing. So, he left the mother of his one year old baby.

You better hurry if you want Colin because he is supposedly hovering around Agyness Deyn.


  1. Touching Colin Farrell comes with a lifetime prescription of Valtrex, thanks but I'll pass.

  2. I started hating Agyness Deyn the moment I heard about her - because Perez Hilton was gushing and drooling all over her and always talked about liking her so much. I know it's stupid but if he likes someone, I almost always despise them. Lady Caca included.

  3. That's two baby mamas, how many more to go?

  4. I like Collin. I haven't seem him in any new movies for awhile. Having a baby ain't gonna keep someone with you. He's not ready for a commitment, she is. Best thing to do is walk away.

  5. True, Lady.

    He needs to take a page out of the book of Clooney. The chapter on vasectomy.

  6. Now that is a whore.

  7. that is an interesting coupling...

  8. Lainey is gonna be all over this one. She has a weird obsession with Farrell and decided that this rel'ship made him a changed man. Not anytime soon.

  9. Colin is a good time guy, not a Dad. I find him crazy sexxxy.

  10. I hope he doesn't resume the nose candy habit. I think he is hot.

  11. Colin is a GREAT Dad! His first son was born autistic i think and he's been pretty devoted,more so than the mother.

    i can't see him not wanting to be with this other kid cuz it didn't work out with the babymomma.

  12. @Jessica...i find it SO funny you said that about Agyness Deyn, because i thought the exact same thing! i thought she was so over hyped by him, and she had the most awful hair, and horrible clothes...he has pretty bad taste in the ladies he loves on!

    and Colin, thanks but no thanks...ugh

  13. Colin Farrel has a severely Autistic Son with Fragile X Syndrome. The boyjust learned to walk at the age of 4. THat's some serious shit. Hey, he's gorgeous, and a Hollywood Stud. Do what you want baby. I need some valtrex, after the fantasy I just had with him.

  14. He has settled down a lot, but apparently not enough for monogamy.

  15. @ Jamie's Girl - his son James has Angelman's Syndrome... totally different to Fragile X and Autism. Personally I don't think Colin is as big of a player as he is made out to be, considering he used to act like such a knacker but is really from a well-to-do family just goes to show that you can't take it all at face value. If they did break up that's sad. Either way her family will come out with a statement about it.

  16. Colin is one of the nicest guys on the planet. There are not many Scots or Irish celebs (with perhaps the exception of Sean Connery) that aren't down to earth, kind and humble. Sure he was a wild boy but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a good heart. Like all the break up stories I read about, only the people in the relationship know what really went on so I don't much read into the gossip on those.

    I loves me some Celts!

  17. Colin is a hot, hot piece. But you'd have to go into it realistically, knowing that it's just fling.

  18. He is very cute/charming...

    I hope it ended amicably.

  19. Blogger jax said...

    " Colin is a GREAT Dad! His first son was born autistic i think and he's been pretty devoted,more so than the mother."

    Who does the child live with?
